An activist group in Nevada – “Latinos for Reform”- is running an ad on television, radio and the Internet telling Nevada’s Hispanic population not to vote on election day so as to teach Democrats a lesson for failing on the promise to deliver on immigration reform.

But this is not some liberal PAC fed up with the lack of progress on a hot button issue for the state’s Hispanic population.

‘Latinos for Reform’ is headed by Robert De Posada, a conservative political analyst who makes occasional appearances on the spanish-speaking television network, Univision. The treasurer for the group is a high-powered Republican lobbyist named Juan Carlos Benitez who was named a special counsel for immigration related unfair employment practices in the Bush Administration…

The television ad imploring Hispanics not to vote should be taken down immediately. No voter should have their right to vote suppressed or denied.”

It has been taken down by some. Univision – at least – is refusing to carry the advert.

It’s not the first time we’ve heard from the group. In an effort to exploit distrust between the Latino and African American communities during the 2008 presidential campaign, ‘Latinos For Reform’ ran ads accusing Barack Obama of putting the interest of African Americans before Latinos and the interest of the African continent ahead of nations of Latin America.

  1. dusanmal says:

    Robert De Posada, Juan Carlos Benitez, … by all accounts this is group of Hispanics/Latinos addressing fellow Hispanics/Latinos… Seen from that perspective, Univision refusal to run it is blatant obstruction of the political speech.

    Also, Eideard, knowing this your title picture is pure flame. No whites here involved suppressing someone else. 3 differet aspects of Hispanic/Latino community involved, general population, Right and Left. Notice that only the Left actually blocked political speech and action they didn’t like.

  2. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Has this been a dirty campaign? Geez.

  3. Maricopa says:

    That sign was obviously NOT painted by Mexicans. Everything was kept within the borders…

  4. NobodySpecial says:

    Who is white? And what possession of his is served?

  5. Glass Half Full says:

    That is a dishonest ad if there ever was one. Hopefully this guy isn’t a good Republican right wing Christian, otherwise (according to his beliefs) Jesus will have to have a word or two with him about his lying and deception. What a scumbag.

  6. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:


    Well, at least you are consistent.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    When I first watched the commercial, I thought “Why not vote for someone else? Republican, Independent, etc.”

    So why say “don’t vote”?

    It’s simple, Nevada is a closed voting state. People may vote in a party’s primary only if they are registered members of that party.

    So a Democrat can’t vote for anyone else but a Democrat.

    What to do? Change party or don’t vote. Asking an entire group to change party isn’t feasible so the second option wins.

    It’s basic. I wonder how many understand this??

  8. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Ah Yea–I don’t have to wonder because you so clearly reference the issue as voting in closed primaries.

    The issue is however voting “on election day” making your point completely irrelevant.

    I assume dismal is just being his normal jack booted thug. But your excuse is????

  9. Floyd says:

    #7: What you say is more or less the truth, I used to work and live in Nevada a few years ago, and I voted for Dubya, unfortunately.

    It’s also true that in the last election I voted in, the election board put out voting machines that might not have worked properly. A Nevada voter would have a better shot at honesty playing the slots.

  10. John says:

    A good percentage of the registered Hispanics probably are not legal to vote anyway.

  11. Floyd says:

    John, if a person of Spanish (or other) descent is a citizen and a resident, they can register to vote in the primary. Same for the election.

  12. Trolly McTroll says:

    #11 – comprehension fail.

  13. MikeN says:

    >accusing Barack Obama of putting the interest of African Americans before Latinos

    So limited in their thinking. They should have ran ads the other way. Obama’ssupport of immigration amnesty hurts black employment. He puts the interests of Latinos ahead of blacks.

  14. MikeN says:

    Each party likes to have the other side’s supporters not vote. Shocking, I know. This is why Democrats runs gay bashing ads during elections, especially if their opponent can be labelled pro-gay in some fashion, like against Pete Coors.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Thank you Floyd, my point exactly.

  16. spsffan says:

    Many here seem to be missing the point. The majority of Latino voters vote Democrat. The sponsor of the ad is a Republican party hack trying to lower the Democratic vote total in a very close senatorial race.

    There are plenty of reasons not to vote, including:

    1. It just encourages them
    2. It can be considered a act of violence.
    3. Nobody worthy of my vote running.
    4. The machines are rigged anyway.
    5. Refusal to give my endorsement to my opressors.



  17. dvdchris says:

    Thank you, NobodySpecial.
    I can’t stand incorrect usage of “apostrophe’s.'”
    (And “quotation marks!”)

  18. Guyver says:

    Rather strange contrast to be showing a picture from the days of Southern Democrats & Jim Crow laws.

  19. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #4 NobodySpecial : I am so used to plowing through bad grammar on the internet I didn’t even notice the misplaced apostrophe. I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you for pointing it out.

    By the way, you may need to replace your moniker. You must be Somebody Special. Had I pointed out the punctuation error, Bobbo would have jumped all over me. Not that he isn’t cute – I just don’t swing that way.

  20. bobbo, not that I care about grammar and such says:

    Well, I wasn’t gonna say anything but you grammar deficient types seem to think apostrophes only mean one thing: denoting the possessive? But it is often used to denote missing letters the identity of which is known in context.

    Here, that would be “asse.” When either of two interpretations can be made, the one that makes sense should be chosen over the one that does not.

    But I’m not about grammar, or spelling, or even syntax or word choice when the meaning is clear. A good idea not formally expressed remains a thing of beauty compared to a bad idea grammatically correct.

    Thank Goodness at least Floyd and Ah Yea can understand this.

  21. MikeN says:

    So putting up fake ads encouraging them not to vote because the Democrats they would normally support aren’t worthy of support, that’s beyond the pale. Now how about if they had put up a fake candidate for the immigration amnesty platform, and ran ads encouraging voting for that guy? Is that OK, or would you still say it’s bad? I personally think this is worse, but you guys think the opposite, judging from your lack of posts about the fake tea party candidates that the Democrats have put up.

  22. FRAGaLOT says:

    Isn’t this focused on people who can’t vote anyway? What’s the point then?

  23. RSweeney says:

    How about a compromise… only eligible US citizens who are still alive can vote – once.

    Like the law says.

    Although this would be a big stretch for the Democrats.

  24. Bob says:

    #23, The democrats would never allow such extremist ideas to be enforced.

  25. Angel H. Wong says:

    Why are the Republicans so worried? Ever since the Teabaggers appeared they realized they don’t need the hispanic vote to win.

  26. Benjamin says:

    Hmm, Juan Carlos Benitez sound like one of those Mexicans. If legal ones don’t vote there are plenty of illegals to vote in their place. Kinda sad.

  27. tcc3 says:

    Hmm, so all Hispanics are illegals?

    I guess only handsome white people can be Americans…


  28. Guyver says:

    23, RSweeny,

    How about a compromise… only eligible US citizens who are still alive can vote – once.

    Like the law says.

    I’d take it a step further. Due to the obvious conflict of interest with tax-paying Americans, welfare recipients should forfeit their right to vote until they get off of welfare.

  29. akallio says:

    > The television ad imploring Hispanics not to vote
    > should be taken down immediately. No voter should
    > have their right to vote suppressed or denied.

    How does a TV ad have the power to “suppress or deny” the right to vote? That charge is for old style Chicago politicians who had a an array of tactics far beyond TV ads.

  30. Faxon says:

    Mexicans are not US Citizens. Hence they should not vote in the United States.
    A Mexican-American, however, can vote on Wednesday.


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