MATTHEWS, NC (WBTV) – Two parents are facing drug charges after their child took their drugs to school and told a school officer his parents were breaking the law.

WBTV is not releasing the names of the parents or the name of the school to protect the child’s identity. The 11-year-old student is in 5th grade at a an elementary school in Matthews. Police say he brought his parents’ marijuana cigarettes to school when he reported them.

Matthews Police say he reported his parents after a lesson about marijuana was delivered by a police officer who is part of the D.A.R.E. program, which teaches kids about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. “Even if it’s happening in their own home with their own parents, they understand that’s a dangerous situation because of what we’re teaching them,” said Matthews Officer Stason Tyrrell. That’s what they’re told to do, to make us aware.”

Tyrrell says the town’s D.A.R.E. officer spends time at each of the three elementary schools in Matthews teaching kids to make the right choice when it comes to drugs. Police arrested the child’s 40-year-old father and 38-year-old mother on Thursday. Both were charged with two misdemeanor counts each of marijuana possession and possession of drug paraphernalia. They were not jailed and were released on a written promise to appear in court.

“I don’t give drugs to my kids,” the father told us when we went to his house. When we asked him how his kid got a hold of his drugs, he replied, “That’s no one’s business.”

Police say both the 11-year old and a sibling have been removed from the parents’ house by social services. Police say they are staying with relatives.

For now. This is the kind of crap people should be seriously pissed off about. You evil alcohol and tobacco users are next, and you know who you are. I hope they stick him in a foster home so he isn’t endangered by his parents dangerous activity, maybe he’ll be happier there….give me an effen break.

  1. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    tcc3–not hard at all. All thats required is a memory that lasts about one week, and/or, no moral compass at all.

  2. MrMiGu says:


    So once the liberty minded Tea Party takes over, how long is it going to take you to give gays the liberty to marry each other?

  3. smartalix says:


    Only if you return the favor.

  4. Andrew says:

    I’m impressed Grasshopper with the use of the Little Snitch logo … funny.

  5. MrMiGu says:

    I think you should change your slogan to
    “Give Christians liberty or give us death”
    because it doesn’t seem that you really care whether or not those that don’t think exactly like you have those same freedoms as you.

  6. greyangel says:

    If you identify with a group then you are bound to the ideology of that group and there goes your freedom. I am not a Repugnacan. I am not a Demonocrat. I won’t even be a libertarian or Independent because those names are all co-opted by ideological garbage. I exist and if you don’t interfere with me, I won’t interfere with you. I respect your right to be who you are as long as you respect mine. Do no harm to others.
    That is what America should be about. Still, It’s human nature to screw up a good thing and there will never be a working system so long as that is true.

  7. Improbus says:

    For those of you that are new here, Alfred is this boards crazy person/troll. You can engage him in conversation but you will probably regret it unless you like playing with trolls and wasting your time.

  8. tcc3 says:

    Thus concludes today’s sneak peak at Alfred’s Big Book of Lame 1950’s Insults. Available at finer bookstores everywhere in 2011.

  9. Improbus says:

    Yeah, those insults would sting if they weren’t so lame and I actually cared.


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