Apple rolls out new Air laptops along with other goodies. Jobs still in the news for slamming RIM. Chillingo sells out to EA. Privacy issues once again plague Facebook. CNN highlights Smartphones. How do you do drag and drop with a browser app? MSFT gets NYC. 2 billion Internet users cannot be wrong. My take on hot marketing. LTE works like a champ. IBM moves from Dublin to China. Intel Sandy Bridge being low-balled? Cisco to buy RIM?

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  1. Lou Minatti says:

    Because they are supremely portable, insanely useful and vastly entertaining. Data plans are also too expensive.

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    The smartphone isn’t a national sensation, overall the smartphone holds a relatively small share of US cellphone sales. It’s the new generation of feature phone and smartphone combined that’s a sensation. That’s because it allows one to now do things that have previously been restricted to the computer realm.

    Look at Japan, most people own a cellphone rather than a computer due to this fact.

  3. ECA says:


    A computerized device is only as good as its uses. MOST people cant find a PDA anymore, so whats next?
    Those that use them for GAMES/MUSIC/VIDEO are finding out that ITS NOT WORTH IT. SUCKS the battery life into the dirt, and the resolutions SUCKS(love those that think they are going to get 1080Hidef.)
    AND I wont go into the service plans.. MOST corps wont sell you the BASIC cellphone plan with these devices. SO that ALL the other options you would do at HOME on the computer, and transfer tot he unit.
    Then lets not count the ipown..which has 3 contracts to deal with. ATT/APPLE/Itunes..if 1 messes up, WHO do you call?

    Also with Current laws against talking/texting while driving… WHAT USE do you get out of a unit. UNLESS you are a passenger, you arnt going to do much. SCHOOLS are banning them from USE during school hours..

    I would rather 2-3 devices..NOT 1 that I could loose, and end up loosing ALL.

  4. jobs says:

    #3 ECA you forgot to add “GET OFF MY LAWN”.

  5. 00f1a64c says:

    Satisfied brickphone user reporting for duty. My phone does the basic features like GPS, email, etc, but unlike smartphones, my phone can actually make phone calls. Even in harsh conditions like: being held to make a phone call, or, when I’m driving in the country. Unbelievable.

  6. Speter says:

    take one useful device
    (add mass marketing) = popular
    (add internet/data) = sensational

    (add govt tracking / brain cancer) = reality

    people arn’t quite up to the reality bit yet.

  7. ECA says:

    tHERE ARE FEATURES THAT arnt IN THE Fantasy phones I WANT..
    2-3 batteries…1 for each section of the machine..Independent..
    1 for phone
    1 for computer
    1 for the Network
    Problem…ITS FAT.

    And really, the computer is no better then a C64 on CRACK.(last upgrade to c64 was a 35hz processor..)

  8. HomerSimpian says:

    Gave up the smartphone (Windows Mobile) and went back to my ‘old school’ cell phone (you can see the protruding antenna). No data plan and loving it. No longer a slave to the machine. On a totally different topic, this podcast sounds so much better when played at half speed. Try it. See if this episode when played slowly sounds so much funnier and better!

  9. Improbus says:

    I am not obsessed with my smart phone (Sprint EVO 4G) but it is damn useful. It is like a digital Swiss Army knife.


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