Hmmm..maybe “attack” is a bit strong.

  1. madtruckman says:

    i will say this, for you city dwellers, there seems to be more and more coyotes and wolves out running around in general. not sure what the solution is, except more hunting. ive been hearing them almost on a nightly basis at my home, when i used to never hear them.

  2. ChuckM says:

    That has to be the highest quality highway video I have ever seen… amazing.


    That’s the second “wolves in Russia” video I’ve seen in the last 24 hours show up on the net… pretty close to Halloween… I’m leaning more to the idea that it’s marketing for a new movie or something.

  3. SeenIt! says:

    I saw this clip (plus another from inside the car) about a week ago when they first appeared over at

    Old news!

    There’s also another one where wolves were feeding on a kill in the middle of a store parking lot and one wolf attacks the guy holding the video camera.

    I see some of the best videos at that site!

  4. The0ne says:

    What a dirty trick >.>!

  5. chuck says:

    Ricky Bobby warned us about this:

  6. Rob Leather says:

    More like “Wolves RUN PAST Russian Police Officer”. 😀

  7. LDA says:

    I guess saving him from a pack of wolves was good enough to get away with a faulty light.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Where the hell is Sarah Palin when you need her?

  9. ECA says:

    isnt this a repeat?

  10. W.T.Effyall says:

    They ran right past him without even glancing in his direction. Passive-aggressive wolves?

  11. MikeCraig says:

    I live in Canada where I have seen exactly one wolf in the wild and that in the middle of Banff National Park (many coyotes though). Twelve wolves seems like a lot on a six lane highway. Good way to get out of a ticket.

    In Victoria BC we are now overrun with deer and rabbits (and the occasional bear and cougar). Seriously, google rabbits and Victoria.

  12. deowll says:

    From the way this guy got into that car I do believe he understand man’s complex place in the food web.

    With a rifle man is at the top of the food chain. Without a gun man is just monkey meat waiting to be eaten.

  13. bobbo, Walt Disney was right says:

    I once was “trapped” in an airplane in Alaska for 15 minutes waiting for the wolves to leave. The minus 40 degrees got me anyway and that is why I now ghost write for Jack London.

  14. Captain Cheesedick says:

    #13. Bobbo- too bad. I would pay big bucks for a YouTube of you being eaten by wolves. No offense man.

  15. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    #14–A total waste of good cheese==oh really? Why?

    Ha, ha.

  16. Jstokey says:

    #1 – Solution – Tell contractors to stop building!

  17. f_w says:

    Wolves using the highway like any other person, whats the problem? O_o
    Animals do that all the time.

  18. tjspiel says:

    Former Superhero wannabe Jack “Wolf Caller” Johnson has been reduced to using obscure superpower for getting out of traffic tickets.

  19. ig33ku says:

    The wolves were obviously speeding. They should have gotten a ticket!!!

  20. adult toys says:

    the wolves have a lot of violation hunting under the influence of hunger illegal possession of deadly weapon fangs and claws to be exact hunting an officer in duty

  21. Rabble Rouser says:

    I thought Caribou Barbie could see Russia from her house, and hunted wolves from helicopters.
    Well, where the hell is her helicopter? Perhaps she needs a new job.
    Perhaps she has given up on wolves, since we all know that Caribou Barbie is now friends with the Wicked Witch of the East. And we all know that wicked witches are good friends of wolves.

    Just a thought.

  22. pdcant says:

    It was part of an ad campaign for vodka.


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