Historical marker in Raleigh to remember a dark chapter in NC history

Drug addicts are being paid cash to undergo sterilisation. Drug addicts across the UK are being offered money to be sterilised by an American charity.

Project Prevention is offering to pay £200 to any drug user in London, Glasgow, Bristol, Leicester and parts of Wales who agrees to be operated on. The first person in the UK to accept the cash is drug addict “John” from Leicester who says he “should never be a father”. The move has been criticised by some drug charities who work with addicts. Project Prevention founder Barbara Harris admitted her methods amounted to “bribery”, but said it was the only way to stop babies being physically and mentally damaged by drugs during pregnancy.

Drug treatment charity Addaction estimates one million children in the UK are living with parents who abuse drugs. Pregnant addicts can pass on the dependency to the unborn child, leading to organ and brain damage. Mrs Harris set up her charity in North Carolina after adopting the children of a crack addict. After paying 3,500 addicts across the United States not to have children, she is now visiting parts of the UK blighted by drugs to encourage users to undergo “long-term birth control” for cash.

John, a 38-year-old addict from Leicester, is the first person in the UK to accept money to have a vasectomy after being involved in drugs since he was 12. He said: “It was something that I’d been thinking about for a long time.

“I won’t be able to support a kid; I can just about manage to support myself.”

The question is..should people who cannot care for their children (financially or otherwise) be allowed to procreate? Maybe if it’s voluntary it’s OK, but how long will it remain that way? It seems we have been down this slope before.

  1. NobodySpecial says:

    “. Pregnant addicts can pass on the dependency to the unborn child”
    I’m pretty sure that nobody having a vasectomy was going to get pregnant anyway.

    However stupidity apparently can be passed on through the Y chromosome.

  2. spsffan says:

    I’m for just about anything that reduces procreation. Especially among the disfunctional/retarded/ignorant/ugly/extremely rich or extremely poor.

    There’s too damned many people, and too damned many useless people. Not that I care much about saving the planet…it will be burned up when the sun goes red giant…but they are in my way and they are annoying.

  3. NobodySpecial says:

    I recommend we start with the mentally ill ones that think a giant beard in the sky(*) tells them what to do. Not only have they caused most of the trouble in the world but it has proven impossible to treat.

    (*)Once we have dealt with them we can start on the blue-monkey, talking-elephant etc lot. But it’s the sky beard mob that seem to be the worse.

  4. spsffan says:

    #3 Nobody


    But, reduction in procreation is the biggest point. If you could get the population down to a reasonable level, with less fighting over resources, the mentally ill would be easier to deal with.

  5. NobodySpecial says:

    Unfortuanately the sky-beard mob seem to be obsessed with sex – it’s the only thing they ever talk about. They should probably get out in the fresh air and get more exercise.

    Admittedly the staff seem to specialize in non-reproductive sex but the customer still manage to have lots of babies.

  6. chris says:

    I think people on welfare shouldn’t be allowed to have more kids if they can’t pay for the current ones. I have no problem with this program.

  7. RSweeney says:

    This is how Democrats handled “non-desirables” before abortion.

  8. The Lord says:

    Americans will soon be slaves to the Chinese, and they will need you to grow their rice and shine their cars. Since they call the shots now, I don’t think you will see any population reduction taking place, they want lots o American slaves…

    I am the Lord Christ.

  9. LDA says:

    Giving drug addicts money to buy drugs (that is what addicts do) in exchange for permanent sterilization is immoral. People can turn their lives around and if someone is willing to take up the offer they should not be making lifelong choices while addicted to drugs. Furthermore, just because it is voluntary (apart from the addict getting free money to feed their addiction, making it theoretically a compulsion) it doesn’t mean it should be permissible, like J.C.D. says ‘you can’t sell yourself into slavery’.

    There is more food than everyone needs (it just doesn’t get to them), there is more land and resources and future improvements (vertical farming etc.) will probably (hopefully) compensate when the resources we use now run out. If not the population will become whatever is sustainable naturally (i.e. mainly famine). Some twisted people always think there are too many people.

    With twisted comments like some above it is no surprise genocide is part of human interaction. Save the world, kill yourself.

    P.S. Also, stop destroying the earth and there will be plenty for all (except the most vapid and greedy).

    P.P.S. People claiming to be ‘environmentalists’ (i.e. eugenicists) are trying to reduce the food supply (water restrictions, land buybacks etc.) so eventually there will probably not be enough food, but it will be deliberate.

  10. ECA says:

    Lets see.

    So those RICH Catholics/Mormons and such that have TONS of kids…Shouldnt be?
    The ones that are RULING this country?

    You are POOR and On drugs, and you decide you would rather have SEX, and NOT have kids and more problems in your life.

    SMART PERSON!! wouldnt you say?

    NOW back to the RICH idiot that ISNT on drugs, but TRAINS his kids how to get CORPS to back them into a Federal job.. And his 12 brothers and sisters.

  11. dusanmal says:

    New Progressive tactics… In early 20th century they lost because they attempted this by force of law. But, Mrs. M.Sanger saw how easily eugenics can be peddled as convenience … and now as “profitable” choice for victims.

  12. The DON says:

    This same organisation was doing this 5 months ago in the UK…. this is not new news…

    A lady with her 9 year old son were leaving a health clinic, and she was offered to partake in a new scheme which would get her £200.

    This lady is (was) not a drug addict. Her doctor happens to be in an area frequented by addicts.


  13. clancys_daddy says:

    #8 is that a statement and an expletive. You know I am the Lord, Christ, or do you suffer from multiple personalities as in I am the Lord, and I am Christ. Or as a third alternative you suffer from a Napoleonic syndrome in which case you are neither, your just nuts.

  14. deowll says:

    #3 Did you ever consider getting treated for your obsessive compulsive disorder?

    If you want to believe in nothing that is fine. If you want to believe in something that’s fine. If don’t know, that’s fine because we don’t know.

    If you freak out and want to tell others what to believe maybe you may need help dealing with your anger management issues so you can learn to live and let live.

    God bless you and may you have many wonderful experiences.

  15. bobbo, an advocate for agressive euthanasia AND maximum freedom says:

    Euthanasia has gotten a bad name for the same reason capitalism has: governments got control of it.

    The concept of euthanasia should be supported by all on a voluntary basis==ie, in the main the government should not get in the way of people choosing their own end. No spending $100K’s on 90 year old comatose patients in the ICU or more than one month on the 21 yo who has been comatose a month after a car accident.

    Similarly, parents should not be obligated to raise their brain absent kiddies. If both parents want a do-over, that should be allowed.

    The big fear seems to be that if the government “allows” euthanasia that that will turn into encouragement for euthanasia and then mandatory euthanasia. Using he slippery slope argument might be one of the few justifications for mandatory/against your will euthanasia???

    Yep, when there are already too many people, why the emphasis on keeping us around against our will or against sound economic policy WHILE maintaining individual free choice? Kiddies are property.

    “This is not a dream Jim, you’re dead!”

  16. Bob says:

    #3, wishing to end someones bloodline because you don’t like what they believe sounds very much like the actions of certain middle east religions.

    But this is America, you are free to wish for and believe whatever you want, far be for me to tell you different. If someone wants to be a bigot, then they should be free to do so.

  17. Nobodyspecial says:

    #16 – just suggesting that if you were planning on removing from people from the gene pool for having mental problems.
    Then believing in the sky-beard is just as daft as believing you are Napoleon and causes a lot more trouble.

    Only one guy who thought he was Napoleon caused any serious trouble – and he was at least justified.

    Removing 3 out of 4 of the middle eastern religions would certainly make things a lot simpler.

  18. e? says:

    Pretty good idea. Druggie gets money for their next hit, society’s gene pool gets some of the algae cleared up. Win-win.

  19. Serapheem says:

    I bet the people pissed off that the druggies are voluntarily getting snipped or getting their tubes tied really don’t get very upset by the idea of millions of little babies being ripped from their mother’s wombs from abortions. You non sky-beard believing people sure have strange set of morals.

  20. Nobodyspecial says:

    #19 – I believe that former glorious leader G W Bush had a certain fondness for Columbian nose candy in his youth.
    I was more shocked to discover that pretty much all musicians since Mozart appear to have enjoyed the odd spliff.
    I know which I would prefer – Bush junior^2 or little Hendrixes

  21. Zybch says:

    Good. Tie their tadpole tubes and rip out their womanly bits.
    Anyone who would willingly accept a cash payment to be sterilized has no place procreating in the first place.
    Give them a bonus if they haven’t yet been irresponsible as to bring a child into this world already.
    After all, a child just takes takes takes, but a nice shiny new plasma TV keeps giving.

  22. blakjak says:

    #19 actually I LOVE the idea of voluntary eugenics for the druggies, I’m saddened by the idea of abortion, but still ultimatley pro choice.

    I’m disgusted that people with such moronic beliefs as the sky-daddy worshipers are met with anything but scorn and ridicule by otherwise intelligent society. It’s pitiful that so great a country as the US should be so mentally retarded by so primitive and ridiculess ideas.

  23. Steve says:

    The same “Project Prevention” started doing this out here in Hawaii earlier this year too, but for $300: http://www.khon2.com/news/local/story/Sterilization-Program-Hits-Oahu-Streets/A2ZXr_bfnEWpBg7lh2tirg.cspx


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