I don’t know how it is in the rest of the country, but here in the Las Vegas area, if you were to return from a week out of town you’d open your mailbox and find it so densely packed with junk mail from those running from office that scientists would worry a black hole was about to form. Are they trying to single handedly solve the Post Office’s deficit with all the mailings? Ecology is definitely not a concern come election time. I could see the need to double the size of landfills to take it all.

Does anyone actually read any of this stuff? If you don’t have a DVR to skip the constant barrage of commercials on TV, then you’re probably already inured to the ‘message’ in this cardboard-based propaganda, so what’s the point? I have a DVR and only watch the ads occasionally to see who is attacking whom now (as if actual issues were ever discussed) in a new and clever (riiiiight!) way. Luckily I have a dumpster between my mailbox and apartment where it all goes, unread.

Do you read any of the campaign ads that come your way? Are you swayed by any of it to vote for that candidate? If so, can I interest you in providing me with your bank account number so I can deposit $10 million?

What Do You Do With The Campaign Literature You Get?

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  1. NobodySpecial says:

    There are politicians actually targeting people who can read?
    I suppose that’s a sign of hope.

  2. AndyMac says:

    You forgot “Shred it while laughing without reading it”

  3. Sparky_One says:

    One side bennie from loosing the ole abode, no mailing address for that crap!

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’ve not received a single piece of election mail. My incumbent Republican rep is a lock to win, and neither senator is running. Republican state rep is a lock to win also.

    Ha, sucks to live in Vegas, I guess. 🙂

  5. McCullough says:

    Just returned from the PO and was wondering the exact same thing. I tossed 15 pieces of “junk” political propaganda.

    The only thing worse than this are the phone calls every night. Most of them automated so you can’t even give them a piece of your mind. The ones that aren’t automated I try to talk some sense into, albeit Dem or Repug.

  6. faustus says:

    what a beautiful day for baseball… yes life is good…mmm pure sweet beer…. mmmm go giants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. TooManyPuppies says:

    I don’t read them and don’t watch any of the TV commercials, now am I swayed by them. Cool thing is our Postal worker leaves a couple of their white corrugated boxes next to the mail boxes in our complex so we can toss them in their and they recycle them.

  8. TooManyPuppies says:

    gah… * nor am I swayed^^

  9. bobbo, is burning mail a green energy source says:

    I’ve been thinking of venting my hibachi grill to the outside and burning my unwanted mail each winter. If elections were more than every other year and I added the posters, signs, and stickups I came across, I could keep myself warm all winter long.

  10. Rider says:

    I’m also going to hang a sign on my front door saying “I don’t vote for people who leave liter on my front door”.

  11. admfubar says:

    ha! back when i was a wee one.. i had gerbils as pets, we used to give them the junk mail to shred for their nests.

  12. Nobodyspecial says:

    back when i was young we had rottweilers as pets – we used to give them junk mailers to shred for their nests

  13. CrankyGeeksFans says:

    Don’t forget to ask the caller that your name and telephone number be taken off the contact lists of the political tele-marketers and survey takers, if they call.

  14. MikeN says:

    Is it all stamped? It is illegal to go door to door and put things in mailboxes. 50c a piece is a lot of money for a campaign, with very little chance of getting a return.

  15. ethanol says:

    Uncle Dave,

    Sadly, I am being flooded with mail from the Nevada campaign as well. All requests for donations. And I live in coastal California!!!

  16. politico says:

    I am a political guy, and yeah, many many campaigns on every level spend a fortune sending these out. Anyone have any suggestions about how we can reach voters in a more effective manner than what is currently done?

  17. Likes2LOL says:

    Wouldn’t it be swell to have a national DO NOT MAIL list that would allow us to opt out of this stuff? Yeah, dream on — politicians exempted themselves from the Do Not Call registry, they’ll never stop these mail campains.

    Then again, I suppose it makes for a flush Christmas for the printers’ children.


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