Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. The stock picks are beginning to perform well.
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  1. Lou Minatti says:

    Steve’s angry because this is a repeat of the 1980s. Google is to Apple what MSFT was to Apple then. I like both iPhone and Android, so I don’t care either way.

    I think the bigger iPad story is the collapse in paid content subscriptions. A lot of media types were hoping and praying that the iPad would rescue their dying media companies. Well, we now know that won’t happen.

  2. Jim says:

    I read several extensive articles about the rare earth crunch — the issue isn’t that we don’t have any, but that no one wants to spend the ten or twelve billion $ to build a processing plant for it (including the hazardous waste issues.) Most likely it will end up one or more poor countries would want to do it, but no global company would consider it (why spend 10 billion and then have it nationalized?)

    As for SAP… I don’t think anyone is big enough to swallow them, except for IBM or microsoft, and both would have anti-trust issues.

    I have no interest in any Apple product. I refuse to buy into the concept that proprietary systems are good for anyone. They are primarily for those that don’t want to think — and cash cows for those that like to take advantage of others. It’s quite amusing to dis Jobs in front of fanboys; they either get huffy or they just go wander off and talk to someone who agrees with his godlike powers.

    I’d be somewhat curious, John & Andrew, at hearing you revisit your discussions from… hm, a month ago? about how the market was going to crash soon and that we were looking at a double dip depression. Do you still feel that, if so why, if not, why?

    Also, it seems to me, based on events over the past year or two, that China is manipulating markets and currencies (or attempting to.) If you were looking for evidence of that, what would you look into?


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