Ray Ozzie to leave Microsoft. Microsoft steering OEM’s away from using Win Phone 7 on tablets. This is bucking the real trend. It won’t pay off for MSFT. Crazy. USA 15th in the world regarding broadband. Apple profits up and it looks like nearly 20 million iPads will be sold in 2010. What? Sprint to bring Wi-Max to NYC, LA and SFO. New MacBook Air coming. Disc free Netflix coming.
USA Number 15 in World for Broadband
By John C Dvorak Monday October 18, 2010
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But what happened to the billions in tax breaks and other government largess given to the telecom’s specifically for upgrading the broadband network?
Oh yea excuse me, I forgot Corporations in this country are all about fraud and the bottom line these days!
Woo! 15 is a great number. With a bit of dedication, we’ll be able to make it to 30 (at least)! The higher the better, I always say.
Win Phone 7 not on tablets = MS recognizing niche market, large corporations. I expect them pushing Win7 variation on tablets, trivial for large corporations to make in-house proprietary software. Aware of one very large corporation that actually begged Apple to allow them to create app for iPhone/iPad outside of Apple app system (proprietary, for internal company use only). Shooed away: Apple app store or nothing. As expected major corporation was unwilling to expose themselves and unwilling to get any iPads/iPhones under such circumstances. They may develop Android version but knowing corporate culture – if it can be done in Windows, they’d prefer it…
#3 Any company, corporation or organization can create and distribute in house only ios apps.
Apple even offers all the tools for creation and in house distribution.
Does anyone know if John has given Leo that bottle of wine yet? Just asking.
YAY! Go us. What country is #16, South Africa or Antarctica?
Oh! AAPL disappoints us again!!!!!
only 4.19 million iPads sold last quarter!!!
Profits of only $4.80 a share vs. predications of $5.03!!!
Can’t AAPL do anything right?
(Way to go, btw)
Please just one more bubble before I die!
Make that $4.80 for next quarter…
Where I live in the US we are more like the 115th in the world for broadband access.
I have enough satellite dishes set up so that I look like I have a miniature SETI station in my yard. I’m thankful that I have that – even though it is relatively expensive. The part that really irks me is that I have dark fiber AND crappy non-internet carrying cable running up and down my road.
American Telecom & Cable companies just plain suck. You may get some good service if you are in or nearby a 100,000+ population city. They like their 10,000% profit margins and seem to have about 1% innovation. I deal with these guys a lot on the job and I say let the engineers run the company (as they know what the hell they are doing).. and kick out the greedy suits. What’s sad is that the Engineers would make more money in the long run.
Looks like MSFT is going to let their technical VP’s fight it out rather than put someone in charge. Typical MSFT move, it’s also a bad move. Scott Guthrie should be their next chief architect.
Ballmer’s got to go.
Get rid of those on the TOP making 2-10 times MORE then they SHOULD/NEED..
Just tel the engineers WHAT they want, and LET THEM DO IT..
The savings from CUTTING the heads out saves you TONS of money.. PAYS for 3 times the work.
Engineers WORK to make it WORK. NOT save a penny on a CHEAPER version of a product, that will NEED to be replaced in 3-5 years.
there is Tech out there, that would let us have it ALL with 2-4 fiber lines to EACH HOME..
cable 500+ channels
SHORT relay cell for home and city..no more TOWERS
Wireless Phones and all the special stuff, wifi and the rest..
Internet and wireless internet.
But we are looking at WIPING 3-5 major corps out of the picture. IT WONT HAPPEN.
Phone corps
Cellphone services
Electric corp
ALL could become 1…and we could watch the fighting to SEE WHO gets it.
The telecommunications backbone is infrastructure, just the like interstate freeways, that the government should build own and run.
We should have about third generation fiber optics on every street in America by now but privatization has held America back.
The conservatives SWORE private industry could do everything better and cheaper than the government but THEY PROVED THEMSELVES WRONG. (and the are too stupid or too stubborn to admit that.)
But, if you want China and India and Korea to kick America’s butt in the information age, vote GOP this November. (or don’t vote at all)
That’s thanks to the “By the Minute” Dinosaurs that run the Telcos !!! They really miss those Toll Charges and are applying them to Data Transfer Charges !!! They are standing in the way of progress !!! The only way to break this logjam if for Apple or Google to BUY A PHONE COMPANY and reduce telecom to a commodity !!!
Any device used to stream media from the net needs to be able to store at least one program on the machine for uninterrupted play back.
The current generation of slates can’t handle a large OS. If MS doesn’t see that who cares? It just gives others a chance to make some money.
From my view point most OSs contain way to much bloat. What I need them for is to load the programs I run and file management. Other than that they need to stay out of the way.
Apple already bought a phone company without the fuss of running it. Owning carriers is for losers.
However, if someone happens to buy white spectrum during the auction then…..