I bring this to your attention because of something I heard from some Republican strategies a few years back. They were lamenting the fact that the Democrats and progressives had documentary filmmakers in their pockets (aka Michael Moore) and the Republicans had nothing. They saw the documentary as a good method for distribution of a propagandistic message. I suspect it will be a while before they get the bugs worked out. This thing will never see a theatrical release.I’d bet money on it. These folks do not understand how to do these things properly.

  1. Colorado says:

    Opened today in 537 theaters.

  2. Ugly Gringo says:

    I dunno, looks pretty slick to me….and accurate.

  3. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and bloated gourmand says:

    Reagun submitted and signed a larger deficit budget each succeeding year in office.

    What else is Republicanism except lies, hypocrisy, and pandering to their idiot base?

  4. chuck says:

    “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money, but you know, part of the American way is, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product.” – President Obama

    That’s the full quote. Most of the time, only the first part of it is reported.

    BTW, if the President thinks people making $250,000 or more are rich and should pay more taxes, why don’t we start by having him set a good example and voluntarily reduce the salary of the President (currently $400,000 per year) down to $250,000. We wouldn’t want to have a rich fat-cat in the Whitehouse would we?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Two things.

    First: “This thing will never see a theatrical release.I’d bet money on it.” How much money??

    2nd: Bobbo. You were once respected, but now you’re just a tool.
    “According to CBO figures released this week, no president has spent more of tax payers’ money so quickly in the last 65 years as has President Barack Obama, having increased the total federal deficit by nearly 2.6 TRILLION dollars, a stunning amount of spending that historically dwarfs the deficit spending by previous presidents. And remember the days when liberals loudly complained over the deficits during the Reagan years? During the entire eight years of the Reagan era, the federal debt was increased by less than $1.5 trillion. Obama by comparison, has more than DOUBLED that debt amount in less than two years.”

  6. noneofyourbusiness says:

    ok, let’s see:

    Gov’t spending out of control? check

    The progressive agenda being forced upon us? check

    Pelosi saying food stamps are a good way to stimulate the economy? check

    50% of all Americans not paying ANY income taxes? check

    The sense of entitlement that our generation and the generations to follow is amazing, and its effects are staggering. The “I deserve ….” mentality amazes me. All of this has been perpetrated by the progressive agenda.

    Have you ever had a discussion/debate with a progressive? They can’t debate because they can’t even argue their own point!!! All you hear is “well, Bush did…..” Yes, Bush did. Fix it, don’t add to it exponentially!!!!

    The “pussification of America” is in full swing. No playing dodgeball, because some dumbass might get his feelings hurt. Let’s all have our kids play soccer, and not keep score. That way everybody wins. NO!!!!!!!! Everybody doesn’t win. Let kids find out early that losing sucks and they will find it within themselves to get better. If we don’t wake up, we’re doomed as a nation.

  7. bobbo, expelled from the bowels of Karl Marx says:

    Ah Yea–yes, I have noticed our intial more light hearted exchanges have become more churlish, but you’ve offered room for nothing else. “No, YOU are the tool.” Ha, ha.

    Yeah, let’s blame Obama for having to cleam up BushtheRetards mess. Acting as if you “know” the correct response to the Investment Bank Failure/Recession/WallStreet Fraud of 2008 is pure hackery. Should the stimulus have been less, more, nothing? No one with non-partisan economic credentials takes the position that nothing should have been done: “Let them fail as per the capitalist model dictates.” Not real world. You do want to be part of the real world don’t you Ah Yea?

    Then start posting like it.

    Chuck==you too are an idiot. The proposed tax rate will affect Obama just like everyone else. Why should he take an “extra” hit just to appease idiots like you?

    And yes, $250K/yr in America in 2010 is “rich.” but your attention is off the ball as is always the case with you saps. The issue is the “Super Rich”–more zero’s than you have fingers.

    Wise up. You Pukes are being used.

  8. bobbo, expelled from the bowels of Karl Marx says:

    #6–nobusiness==you don’t have the foggiest of what the progressive agenda is. All you are reacting to besides healthcare reform is the fact that Obama is a Dem. Otherwise, he has performed in office no differently than BushtheRetard without the malapropisms.

    Beyond retarded to call Obama Progressive when the Progressives are starting to reject Obama for being to far right.


  9. Al says:

    “These folks do not understand how to do these things properly.”

    Let’s see CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN vs Fox News.

    How about radio, Limbaugh, Hannity, vs Maddow and Air America.

    Ah but all the lefty newspapers are doing just great, aren’t they?

    Seems to me the Right learns quickly when it comes to getting their message across.

  10. Guyver says:

    An Inconvenient Tax: http://vimeo.com/6651819

  11. Improbus says:

    The only way to fix this government is to starve the beast to death. That will happen when we put some Treasure Bills up for auction and the world says, “No, thanks! We would rather have something of value instead.”

  12. deowll says:

    If the conservatives are putting out a movie this year why isn’t M. Moore? He did it last time.

    At a guess I don’t think he thinks it would sell right now not that I’ve ever paid to see his work other than what was shown on the T.V.

    All you have to do to burn up the Dems this election is to play reruns of what they said. Nancy P., Barny F., Obama, and good old Joe and the boys and girls at the White House have some real zingers many of them on Youtube.

    The Repubs were given a house cleaning and the Dems got confused and thought they had a mandate for action. No, Bush and the Repubs got repudiated.

    Now Obama, Reed, and Nancy P. are being repudiated. The only question is will the Repubs get confused about what people expect them to do and shoot themselves the way the Dems have done or will they listen to the voters?

    If you’re a Dem senator who doesn’t stand for election this year and you know the voters loath the Agenda of the party leaders, are you going to continue to support that Agenda or go with No Agenda in the future if that is what it takes to save your job?

    We shall see. I never thought the Dems would blow themselves out of the water this way either. How crazy do you have to be to vote for a total budget buster bill without ever reading the bill and now you have to tell your voters you got what for all that dept? You don’t know or you can’t say?

    The voters know. All of them got a vastly larger national dept. If somebody can’t show them something more desirable it is time to throw the bums out.

    And no David Axlerod telling the people that some of the Repubs are taking money from other nations then admitting to the person doing the interview that he has no proof to support the charge is not going to cut it.

    When a lame media guy says this is peanuts and you need a new play book to a progressive, said progressives are drinking from an empty beer bottle.

  13. TeaParty Retarty -> Ah_Yea says:

    You are a fucking idiot for thinking 1980’s dollars were worth the same as 2010’s dollars.

    Reagan, that commie swine, outspent
    even Prez O.

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Does it matter to anyone that Obama was greeted the first day he walked into the Oval Office with the CBO’s projection of a $1.3 Trillion deficit for 2009, based on complete continuity of existing policy and law, unchanged from the era of his predecessor? And that $1.3T figure was back when the economy was still trending downward, and we were wondering what the bottom was even going to look like. I remember watching some of the financial media channels well-known for cheerleading Wall Street, and some of their commentary was running very low on cheerful things to say.

    When the Republican-dominated Congress and Republican President passed the sunset provisions to eventually repeal their temporary economy-goosing tax decreases back in 2003, they must have thought that their fiscal policies would have the economy buzzing like a happy little beehive by now. I guess things don’t always work out according to plan, do they?

  15. Why Not says:

    Nothing is wrong with this tactic
    It was used by the democrats
    Look at Al Gore and the global warming hoax
    Up here in Canada we get a steady stream of global warming – how mankind is going to die if we don’t take action
    Interestingly I have not seen Al Gore or Obama even curtail their jet use one mile
    in fact they travel around the world even more
    What about China and India aren’t they taking up more than the slack
    wait till one zillion Chinese are driving new cars

  16. ME thinks the tea party is a scam says:

    Democrats spend money and raise taxes. This they prove once elected into office.

    Republicans make promises and contract with America about reducing the size of the government and reducing the spending. They do not prove this once in office.

    Regan: big spender and increased the size of the government.

    Bush Sr: big spender.

    Bush Jr: big spender and increased the size of the government.

    Twenty years of republican big spenders. Compare that to 12 years of democrat spending. Interesting enough. during the Clinton administration the spending was reduced for a couple of years with the help of a republican congress.

    Why won’t the republicans do what they promise? Because they are all talk and no action.

    The tea party movement is just more of the same from the republican party. All promises and no action.

    The democrats are bad but the republicans are worse.

  17. B, Dog says:

    I didn’t like Regan. Still, the Russkies tried to spend on defense like the U.S. did and it wrecked their economy and led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. As a person who grew up with those Commie nukes targeted towards me and their “We will bury you” attitude, I think Regan’s was a good way to spend money, after all.

  18. Spetz says:

    In the land of truth my friend, the man with one fact is king.

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    What bugs me is we suddenly had forgot about George W. Bush and his total fuck up of the war and the economy. It’s as if American was doing perfectly well, and our nation was loved by everyone around the world before Obama entered the office 2009.

    People forget that Obama inherited this clusterfuck Bush left behind. However he really hasn’t done much of anything since he’s been in office… at least nothing more than what Bush would have done if he was still president.

    Weren’t the bailout a plans set up by the Bush administration anyway, and continued with the next administration?

  20. Someone Else says:

    Reagan just picked off discretionary spending and second stream programs. Military, medicare, and medicade ballooned under him. The upper income tax cuts didn’t trickle down into jobs. Deficits as a percentage of GDP tripled until he increased payroll taxes in 1983, then it was only double.

    Spending money you don’t have is the hallmark of Reagan, Bush Jr, and Obama. Bush Sr reversed and Clinton sent it in the right direction. Sorry suckers. You want to get your spending under control?

    Don’t let banks dictate federal fiscal and trade policies. Seriously, that is so dumb it hurts.

    Get you military under control (US military spending is almost 50% of the world total). It didn’t help you catch Bin Laden, did it? China doesn’t need to raise an army to match the US, they just have to wait until this level of spending crushes you like it crushed the Soviet Union.

    It’s cheaper to employ poor people than imprison them. The US is 4% of the world population but has 25% of the world’s prisoners. California spends more on incarceration than all levels of education combined.

    Quit taxing small businesses more than large businesses. This is especially true of health care – it’s just a hidden tax. It ain’t working.

    While you’re at it, you spend double per capita what most countries spend on health care. The non-insured and under-insured amount to almost 1/3 of your population now. That almost as dumb as the bank worship.

    Reagan’s main strength was that he was likable. The only likable Republican since his time has been Mike Huckabee.

  21. Faxon says:

    “These folks do not understand how to do these things properly”.

    “THESE FOLKS” ?????
    Sounds an awful lot like “YOU PEOPLE”.

    Which, as any good progressive liberal puke can tell you, is the sign of a RACIST BIGOT.
    But then, there could NEVER be any of THESE FOLKS in the liberal wonderland.

    Or could there, McCollough?

  22. jccalhoun says:

    Ah_Yea said,
    During the entire eight years of the Reagan era, the federal debt was increased by less than $1.5 trillion.

    You should go check out the inflation calculator http://westegg.com/inflation/
    and see what that amount would be in 2010 dollars…

  23. Derek says:

    You know what’s cute? For Bush’s 8 years, all I heard from Democrats was how idiotic, stupid, and evil he was. Now that Obama is in office, the most common quote from democrats on this board is “he has performed in office no differently than BushtheRetard”. Are you people acting like drooling mongoloids or are you honestly this stupid?

    By your own definition, if Bush screwed up our country, then why on earth would even defend ANYONE in office that “has performed in office no differently than Bush”?

    Quit siding with parties and think for yourself for one second…

  24. GF says:

    Man, I might just stay up past my bedtime this November 2nd.

  25. GreatAmerican says:

    This looks to be one of the finest documentaries to come out in a long time. It’s amazing the number of millionaires we have in CONgress… those who came to Washington to good have done very well indeed.

  26. bobbo, expelled from the bowels of Karl Marx says:

    #24–Derek==actually a good call out. I “believe” the huge seeming inconsistency is what each Pres walked into his first day of office: BushtheRetard a surplus. Obaman huge deficits and a broken economy and financial system on the verge of bringing the world down into a second Great Depression.

    You see the difference? Obama promised change and we gave him a few years to show us that change. I don’t see enough on those issues that I think Obama does control on his own.

    Other than Healthcare and “going to end” the Bush tax cuts for those below $250K, can you think of anything Obama has down that Bush would not have? Short list if you can.

    So Obama is acting WAY TO MUCH LIKE BushtheRetard. Thats is in large measure a reflection of just how destructive Bush was AND just how damaging the Republican Party has been in trying to get any fix to work. The tripling of the filibuster rate under Pukes is just not a dry statistic, in the name of regaining power, the Pukes have made the Recovery and Jobs a political pawn.

    Who knows what Obama would have down given anything but the worst fiscal status of any President since FDR. Obama is responsible for what he does, but it is Bush that gave him his start in the Valley of Financial Collapse.

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #28 wrote “It’s amazing the number of millionaires we have in CONgress…”

    I agree, but not just millionaires IN Congress, but those who LEAVE Congress and become lobbyists and corporate officers with companies who specialize in getting government contracts. Sometimes it ends up looking like their time in government was really just a well-paid internship to create relationships and influence for the much better-paying job they took after leaving.

    I can’t help but wonder what will happen after all the money has been looted and there’s nothing left.

  28. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and major power tool user says:

    Gary–“eventually” another Teddy Roosevelt will come along and reset the balance between the powers/interests that be.

    USA still has its natural resources, two oceans, its people, and its culture of individual achievement. I am 100% sure we can rise from the ashes at least once. Burned, bruised, missing a limb or two-all unnecessary but looks unavoidable.

    Trick will be what the rest of the world does in the meantime. There is always the absolute vs the relative to evaluate in these things.

  29. BoBo the IDIOT! says:

    BoBo is an IDIOT! And I thank Allah he doesn’t vote either. Can you imagine what the USA would be like if idiots like him did vote?! Oh! Wait a minute…


    (Rotate on that BoBo. You MORON!)

  30. mharry860 says:

    Oh it’s real accurate and if you think otherwise, you need to put down the Kool Aid and wake the F up!


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