Wow, this is a serious bumper sticker lover. Found in Berkeley, California, where it belongs. (Click to embiggen). The entire car was covered in stickers.

  1. Angry says:

    Is that Curry’s new Saab? 😉

  2. Steve says:

    I always wanted a bumper sticker that said,
    “I support every half-baked, cockamamie liberal idea that comes down the pike, but I hate the crowded bumper look”.

  3. Camacho says:

    Bobbo, where are you? There is an anti-semitic copulate jewish state sticker! How did you miss that? Do something!

  4. bobbo, summoned from the bowels of the devil Karl Marx himself says:

    Why thanks Camachie–It actually gave me a chuckle.

    I was more drawn to “Equal rights for all Species” as I don’t even know what that means.

    My cars have always been sticker free as short catchy phrases are for morons.

    FREEDOM: Other people doing what you don’t like.

  5. bobbo, summoned from the bowels of the devil Karl Marx himself says:

    Oh, and BTW, the jews are quite capable of taking care of business themselves ((only requiring our military and financial support provided on an open ended no expectations in return basis)) so don’t need any defense from me. If they weren’t so Christian in their foreign policy they could really protect the West by kicking some stone age backward ass the way it needs to be done.

    Thats just why I like them, and most others don’t. They deal with real politik, just as the USA will have to once the Super Rich have consumed the middle class.

    Ha, ha.

  6. jaywontdart says:


    “Equal rights for all Species” Would refer to Speciesism,

    Which would be referring to Animal Rights. The “Go Vegetarian” sticker, bottom right of the second photo is thus off a little, when perhaps there is more suffering in a glass of milk than a “pound” of steak, lets assume the cars owner meant “Vegan”.

    Indeed, what an INSANE looking car!

  7. Amar says:

    Where are the pic’s of the front a right side??

  8. moss says:

    You certainly didn’t expect a Republican Buick, did you?

  9. Dallas says:

    Let’s find a conservative version with at least 3 of these categories../
    Obama the Communist/Muslim/Nigerian/Alien/Racist
    NRA ; Guns ; Kill them ; AK-47 ; 9mmOnBoard
    God Hates Fags; Homo is a sin; We are Sinners
    Jesus Loves You/Me/Us ; Jesus Saves/Cares/Coming
    Save or Country/Children/Family/Marriage/Flag

  10. Low Mileage says:

    Hey, cut the guy some slack. From the looks of it the bumperstickers may be all that’s holding his heap together.

  11. MTM says:

    Bob Marley was Jewish? I thought he was a Rastafarian.

  12. Brian says:

    The cost of all those stickers was probably greater than the value of the car!

  13. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 3 Camacho said, “There is an anti-semitic copulate jewish state sticker!”

    Since Bobbo didn’t challenge you, I assume I am ignorant of this usage. Can you please define “copulate” in this context? The only adjective form I can find is “copulatory.” Please elucidate.

  14. sesli chat says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  15. NobodySpecial says:

    “copulate jewish” = half an hour of begging beforehand?

  16. madtruckman says:

    looks like the stickers are keeping the car together….

  17. Benjamin says:

    What a crack pot. My truck has either magnetic bumper stickers or else they are taped in the back window. That way after the election I can take them off when they are irrelevant.

  18. Faxon says:

    I see no reason why you had do obscure the license plate number. Isn’t the damn license plate visible in PUBLIC? Why should you to to the trouble to hide it?

    Is everybody afraid of lawyers? The damn car is driving around, and everybody sees the license plate. WTF, John?

  19. Luc says:

    @21: Yes, but the concentration of lunatics is a lot higher here than on the average street… Why take a chance?

  20. stokes says:

    Is that a roll of tape made into a cup holder!?!?! Just awesome! 😀

  21. jescott418 says:

    Probably cheaper then taking it to a body shop. Just put a sticker on that rust!

  22. Rusty Jones says:

    Here in the Rust Belt we call that a refinishing job.

  23. koonaone says:

    Where is:


  24. bobbo, moving into the real world, now at the anus of Karl Marx says:

    #6–jay==initially I was going to recount my dart throwing experiences but that is such an excellent phrase: “there is more suffering in a glass of milk than a “pound” of steak” followed by the recognition there is a distinction between being vegetarian and being vegan, along the lines of being focused vs being totally nuts so I went to your link. Well done. Not too much vegan business here. Too bad, we need your focus.

    Speaking of focus, A Nimbus, the god of raining on everyone’s common usage, once again makes a pitch for the Oxford Dictionary way of doing things. “copulate jewish” = does/should anyone care about the formalism of the expression when the idea is so clearly communicated? I suppose so for those who wish to avoid the idea and dither away?

    But who would want to do that????

    #15–Animby==you are so much more fun when you are pilfering drugs. “Obviously” Comanche did not want to use the vulgar anglo saxon as shown on the bumper sticker and went with the very humorous latinate root. I applaud his imagination and clever use of language challenging social norms, as should you.

    Bumper Stickers: the tattoo’s of Cars and telephone poles.

  25. hatemeifyouwantidon'tcare says:

    I like the one just below the rear licence plate.

  26. Faxon says:

    I see three KPFA stickers. Naturally.

  27. ithinkimachicken says:

    #12 – Rastafarians are the lost tribe of Israel. Funny, isn’t it? Wonder if the douchebag who owns the car knows it….

  28. Get a New Vehicle says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  29. Rich says:

    Can anyone name that make-model-year of car? It’s rather anonymous looking, but resembles my brother’s old 1986 Toyota Tercel. It was unique in that it didn’t have a transverse 4-cylinder engine; it had a chain system to redirect power from the engine to the front wheels.


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