There’s a lot of vote-the-incumbents-out rhetoric. But what if the replacement would be worse than the incumbent?

Here in Vegas where your Uncle Dave lives, we’re bombarded with the likes of Sharron Angle who is running against Harry Reid. Even some Tea Party leaders have distanced themselves from her idiotic statements and always say no to everything record in the Nevada Assembly. Right now, Reid and Angle are dead even in the polls. What a choice.

What can we say about Wednesday night’s U.S. Senate debate in a Delaware – an event momentous enough to warrant live national coverage on CNN, even though polls show Democrat Chris Coons is almost certain to defeat Republican Christine O’Donnell?

Well, it would be easy to point out the almost comical mismatch between the two candidates on policy grounds. On issue after issue, O’Donnell stuck with hollow platitudes, frequently contradicting herself when pressed for clarity. She called the national debt one of the country’s most pressing challenges, but then insisted that the Bush deficit-inflating tax cuts be extended across the board. Asked to identify specific budget cuts she’d support – and admonished not to cite the old standby of “waste, fraud and abuse” – she devoted more than half of her response to railing against “waste, fraud and abuse.” When Coons called for deporting some illegal immigrants, she claimed this put him at odds with the White House – even though deportations are actually up on under Obama. And on and on.

But O’Donnell is hardly the only Republican running in a closely-watched Senate race this year to be exposed as woefully ill-informed on policy – and many of them are probably on their way to victory anyway. Just look at the race in Wisconsin, where Democrat Russ Feingold schooled Ron Johnson in a debate earlier this week, even as polls show him falling hopelessly behind. We’d like to believe that elections are won and lost on policy, but they aren’t. So O’Donnell’s policy deficiencies didn’t lose her the debate, just as Coons’ effortless policy conversance didn’t win it for him.

* Morans is the correct misspelling of the widely known Internet meme.

  1. bobbo, in a socialist frame of mind says:

    Of course the teabagging Morans lost their debates, what they didn’t lose was their equally idiotic teabagging base. Two different things not to be equated.

    With Palin as a role model, I would have thought O’Donnell would have memorized 2-3 Sup Ct cases to cite as bad law but she couldn’t name a single case she disagreed with even thought there were so many. Says she’ll post them on her website. What a loon. Her opponent actually comes off looking quite good. Sadly, who “can” be good in the Senate?

    Can’t we all cite “Citizen’s United” as the worst Sup Ct Decision since Gore v Bush? Dred Scott?

    Democracy – – – so fragile, perhaps its illusionary.

  2. smartalix says:

    When your platform is based on hate, greed, and fear, you don’t have to know much anyway.

  3. doughoist says:

    I can tell that John doesn’t actually do his own website. A liberal Democratic shill, looking to swing every race back into the Democratic side of the debate, does it.

    The fact is that in all of these races and especially in Reid’s case, any of the “morans” would be preferable to the staus quo.

    Vote the bums out and lets start all over.

    Uncle Dave is must be a DNC operative. Have you ever heard one good comment about the opposition from him?

  4. jobs says:

    #2 What party are you talking about? That sounds like every political party… anywhere.

  5. jman says:

    you’ve been electing the king “moran” Reid for all these years and now you’re upset he’s going to be gone?

  6. Time Warp says:

    In the future we refer to your present time period as the ‘Jersey Shore’ era of American politics. Just sit back and enjoy their zany antics as your country’s once bright future spirals ever faster round the bowl.

  7. derspankster says:

    Well, if we manage to elect these morons we truly deserve what we get.

  8. derspankster says:

    [Fixed. – ed.]

  9. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Two things, Unc:
    1) I’m sure you meant the headline to read: WE ARE CURRENTLY GOVERNED BY MORANS. There, fixed.
    2) I object to your use of images of apes to illustrate the post. On behalf of the forum, I apologize to apes everywhere.

    Bobbo: I am sorry to see you taking the low road and referring to the members of the Tea Party by the derivative but obscene variation. While I personally find most of them ill-informed, creepy jingoists, I respect their ability to make such an impact in so short a time. I don’t know what scares me more, that the Dems might remain in power or that the Tea Party might win a bunch of seats.

    On the other hand, O’Donnell is attractive and ditzy. Might be fun to keep her around for the next six years. Even Macbeth had some comedic relief!

    Why does the theme from Bewitched keep running through my head?

  10. richard says:

    “We’re About To Be Governed By Morans”? We already are governed by morans.

  11. birddog says:

    Richard for the win.

  12. Wildcatbn says:

    People like this are why we are in the shape we are in now. If we keep the morons we have then we get what we get Power hungry Elite Political class that thinks the only thing to do is to get reelected. If we vote a moron to replace them then vote again to remove them and then vote again to remove that person sooner or later you will get a good one but then vote them out and keep it going because to keep them in power is to fail.

  13. TeaParty Retarty says:

    None if this is sexy, so it must not matter to us.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    I hate it when I have to explain the obvious. My final line – “What a choice” – should have clued in the clueless that I don’t want or like Reid either.

    Yes, we are currently governed by morans, but…

    Many of the Tea Party people have absolutely no interest in anything besides cutting taxes and other money related issues. Unfortunately, there are other issues.

    Do you O’Donnell and Angle supporters really want people like these dealing with issues like North Korea? Would you want O’Donnell in negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians?

    The dilemma is do we vote in regular politicians who are smart, know history and the issues inside and out, but may be beholding to special interests and all the other usual crap that goes along with them, or replace them with people who only know about (barely) and are interested in only one, specific subject — cutting taxes?

    We’re screwed no matter which way way we go.

  15. Guyver says:

    Sounds demonstrative of how liberals don’t address issues of those they disagree with but prefer ad hominem attacks.

    I suppose it could be worse. Someone could address the policy failures of the current president or other liberals and be accused of racism.

  16. MrMiGu says:


    It’s hard to address the issues when the opponent fails to actually acknowledge any issue and just continues to spout buzzwords like “waste, fraud and abuse”

  17. Guyver says:

    13, Uncle Dave,

    The dilemma is do we vote in regular politicians who are smart, know history and the issues inside and out, but may be beholding to special interests and all the other usual crap that goes along with them, or replace them with people who only know about (barely) and are interested in only one, specific subject — cutting taxes?

    IMHO, most liberals fail because they are dogmatic to a flaw towards idealism rather than being realistic.

    For starters we should stop putting people into office who think this country can be taxed into prosperity. This isn’t an issue about intellect. It should be common sense.

  18. Guyver says:

    15, MrMigu,

    It’s hard to address the issues when the opponent fails to actually acknowledge any issue and just continues to spout buzzwords like “waste, fraud and abuse”

    Then the reporter / moderator should hold them accountable by asking them to clarify and embellish their answer.

  19. Dale says:

    I used to visit my grampa in Moran, KS as a boy. Moran’s claim to fame: Home of Miss America 1960-something…He was the night-watchman and dog catcher there, last I remember. Predates this meme by bit..not really relevant to the post..trivia lint..

  20. e? says:

    @OP – nice troll.

  21. Breetai says:

    Pardon me for pointing out the obvious but for for my lifetime we’ve been voting for the what we think is the best candidate. Obviously that system has failed and it’s devolved into a blame game with politicians planning for no further than the current election cycle. It’s why the social security trust funds were spent, the politicians who spent it did not have to pay a political price for it they’re out of the picture, but now the system is bankrupt. And that’s just one example.

    Vote for candidates who are going to throw their bodies on the gears of the machine until it stops and breaks forcing us to fix it.

  22. Glass Half Full says:

    GO FOR IT NEVADA! I want Joe Miller in Alaska and this bigfoot/alien conspiracy nut in Nevada. I dare you! Vote for these folks! It will be SO funny to watch them, it’ll be worth it! The comedy alone will make the damage to their states worth it. Sweet!

    You want to sum up American politics and our “problem”? Congress has a 20% approval rating and a 95% re-election rate. What does that tell you? It’s not THEIR fault (the politicians) it’s OUR fault. The voters are stupid, fall for vapid platitudes and ideas based more on magic and science…we get what we vote for, so deal with it. Everyone hates Congress and complains about it but likes THEIR local Congress person who will likely be re-elected.

    Everyone wants to “cut the size of government” but wants MORE wars, bigger military, social security, Medicare, FBI, NSA, CIA, FAA, NASA. No President (including ALL Republicans) in the last century left office with government smaller in size or $ compared to their predecessor. So when I hear folks, mostly Republicans, tell me they want a smaller government, they’re liars. I’ve lived through Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bush and EACH ONE OF THEM left with a bigger government. The last 2 major Federal departments (EPA, Homeland Security) were created by Republicans. I feel like Tina Turner and the government is Ike…”trust me baby, I love you…you know it…this time it will be different!”

  23. fargonaz says:

    Can’t we just call morons what they really are… morons.

    Internet misspelling? Give me a fucking break!

  24. 1860 says:

    Gee. Unka Dave. All you seem to be able to say is how the opponents of the Democrats are stupid. How about saying something truthful about the likes of Nancy Pelosi, or that slob Barney Frank?

  25. CZen says:

    Isn’t using a picture from Planet of the Apes racist considering our current president?

  26. usa1 says:

    If all the “smart” guys have run the US into the ground over the years, why not let the “stupid” guys have a chance too?

  27. jim in st paul says:

    doesn’t nevada have an actual voting choice of “none of the above” on the ballot? and if they do, what happens if “none of the above” actually wins the clear majority? i wonder if maybe we should see what would happen if they did that?

  28. Phydeau says:

    #26 Uh, we had the stupid guys in office from 2000-2008 and they did a good job running the US into the ground.

  29. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 21 Breetai said, “we’ve been voting for the what we think is the best candidate”

    Really? How many times have you heard people claim they voted for the lesser of two evils? Even in the 08 election, even republicans found themselves voting for Obama because – look at the alternative! McCain whose only real qualification was he was a lousy pilot and he married rich. Oh, and he was older than dirt. So the Chicago machine put up this young half black kid with a charismatic smile and non-nigra speaking voice. Oh, and a billion dollar campaign!

    Amazing what a billion will buy.

    I’m technically a democrat but I seem to find myself voting republican. I like the conservative ideals, I just wish I could get them without the huge dose of religion.

  30. ethanol says:

    Uncle Dave,

    I understand your predicament. We are having the same problem in California…


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