There’s a lot of vote-the-incumbents-out rhetoric. But what if the replacement would be worse than the incumbent?

Here in Vegas where your Uncle Dave lives, we’re bombarded with the likes of Sharron Angle who is running against Harry Reid. Even some Tea Party leaders have distanced themselves from her idiotic statements and always say no to everything record in the Nevada Assembly. Right now, Reid and Angle are dead even in the polls. What a choice.

What can we say about Wednesday night’s U.S. Senate debate in a Delaware – an event momentous enough to warrant live national coverage on CNN, even though polls show Democrat Chris Coons is almost certain to defeat Republican Christine O’Donnell?

Well, it would be easy to point out the almost comical mismatch between the two candidates on policy grounds. On issue after issue, O’Donnell stuck with hollow platitudes, frequently contradicting herself when pressed for clarity. She called the national debt one of the country’s most pressing challenges, but then insisted that the Bush deficit-inflating tax cuts be extended across the board. Asked to identify specific budget cuts she’d support – and admonished not to cite the old standby of “waste, fraud and abuse” – she devoted more than half of her response to railing against “waste, fraud and abuse.” When Coons called for deporting some illegal immigrants, she claimed this put him at odds with the White House – even though deportations are actually up on under Obama. And on and on.

But O’Donnell is hardly the only Republican running in a closely-watched Senate race this year to be exposed as woefully ill-informed on policy – and many of them are probably on their way to victory anyway. Just look at the race in Wisconsin, where Democrat Russ Feingold schooled Ron Johnson in a debate earlier this week, even as polls show him falling hopelessly behind. We’d like to believe that elections are won and lost on policy, but they aren’t. So O’Donnell’s policy deficiencies didn’t lose her the debate, just as Coons’ effortless policy conversance didn’t win it for him.

* Morans is the correct misspelling of the widely known Internet meme.

  1. jbenson2 says:

    The Dumbocrats have controlled Congress since 2007 and they refused to listen to their constituents. Obamacare was shoved down our throats. They avoided town hall meetings like the plaque. They are getting their just deserts.

    Oh! The Humanity!
    Yeah, cry me a river!

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Waste, Fraud, and Abuse would be a good name for a band.

  3. admfubar says:

    I’m with #10. Hell you should have seen the debacle of politics in the Cleveland area..
    the fbi is wrapping up a years long investigation into county corruption. we make Chicago look like amateurs.

    we’ve been ruled by the morans, supported by from big business for years..

  4. Floyd says:

    The problem with today’s politics is that many of the major candidates are unclear on political and economic concepts. The “Tea Party” seems to be unclear on everything.

    What’s left? big business runs everything, and we’re left with no one in charge.

    I miss Bill Clinton…he at least had a brain, unlike Dubya. I never had an issue with Monica or other Presidential girlfriends like Marilyn Monroe.

  5. smartalix says:


    What a crock. The GOP has been blocking EVERYTHING, the democrats control nothing. The dems are far too spineless for that. The right blocks everything then complains nothing is being done.

    How something that was debated high and low could be consicered “pushed down throats” is beyond me. The GOP has no ideas beyond hate and greed and fear, and is betting on American failure as their path back to power.

  6. Tom says:

    Morans leading Morans? And this would be different how? Nobody every failed to win public office by underestimating the intelligence of the average voter.

  7. Dallas says:

    Agree with the premise of the post. Everybody dislikes what they deem are incompetent politicians are prepared to replace them with retards.

    I mean seriously, an anti-masturbation witchcraft worshiper who went to colleges that deny she ever existed?

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Yuh know, HCR wasn’t shoved down anything. The majority plus enough to overcome obstructions voted to pass it. Those who have shit in their throats just happen to be sore losers. But maybe you like big things in your throats?

    It’s one thing to elect intelligent people who have differing political views and connections to various interests. It’s something else entirely to elect truly stupid people who can do little but recite platitudes.

    This O’Donnell..what’s she been doing for a living the last few years? Who here can claim, as she has, that they can live on $4,000 a year?

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Stop your whining, you democratic loosers.

    Look, you put up a liar and thief for a candidate who has done more for the Republican party than anyone thought possible.

    And now it’s come to this.

    Just grow a pair and admit you promoted a guy who ended up making Jimmy Carter look good and Bush a Genius.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    And this is just the beginning of the dismantling of the corruption Obama and his corrupt minions threw on us.

    And the stupid Dems who worship whatever he does.

    U.S. states can proceed with their lawsuit seeking to overturn President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare reform law

  11. TooManyPuppies says:

    Here in CA we have Whitman vs Brown and Boxer vs Fiorina.

    I desperately want a “none of the above” or a “nuke us now” option. Between these four criminals, I’d rather have both offices empty.

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Ah Yea…last I checked…

    Yep. The Dems have majorities in both houses as well as a member residing in the White House. That makes the Republicans the loosers [sic] right now.

    They way you write you should be a commenter on Fox News…

  13. bobbo, in a socialist frame of mind says:

    What quality of mind believes that Obama has made Bush look like a genius?

    Shows the bias of not being able to think clearly/directly/linearly = everything bounced off the boogieman of hate/fear/stupidity.

    The trick to voting acknowledged idiots into office is that it has to be done for several cycles, not a one shot deal. Silly Americans unable to look past/imagine past the short term.

    There simply is no other mechanism available to the average voter. So: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE and keep doing it until “washington” gets the message.

    Sadly, in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, feathering one’s nest is way below acting consistently with any given political theory: ie = even the teabaggers will vote as they are paid to do before they will vote to stop waste, fraud, and abuse.


    I recant. Given the morons will continue to be bought and sold, there is no change and no “message” to Congress there. Rats.

    I guess I will continue to vote for the lesser evil while waiting for Godot.


  14. mike says:

    The demonrats are about to be hoisted on their own petards. Good riddance to you useless wankers. The chief useless one will be even more clueless once the midterms are done. Watch for more frustrated finger pointing and name calling.

  15. Al says:

    tea party = tax payers

    It’s fun seeing the leaches squirm as they worry that their free ride might be coming to an end.

  16. bobbo, in a socialist frame of mind says:

    Republican vs Democrats. Who is the lesser evil “on average?”

    When you people vote, are you voting for governance or for “values?” Silly to vote for values: in the main, these are determined by the Sup Ct not Congress or Pres.

    Governance: Congress = Fiscal. Pres = War. With lots of give and take between the two.

    Republican Voters: can you see you are being played on the values issues? Can you see you are being played on the fiscal issues? Are you so rich that you personally benefit by the widening gap between the Super Rich and the rest of us? I know you are being HURT by it but you think it is a form of personal freedom to be robbed? Silly.

    Yes, Dem and Pubs both corrupt and incompetent playing politics by offering no solutions and blaming the other side.

    But who every once in a while gives you a scrap from the table? Pubs = Never. Dems = not enough, but every once in a while.

    Do you really want a life without healthcare, medicare, minimum wage? If you are ok with that, how about your kiddies?

    THINK for fuck’s sake.

  17. clancys_daddy says:

    So what your saying is that idiocracy was a documentary?

  18. Cursor_ says:


    There was never a democracy. It was always an oligarchy.

    And voting incumbents will do nothing when all you have to fill their places are more plutocrats.

    Your idea is flawed. But I believe you know that and you prefer to stir the pot to see these others foam at the mouth while you get the the lulz.


  19. Steven says:

    #48 For the Win!

  20. bobbo, in a socialist frame of mind says:

    #50–Cursor==no reason for you to read this entire thread before responding, nor to have in mind my “growth” in political thinking revealed on this blog in the past few weeks. I’ve been vacillating.

    How do you change the status quo? I thought a series of destructive votes for any new comer would shake up the status quo. But looking at the self dealing fraudulent activities of Palin, O’Donnell, et al informs me that voting idiots into office may shake things up but won’t get to the heart of what is destroying America: bought politicians doing the will of corporations/the Super Rich.

    I thought the Teabaggers were crazy enough to bite the hand of those who fed them, but now I don’t think that is true.

    Politics: the art of compromise. I choose to be screwed by the least corrupt Dem’s around. Every once in a while they do something for me. NEVER with the Pubs.

    Dirty nasty business having to run thru the fud offered by those such as Ah Yea and Al. And I don’t thing they are the super rich actually benefitting by Pub policies. The are just fools thinking/fantasizing that an appeal to their greedy short term interests somehow is what they want.

    I pay property taxes that in the main go for school funding. My kiddies are grown and gone. Should I vote against property taxes because I don’t DIRECTLY benefit from them or be happy to pay them in thanks for what I got years ago or for the education others are getting now? Short term /vs/ Long Term.

    Silly Hoomans.

  21. ramuno says:

    bobbo +1

  22. MikeN says:

    >But who every once in a while gives you a scrap from the table?

    Yup, big government liberal elitist thinking at its finest.

  23. MikeN says:

    Dr Zaius wasn’t a moron.

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  25. Malena says:

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