
  1. Rob Leather says:

    Am I the only one to think, yeah amazing… but clearly they have lots of time on their hands?

    What next… three droplets chasing each other? Two droplets juggling? 🙂

  2. LDA says:

    The ‘merge’ was especially cool.

  3. Heinrich Moltke says:

    They ought to use this on the hulls of ships. If it cuts down resistance, it would cut down fuel costs.

    Also, it would be great to use for passively harvesting water vapor. To hell with electrically-powered water-from-air concepts. Just erect the panel, watch it slowly drip.

  4. J says:

    Holy shit that is cool!

  5. oscord says:

    It would be cool for the urinal lining, I can see the drunks giggling in the washrooms.

  6. NobodySpecial says:

    Probably not robust enough for ships. Would be great for microfluidics – it’s tricky to get a drop of water to flow down a 1um tube, or hold a drop of a chemical compound without it touching the sides.

  7. Bob says:

    #3, thats probably a good idea, except it would be the most expensive hull of any ship ever made :). And of course you would have to make it, which from what I have read we really can’t do in mass quantities yet.

    Still its a promising material. If we can ever get the manufacturing of it perfected, it would revolutionize building. Even that space elevator that people are always fantasizing about suddenly becomes possible.

  8. JIm says:

    I want that on my car instead of paint…

  9. The0ne says:

    As enjoyable as watching dolphins play with air bubbles underwater 🙂 Love it!

  10. cgp says:

    I think the latest cost for vapor deposition nanotube commercial production is $50,000 per kg or maybe even 100g.

    Mass nanotube reality awaits a large breakthrough. Meanwhile the researchers will play with duped funders.

  11. Lambo says:

    So, I’m guessing the remake of “Old Yeller” will now be called “Old Carbon Nanotube Array On Flexible Substrate”? “It’s got the superhydrophobie!”

  12. Joe says:

    Give me back my 30 seconds.

  13. Dallas says:

    Now we know what duck feathers are made of!

  14. Spudboy says:

    Can I get that 2 minutes back of my life wasted watching this video?


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