
Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg stormed off the set of “The View” during an appearance by “The O’Reilly Factor” host Bill O’Reilly on Thursday morning. Conversation during the morning show segment had turned to the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque.” “Seventy percent of Americans don’t want that mosque down there,” O’Reilly said.
When asked why, O’Reilly explained that the mosque was not supported by the majority of Americans because its location was “inappropriate.” When Goldberg asked why it was inappropriate, citing 70 Muslims who died in the attacks, O’Reilly said: “Because Muslims killed us on 9/11. That’s why.” Goldberg responded, “That is such bulls**t.”
“Muslims didn’t kill us? Is that what you’re saying?” O’Reilly asked.
“Extremists did that!” Goldberg said.
As the conversation became more heated, Behar got up from her seat beside O’Reilly. “I don’t want to sit here right now, I don’t,” Behar said. “I am outraged by that statement.” Goldberg joined her colleague and the two walked off stage.
Why in the world would he appear on that show in the first place? Unless of course he’s hoping to get a date with Whoopie.
Due to bandwidth restrictions here in Burma, I couldn’t watch the video but I have read a couple of new articles.
I just want to know, who decided a half dozen irrelevant women were the arbiters of free speech on American TV?
They knew who O’Reilly is and what he says. If they disagreed with his views so much they would walk off their own show, why did they invite him? No chance this was orchestrated, is there? Amazing publicity for the show and amazing publicity for the book.
If not orchestrated, then kudos to Walters for chastising her Viewmates.
So what is this about it supposedly going to be a “victory mosque”? What has that got to do with it?
Hey Howard Squeal,
McVeigh was a self-proclaimed agnostic. He must have frequented this site. Get your facts right pal.
I watched this thing twice, now three times. Once in the doctor’s office, then again on Tivo, then again before I wrote this.
BillO is strong headed but not a jerk. He shoots from the hip and ain’t a bad shoot. His “idear” of America is true but antiquated.
The TV show The View has a diversity of attitudes and normally deals with guests promoting something. This was not the first time BillO was on the show. He has a new book out.
The walk off was inevitable since BillO is not used to listening to his guests, let alone being guest to four hosts.
The man has a big mouth.
That is why he has a multitude of listeners. The poor bastards.
Unless we stop tarring all Muslims with the same brush we will destroy ourselves in internal conflict. We cannot continue to demonize a faith that several million American citizens follow.
Bill was right, they didn’t like it, story over
Not that rat bass turd again?!?!
Someone PULLLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEEE put a sock in his mouth.
I am so sick of O’Lieley, it’s not funny.
He’s such a racist, it’s not funny.
First of all, it’s not a mosque, it’s a freakin’ community center.
Second: It’s not at “ground zero,” it’s two blocks away, and you couldn’t see the towers if they were standing today.
Third: There was a mosque IN the twin towers.
Fourth: What about the strip joints across the street from the “hallowed ground,” of “ground zero.”
Sheesh, give it a rest already. Billo simply does not have logic on his side. He only has his hate, and manages to rile people up with it.
If he was a real Christian, he would say, “Live and let live. Build ten mosques there.”
# 36 smartalix said, “Unless we stop tarring all Muslims with the same brush…”
I don’t understand. Saying that the attack was conducted by Muslims does not tar all Muslims. Do we say the Inquisition was done by extremist elements of the Catholic faith? Not every Spanish Catholic wanted an inquisition but we still call it The Spanish Inquisition.
And most of the people on this blog are happy to tar all Republicans with the same far right brush.
How many times to do you see all the commentators on Fox News tarred as right wing nutjobs? Yet, I believe it is the home of one of the most left wing reporters on TV – Geraldo Rivera.
Was the guy on the lake in Texas shot by Mexicans? No, there are lots of Mexicans who love the people swimming on their side of the lake. I suppose you have to say he was shot by drug lords. But then you’d have to specify which group: Shot by methamphetamine druglords. After all, you wouldn’t want to tar the heroin or cocaine druglords with that same brush.
Angry said, #34
Is literacy a problem for you I said “McVeigh was RAISED a Roman Catholic”
My facts are right pal.
pedro said, #39
#29 I missed when they planned to build a Tim McVeigh Memorial in front of the federal building in Oklahoma City.
and I missed when they planned to build a al-Qaeda Memorial in front of the WTC site
and i have no idea what “Liking Michael More words is one of the requirement to become grade 30 sheeple”means
I haven’t heard what More has had to say on this topic.
Roger & Me is the only movie of his I’ve seen and that was about General Motors moving factories to Mexico so I don’t see how it relates, was that a Fahrenheit 911 comment?
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever come up with any evidence at all that the attack of 9/11 was NOT commanded by the God of Abraham and Moses? If that God exists, as many claim, then the terrorist attack we suffered certainly has His fingerprints all over it. At the very least, it was certainly in character and consistent with prior acts that are undisputed by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as articles of their faiths.
nope just showing that the linking of ALL Muslims and 19 al-Qaeda terrorists is not only silly but un-American
McVeigh was probably taught Catechism of the Catholic Church as a child no reasonable person would think so much damage was done then as to blame all Catholics for his crime and then protest a Catholic Center of some sort going up in Oklahoma City. Or go with his later agnosticism and ban all secular structures
Many of you don’t have a good understanding of history at all. If you are going to label such atrocities to a whole group due to a subset of people related in religion, tradition, race or otherwise anything then there are far far more extremist groups than “Muslims.”
If one were as Boobo said it I would still be thinking and hating Germans. I would still be hating Laotion and Thai people, for what they’ve done in the past to our people and are STILL doing to our people right now. I might as well side with Bill and say all Buddhist worshiping people are extremist and should be blame and slaughter. But that’s not the case.
Boobo say it properly, if you can’t let your mind be open and consider other views and opinions then there is really no hope for you.
Sure this got me steamed but I have to figure this guy O’Reilly is probably doing it on purpose to garner some publicity and it most likely worked with the type of audiences on the show. But hey, be it O’Reily or Rush…it’s all a game…and money of course.
#40–Animbus==ha, ha. EVERYTHING you said exactly is what “tarring” is. Have a person, or group of persons, who have at least 50 different characteristics and pick ONE to label them with: OF COURSE THAT TARS THE CHOSEN CHARACTERISTIC.
and the variation along a continuum is interesting as well. When a group of young males from Saudi Arabia run airplanes into buildings for the purpose of encouraging the USA to remove its presence from the Holy Lands of Muhammad, should we say that camel drivers should not be allowed into the US, or would such identification tar camel drivers.
Amusing you identify the correct issue, but grab the wrong end of the stick.
“Don’t tar me Bro!”
T-1==the trickier part is after your open mind has wandered around, if you are honest about the value of thinking, conclusions must be drawn. With 60% of those surveyed in Saudi Arabia saying the attack on WTC could be justified, how extremist a position is it to say “the Muslims” attacked us? And does it matter at all, is it relevant at all, what the average Muslim thinks or doesn’t think when what 16 Muslims did was obviously directed by those above? No. There is great confusion about what political action/political threats actually are. Wrap them in religion and you got nothing but fud.
Faxon when the IRA killed people were they christians or not?
When christians killed abortion clinic doctors or bombed them were they christian?
Let us know are they following the commands of Christ?
There were other inquisitions all over Europe. The one in Spain only gets more press because of scope of it where heretics, Jews, Muslims and land-owning widows where targeted. In most other regions in Europe there were no muslims, few Jews and land-owning widows were coericed into marriages by peerage and general society.
To be honest I think if it had not been for Monty Python the spanish one would have been no more remembered than the Armenian Holocaust is by most people now.
“A Mosque is is the closest thing to an al-qaeda memorial.”
Then when are you going to tear down all the other mosques because they too must represent Al-Queda?
And on that same frame of mind when are you going to ask to tear down Mount Rushmore as that is an affront to the Lakota Sioux as that IS their sacred land! Or is that different because YOU are caucasian and on the WINNING SIDE?
#47.bobbo- I asked a friend, a highly repected psychologist to look at some of your comments….
You don’t even want to know what he said, but I’ll be happy to give you the Readers Digest version.
This guy is seriously fucked up. Get help before you hurt yourself or someone close.
# 48 Cursor_ said, “There were other inquisitions all over Europe.”
You’re absolutely right. But, “NObody expects the Portuguese Inquisition!” just does not roll lightly off the tongue.
#48–Cursor==a brief study of History shows there is a great consequence to winning or losing. Look it up.
#49–Ugly==well, I asked a psychiatrist friend of mine and he said “Typical of a psychologist to go off half cocked.” but he’s a Freudian. Since you choose not to, have your friend challenge me right here on this blog rather than give you a private hand job. That way, more than one of us could have a smile.
“No one expects a psychiatric intervention!”
Ha==I recall my very last session with a psychiatrist. He asked me “Do you hear voices?” and I said “All the time.” He said “When” and I said whenever someone else was in the room talking to me. We both had a good laugh. I love doctors, so helpful and such.
#49, in bobbo’s defense I would only say that psychological profiling based solely on the content of internet blog discussions isn’t the precise science that so many highly respected psychologists (such as your esteemed colleague) often treat it.
As with political polls, there’s a slight margin of error, not to mention a rather large margin of questionable truthfulness surrounding this diagnosis.
Boobo, I understand what you’re saying but I in all honestly can’t bring myself to answer/support/retort because whatever info I may have is tainted by what I found in the news and web. As always I don’t know all there is, I don’t know what the hell is going on over there and what the people are doing/thinking. I can make all the claims I want but at the end of the discussion I’m just a US bastard watching/reading news that is fed.
That’s not to say I don’t have opinions but seeing as how most people here are already up in arms I say it’s best not to say anything at all. Again, I rather much prefer to stick to things that I at least “know” enough to have a good conversation with people here.
I find it quite nauseating and funny at the same time when I read threads such as these. It seems as though everyone is above the experts in the field and what they say is right. Again, quite nauseating and funny.
49 Ugly Gringo said, “bobbo- I asked a friend, a highly repected psychologist to look at some of your comments….”
Oh, dear. I’m not sure where you found a repected shrink who would profile someone based on their anonymous forum posts but I’m sure (if he exists) he must be Kholbergian in philosophy.
It is certainly not fair to judge someone’s personality here by their writings. Bobbo for instance, is probably a very nice man with a lot of internal isolation. Thus he trolls for arguments and dumps his amphigory anonymously.
Things have always been plenty ugly on the view
Neither does nobody expects the Bavarian inquisition.
And the Danish inquisition sounds like a run for pastries. Which closely sounds like Eddie Izzard’s send up of the CofE with cake or death.
Two points for Bill “I spin everything” O’Reilly:
1) 100% of Americans didn’t care about that mosque in NYC until Fox Propaganda ginned it up.
2) If “Muslims” attacked us on 9/11, then “Christians” molest altar boys.
Oh, and point for that dim-witted Elisabeth Hasselbeck:
The president “himself” never said we weren’t allowed to use the word terrorist!
What an idiotic claim to make.
It’s so juvenile the way conservatives try to make everything about personalities like “Michelle Obama is saying we can’t drink soda pop.” or “Obama told us the war in Iraq is over.” etc.
Grow up!