- Showdown between Google and Facebook as MSFT backs Facebook.
- Teens average over 3000 texts a month. What? That’s over 100 per day every day. Girls text the most.
- Dolby on Netflix streaming.
- Back to the Mac event coming?
- Sony sees a strong Xmas in Europe. The company expects to sell boatloads of PS3 devices.
- Over 2 million machines are in a botnet. This means you!
- MSFT freaked out about Open Office.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
3000/30 = 100 per day
[Fixed. –ed.]
MS is pushing the OpenOffice FUD as a defensive measure. Oracle came out last week and said they will step up OpenOffice support and testing and have started to sponsor and participate in events like ODF Plugfest.
Sorry – OO just isn’t ready for prime time. I miss WordPerfect…
#3 No new versions in years? Ummm, wrong. They do updates some rather major.
Or were you wanting an entirely new product or at least skin every few months? If that’s it most users want nothing to do with such a thing.
If Oracle kicks in money (pays people to work on the product) then it has a chance of becoming a pain in the ass to MS.
Open source people don’t work on desktop software anymore.
Thanks for a good selection of posts.