Voters in some predominantly African-American Chicago neighborhoods will be faced with the prospect of electing a candidate listed as “Rich Whitey” thanks to a mistake made on electronic voting machines in nearly two dozen voting wards, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Thursday.

The glitch means Green Party gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney’s name will be misspelled on voting machines in 23 wards, the report said.

Although the candidate’s name is spelled correctly on the initial ballot, when voters review their selections, the mistake will appear, Jim Allen, spokesman for the Chicago Board of Elections told the paper. Acknowledging a “difficult situation,” Allen assured voters would see the correct name “where it counts.”

“We’ll make the best of it. But the important thing is the name is spelled correctly where it counts, and that’s where people are making the selection,” the paper quoted Allen as saying. He said there is not enough time before the election to reprogram the voting machines. For his part, Whitney expressed concerns about whether or not the mistake was intentional.

“I don’t want to be identified as ‘Whitey,’” the candidate told the Sun-Times. “If this is happening in primarily African-American wards, that’s an even bigger concern.”

Well good luck with that….ha!

  1. Faxon says:

    That’s OK> to make up for it, the Chicago election officials will list Rahm Emmanuel as
    Rahm Cracker.

  2. deowll says:

    I sometimes wonder why they even go through the farce in Chicago.

  3. Publius says:

    Whoever made that “error” is “not responsible for errors”…

    … in the same way Fox News “news” shows have made errors on party affiliation but only in a way to favor republican party, many times in the past.


  4. Rightwing Nutjob says:

    Anti-white racism in black areas. Shocking.

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    That’s about as mistaken as calling Whoopi Goldberg one ugly motherfucker. Ok so I am watching predator (she make the alien look good).

  6. jman says:

    i doubt it was a “mistake”. Probably similar to Illinois “forgetting” to send absentee voter cards to the military…..


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