(CNN) — The lead Mexican investigator in the Falcon Lake case, Rolando Armando Flores Villegas, has been killed, his severed head delivered Tuesday in a suitcase to the Mexican military, officials told CNN. “His head was delivered to the army garrison this morning in a suitcase after he failed to report back home last night,” Zapata County, Texas, Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr. said.

A spokesman for the attorney general of Tamaulipas state in Mexico, Ruben Dario-Rios, confirmed the killing Tuesday afternoon in a telephone interview. The report came a day after authorities in the Tamaulipas state attorney general’s office gave conflicting information on whether authorities were pursuing a pair of suspects in the case of David Michael Hartley’s disappearance.

Hartley’s wife, Tiffany, told authorities that her husband was fatally shot September 30 during a sightseeing trip the two were taking on Falcon Lake, which straddles the border. Eva Rodriguez, Flores’ secretary, said the news of his death came as a surprise. “We saw [Rolando] last night,” she said. “After he came back [from the search for Hartley] we were all together here in the office. That was the last time any of us saw him.”

She said she was not aware that Flores — whom she described as “very dedicated to his job” — had received any threats from narcotraffickers.

“What can you do?” she asked. “We’re still going to be here. We still have to work.”

Gosh, it seems we may have terrorists on the border.

  1. Dallas says:

    Clearly stealing a page from middle east terrorists. It’s clear the means in confronting an organized army or state is through terror.

  2. e? says:

    Meh, could just be part of the wife’s elaborate plan to convince the authorities that she didn’t off her husband…

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Maybe this incident will knock some sense into the open-border nutcases or at least point out the fallacy of their stupid concept.


  4. Improbus says:

    We need to bring our troops home and then send them to occupy Mexico and enforce Martial Law. I would like to see the cartels take on a REAL army.

  5. Personality says:

    The are not terrorists. They are drug lords. American are fools to visit that shithole.

  6. 1860 says:

    Mexico is worse than Oakland! I am highly amused by the colorful billboards around SF touting Mexico for a vacation. Time to boycott the disgusting country.

  7. norm says:

    “Gosh, it seems we may have terrorists on the border.”

    That upsets me. As a border resident, this has been going on for YEARS and just now it’s getting media attn. THIS should have been taken care of back in the 70’s and 80’s.

    There’s a practice these terrorists do that involves kidnapping random people and asking for small sums of cash as ransom, think anywhere from $5k-$50k. If this isn’t paid they “make soup” out of you; toss you in 55gal drums with diesel and set you on fire.

    But one white guy gets hose’d and CNN covers. Lame.

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Interesting link, #3, but more important than the news item itself is the subtext of your linked article… anyone who opposes the Arizona law on grounds that it encourages racial profiling will now be referred to as a “Radical Leftist Open Border Supporter.” Maybe that will help people decide which side of the debate is the correct one to take.

    Accuracy doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.

  9. Tusks says:

    It’s been this way for years. The media’s been too concerned with the crap going on in the Middle East to be concerned with whats going on right next door.

    And for those people that aren’t up to speed – http://www.borderlandbeat.com/ is a nice website that should catch up the uninformed on the daily murders, kidnappings, and executions going on just minutes away from Downtown El Paso, Downtown Laredo, Downtown McAllen, and Downtown Brownsville. MINUTES!

    Yes, they are terrorists. They’ve been here for years. They own homes in the U.S. They own businesses in the U.S. They just do their killings on the other side of the tollboth.

  10. Eva says:

    I agree with Norm. If the wife’s story is true, it is still their fault. It’s like saying, I’m going hiking to Iraq. Oh wait. That DID happen. I swear, Americans are so full of themselves that they really believe they can’t be touched. If there’s a war, ANY kind of war, stay the f**k away!! Stupid people. I LIVED in Mexico. I KNOW these places like the back of my hand. But I’m not an idiot. My cousin got married this past weekend and invited me. It was just across the border. I didn’t risk it. Everything went well thankfully but I don’t care because, AGAIN, IM NOT AN IDIOT. Stop being idiots and stop traveling to these dangerous places.

  11. Eva says:

    Oops, what I meant is I agree with Norm on what he said, but I also shared my opinion on the matter.

  12. deowll says:

    #8 As for as I’m concerned the nuts who want an open border are radical left wing open border loons.

    And just so you don’t get confused I’d hand out green cards to migrant labor working the fields with no qualms. I’d do a search coming and going and check IDs but they’d be free to come and work and go home with their pay.

    I’d also hand out green cards and applications for citizenship to anyone with an IQ above 120 who isn’t connected to a terrorist organization nor suffering from some dread disease. Smart people are useful to have around.

    I think the point needs to be underlined that lard brained progressives are oblivious to people getting killed or dying as long as it isn’t one of them or their fellow elites. Deaths among people of color or non elites couldn’t mean less to them.

    You want to buy a good ranch cheap? go to the border regions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. You will find plenty of them for sale by people that don’t want to have to go armed and fight the cartels. Does this concern the progressives? Why should it? People that ranch aren’t their kind of people.

    That the lame media hasn’t done any reporting on what isn’t happening in Haiti is just one more example of this. Why should they report on what’s happening to people when the elite’s doing the fund raisers have moved on mostly keeping the money.

    They make me want to puke.

  13. jbenson2 says:

    #8 whined: “Maybe that will help people decide which side of the debate is the correct one to take.”

    It certainly helped me decide which side of the “debate” is the correct side.

    Which is worse:
    a.) being called a name (leftist)
    b.) being killed (head chopped off)

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #12, just to indulge my curiosity, which organizations are you aware of that advocate opening the U.S.-Mexican border? I’ve even heard John McCain lumped in with the “open borders” crowd, yet I’ve seen absolutely nothing to justify it. Who is advocating the opening of the border and how can I oppose their cause? Are they gaining momentum? Should I go to my gun rack and break out my muskets?

    I certainly agree with you — anyone who wants to open up the border with Mexico is a real loon! Please let us know how to stop them before it’s too late.

  15. goldbug says:

    Money for gangsters – check
    Drugs for gringos – check
    Salaries for DEA agents – check
    Votes for “tough on crime” politicians – check

    Sounds to me like the policy is working exactly as planned.

  16. tma says:

    Should we point out the obvious here? That crap like this only happens because of prohibition? Get rid of prohibition, get rid of the black market- problem solved, right?

  17. Ugly Gringo says:

    #14. gary…the borders are already open, it’s tightening the borders, and getting rid of the criminals that are already here, that have the loony lefties upset.

    I’m guessing you think the criminals are sneaking across the checkpoints, right?

  18. gquaglia says:

    It’s all our fault, Mexico’s President says so. Mexico is so fucked up right now, it’s probably about a decade or less from becoming another Somalia. The Mexican President is do such a great job fucking up his country that the Demotards in our Congress gave him a standing ovation when he criticized us and blamed us for all his countries woes.

  19. chuck says:

    Simply announce that, at random intervals, in random locations (within 1 mile north of the Mexican border) the US air force will be conducting napalm bombing. End of illegal immigrant problem. End of drug smuggling problem.

  20. clancys_daddy says:

    Call my cynical, but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  21. Improbus says:


    I like napalm as much as the next guy but it doesn’t work on folks using tunnels.

  22. sulfuric ass says:

    That falcon lake has been nothing but problems!

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    ….wondering who advocates not tightening the border….I don’t know who that is.

  24. Glenn E. says:

    I like how nobody seems to ever hold the chemical industry responsible for supplying these illegal drug makers with the solvents and reagents they need to refine the raw ingredients into the finished narcotics. It’s like some kind of magic trick. Boat loads of chemicals go in, and boat loads of drugs come out. And nobody makes the connection. When is the chemical industry going to take any responsibility for being a part of this problem, and having profited from it for so long?

    The government can go after pot growers and child pornographers. But they throw their hand up, and give up, to tracking and regulating the sale and distribution of chemicals used for the production of illegal narcotics. One gets the notion that they REALLY DON’T want to stop it. Not if it costs certain concerns, some of their yearly profits.

  25. sargasso_c says:

    Money, drugs and guns. Remove any one of these attributes, and that problem will disappear.

  26. smartalix says:

    Stop the money laundering and you eviscerate crime.

  27. dmstrat says:

    Okay, I have to stop drinking coffee. I swear the first thing in my head when I saw that image was a Starbucks logo instead of the Texas Wildlife emblem.

  28. Bhelverson says:

    If you want to learn more, read Charles Bowden, Murder City (2010), ISBN 978-1-56858-449-2, about the problems in Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, across from El Paso. This book is far scarier than any Halloween tale. Things are so bad that even the Mayor of Juarez and the publisher of its major newspaper live in El Paso. Bowden told his sources that he wasn’t interested in solving crimes but only in learning how the World actually works and obtained some good interviews that, unfortunately, are full of bad news. He concludes that murder has been the ultimate political weapon throughout history and that Juarez is merely showing us what our own future will be.


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