PROVO, Utah, Oct. 13 (UPI) — The family tree for U.S. President Obama shows he’s related — distantly — to two of his harshest critics, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, said.

Obama and Palin — the Republican vice presidential nominee in 2008 — are 10th cousins, related by a common ancestor named John Smith, the family history resource based in Provo, Utah, said on its Web site Wednesday.

Richard Terrell is the common link between Obama and conservative talk show host Limbaugh, who are actually 10th cousins once removed.

In another instance of quirkiness, researchers said Palin, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and conservative author Ann Coulter are cousins through Englishman John Lathrop, exiled to the United States for becoming a minister of an illegal independent church.

Obama’s family tree also extends to former President George W. Bush, said. The two are 11th cousins through common ancestor Samuel Hinckley.

Keeping it in the family. I knew it all along. Har.

  1. sulfuric ass says:

    They say if you go back 14 generations and come forward from there you are almost guaranteed to be related to anyone on earth.

  2. Steve S says:

    Well I am related to my parents other than they being my parents as they were related to each other before they were married.
    Hmmm…. I probably shouldn’t be bragging about that…….

  3. Breetai says:

    We’re all six degrees of Kevin Bacon

  4. ArianeB says:

    #1 Raw math agrees, but in reality that is not true. There is not enough interracial or intercontinental matings. If you trace your ancestry back, you start finding married couples who turn out to be distant cousins, and that throws off the whole math.

    Everyone of at least some European descent are descendants of Charlemagne, who came into power around 800 AD. His descendants intermarried into every royal and noble house in Europe, and every royal and noble house has completely failed to keep their lines pure, so every European descended from nobility who descended from Charlemagne. There are certainly other characters from history in other parts of the world who now have descendants making up the vast majority of the planet.

  5. TeaParty Retarty says:

    Genghis Kahn for one.

  6. LotsaLuck says:


    So, in other words, we are ALL related to both bobbo AND Alfred.


  7. gquaglia says:

    Like some theorize, that all people of power are related in some way. Certain family rule and continue to rule while the rest serve.

  8. Maricopa says:

    “10th cousins once removed” What the hell does that mean?

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This is a lesson for us all, that you can go to great lengths to hide your shameful family history, but sooner or later the deep dark truth may come out that you’re related to a politician.

  10. GregAllen says:

    Wait a minute! Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are Kenyan?!?!

  11. MrMiGu says:

    Or just a means for a subscription website to get free advertising

  12. Rich says:

    “This is a lesson for us all, that you can go to great lengths to hide your shameful family history, but sooner or later the deep dark truth may come out that you’re related to a politician.”

    I don’t need a personal paradigm-upsetter first thing in the morning before my coffee.

  13. bobbo, in a socialist frame of mind says:

    Only restating the obvious: and go back far enough and we are related to monkeys, then whales, then lizards, then salamanders, then fish, then the very stars and the big Bang.

    Ain’t life grand?

  14. bobbo, in a socialist frame of mind says:

    Darn–arguing with my wifey makes me lose my place: so what I find interesting is how much of our bodies (genome) is actually composed of bacteria parts, and thats in addition to the actual whole bacteria that co exist with us: more bacteria by individual count than our own body cells? Thats totally cool.

    Return to your general programing.

  15. WmDE says:

    “10th cousins once removed” What the hell does that mean?


  16. scadragon says:

    smells fishy to me….

  17. Skeptic says:

    We are all the progeny of a big bang.

  18. Likes2LOL says:

    Ah, ha! This means Palin and Limbaugh are secret Islamofascists, too!

  19. nicktherat says:

    lols. btw, i am not related to nik the rat

  20. God says says:

    Who says I don’t have a sense a humor?

  21. jman says:


    everyone is related

  22. dcphill says:

    We are all Africans!


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