Prediction: After Apple implements this, there will be an unusual spike in Android and other non-iPhone phones sales among 12-25 yr old users with a sharp drop in iPhone sales to the same.

Today the US Patent and Trademark Office approved a patent Apple filed in 2008, which, get this, prevents users from sending or receiving “objectionable” text messages. The patent’s official title? “Text-based communication control for personal communication device” which actually doesn’t use the pretty ridiculous noun/verb “Sexting,” but come on, we all know what they mean.

The “Sexting” patent background info states that the problem it solves is that there is currently “No way to monitor and control text communications to make them user appropriate. For example, users such as children may send or receive messages (intentionally or not) with parentally objectionable language.”
Ladies and gentlemen this means that Jobs and company have just sealed the deal on a solution to the number one fear of parents across America, kids sending “unauthorized texts.” As it looks like whatever algorithm or control the system is comprised of will basically censor the transmission of R-rated content on iPhones, is this the first sign of the end of “Sexting” as we know it?

  1. Cephus says:

    Fine by me, just gives me one more reason to never own an Apple product, not like I was planning on buying one anyway.

    Fuck you Steve Jobs. Cram your company straight up your tight ass.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    By patenting this “tech”, perhaps the aim is to prevent anyone else from creating something better. And when are they going to stop patenting software, and copyright it like any other form of art? Which is what Steve Job himself has always promoted Apple wares as.

    Anyway. I’d be more concerned with what else this anti-sexting software might be “anti”, at some later date. Change a few parameters, and it becomes a grass roots government opposition blocker. Or an anti-tyrant blocker.

  3. The0ne says:

    Marc is a premium member at it appears. Have to admit though, they do have some very nice photos.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    I am left wondering where a progressive liberal company like Apple is going with this idea.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Look! she’s not wearing the towel anymore (NSFW!)

  6. W.T.Effyall says:

    It’s a design for a user preference. An available content filter. You know, like every search engine has?

  7. dianaC says:

    This are useful technology to prevent the increasing crime, i agree to this!
    By patenting this “tech”, perhaps the aim is to prevent anyone else from creating something better. And when are they going to stop patenting software, and copyright it like any other form of art? Which is what Steve Job himself has always promoted Apple wares as.
    The program is intended to help parents filter teens’ text messaging. The stated intention of this program is anti-sexting. Apple’s “anti-sexting technology” is built to regulate and control a full range of mobile is a part of parental control settings. to keep children from sending or receiving sexual explicit content, to protect them


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