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Branson is one great American.
errrrrr…….What? He’s not an American citizen. He’s British.
Eat the rich. A rollercoaster isn’t good enough for them to flaunt their ill gained wealth on the backs of the working oppressed.
But now, the gap between rich and poor is astronomical. The tipping point has long been passed, the counterweights are giving way.
Grab your socks.
#2 did you hear that whoosh?
Off topic – I just saw this headline:
Microsoft unveils plans for first nine Windows Phone 7 handsets
Do they think they can find 9 people to buy them? Well, there’s Pedro…
I heard the “whoosh” when Bush Jr. got elected.
Screw Branson, Burt Rutan and team designed and built Space Ship 1 & 2. All Branson did was come up with some cash AFTER SS1 flew.
Group effort, I think. Burt Rutan did the engineering, and Branson provided money to make the plane commercial. This isn’t the Wright Brothers on a sand dune, after all.
Branson is one great pilot.
Looks rather flimsy to me — I’d hate to see it try to land in a crosswind, or with variable gusty conditions. I guess on a trip that goes to 63 miles altitude, weight is at a high premium — every ounce, every gram is costly…
Thirty years of of conservative “Reaganomics” has finally played out:
The top 2% of Americans can plop-down 200Gs for a brief joy ride while the rest of we Americans are riding on bald tires.
I think it’s great, and to the whiners (assuming they’re for real), there’s nothing wrong with private enterprise. Branson and Rutan have created a lot of good-paying jobs, and far more efficiently than the $1 billion for 50 government jobs we’ve been hearing about.
One thing that bothers me is calling this a spaceship. We all like to complain about NASA, but Rutan’s ship in no way compares to the capabilities of the Shuttle or other heavy rockets. If Rutan can get an orbital ship up, safely, that will be ultimately impressive. This “space” ship is just a big X-15.
Republican Big Lie No 1: Rich People create jobs.
Well done Minatti. How does that grass taste?
Voting against their own self interests eve well after admitting BushtheRetard is a failure – Silly Hoomans.
you are such a whiney little b*tch. when the last time someone cashed their welfare check and them offered you a job? i am so sick and tired of wimps like you and GregAllen sitting on your butts and crying “woe is me!” suck it up do something for yourself.
Truth being the first victim in Republican Lore: when have I ever cried “woe is me?” = Never. That doesn’t mean I can’t tell a blow rabbit when I see one.
Ha, ha. Speaking of blow rabbit, boy did I.
Fact is, “I’ve got mine, screw all y’all.”
No, deconstructing the social evils that are in play in our politics is an enjoyable pastime. My comments are for those for whom reality is a mystery. I do lament the perfidy of the tools, ideologues, and fools who post here for their unimaginative selves. After all, I have experienced the very best that life has to offer: education, health, travel, wealth. All courtesy of the USA. My kiddies won’t have the same life. Neither will yours. Whiney? Perhaps all things by definition. In fair summary though, I’ve got mine-screw you if you won’t act in your own best interests.
Silly Hoomans.
What is all the hype about Space? I mean, other then seeing the Earth as a big ball and the darkness of Space. Im not sure he is going to get many takers. Oh Im sure their is enough rich people with money to burn who will give it a go. But when that’s gone, then what? One good accident and his whole plan will be dead.
To Boldly Go Where No Dilettante Has Gone Before
#13 – tell that to Alan Shepherd.
I think that people would prefer Rutan’s Mudfighter for thrills.
#21 Doug – Thanks
Yes, nice video at #21==but I think the future of light weight, low cost, effective close air support is – – – drones.
So, I wonder what any commander would rather have on his side: 20 of these Rutan craft or ONE modern fighter? That makes me think it would really come down to the quality of the ground support radar?–or not–as the modern fighters can track and shoot down up to X numbers of aircraft all on their own radar and fire systems?
IE–yes, this craft is cheap and functional for what it does which is carry a gattling gun into the battle: very 1965.
The “lift” vehicle is bulky and graceful. It’s beautiful.
Sure it can reach space, it just can’t stay there. This is little more than modern man throwing a stick up in the air and watching it fall back to Earth. An orbital vehicle would be a real accomplishment. SpaceX has the right idea.