• Windows Phone 7 rolled out today. Read my column at www.pcmag.com. It’s not a cool factor phone by any means.
  • Google getting ink over driver-free cars. It’s the future they say.
  • Tourist space rocket tested. Find out about it here .
  • Gates Foundation getting into teaching machines.
  • NASA getting money.
  • AT&T going towards pay TV.
  • Dogs get depressed if you don’t feed them. Wow. Who knew?
  • Cute Russian spy becomes banker.
  • Computerworld says we are behind in the USA regarding social networking. Yeah, right.

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  1. soundwash says:

    oh oh…lemme guess..
    ..these days..everything.

    well, except maybe, debt.



  2. Holdfast says:


  3. deowll says:

    Is the WP7 super cool?

    Very subjective and up to each user to decide.

    It ties into the the MS productivity software, It ties in to the X-box games software and it ties into the Zune experience.

    That means nothing to some people and a lot to others.

    Studies have shown that while geeks love apts most users don’t use the apts or at most a very few apts.

    As long as this phone can do what most people want not having an ocean of apts isn’t as important as some people think except to the geeks that review the phones. That is about the only time it is important to have a lot of apts.


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