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On the one hand, it’s clear that government (ie, Obama) has stimulated private sector job growth:

The September jobs report was just released and demonstrates that America is on a far slower path to recovery than anyone originally predicted. Despite this, the shedding of government jobs cloaks a glimmer of hope: more private sector jobs have been created this year than during the entire Bush administration. Read that again: 2010 has had more private job creation than during the entire 8 year tenure of George W. Bush.

This is the 9th straight month of private sector job growth in the midst of a devastating recession that has put a serious strain mostly on the poor and middle class. There has been a total of 863,000 private sector jobs created in 2010, exceeding the total created under the Bush/Cheney regime.

On the other hand, it’s clear government (including Obama) has destroyed private sector job growth:

The unemployment rate has risen again for the the first time in 4 months. I predicted a growing, long-term unemployment problem last year.

Indeed, even after the government plays with the numbers to make them look better (using inaccurate birth-death models and other tricks-of-the-trade), this is how the current jobs downturn compares with other post-WWII recessions [see chart above].

In fact, as demonstrated below, the government’s actions have directly contributed to the rising tide of unemployment.

The Government Has Encouraged the Offshoring of American Jobs for More Than 50 Years
[…] The Government Has Encouraged Mergers
[…] The Government Has Let Unemployment Rise in an Attempt to Fight Inflation
[…] The Government Has Allowed Wealth to be Concentrated in Fewer and Fewer Hands

  1. ECA says:

    lETS SEE.
    Imsted of polluting the USA, OUR’ corps just do business in other nations..that do not have the regulatory power. So, insted of polluting the USA, we pollute EVERYWHERE/whole earth.

    Lets see.
    Insted of using PLASTICS for cases and simple things, I BET I could name off a few alternatives that would work as well, and are NATURAL.
    How about using Bamboo..Easy to break down, and design with. Easy/fast to grow.
    How about HEMP?
    we COULD EVEN GO back in the composites and make glues and Bonds, (like Fiber glass) that are made more naturally.

    The start/problem was in the past. the USA does NOT like/use international prices. WE will BUY from other nations for almost nothing, and charge TONS of MONEY to use/make/build with it in the USA.


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