I think I’m in love.

  1. Animby says:

    That’s adorable!

  2. Mr Fog says:

    Wow! Six posts so far. Six videos so far.

  3. The Don says:

    If you listen closely, there are a lot of obscene catcalls from the audience of ‘F@cking ….’
    Hard to hear, but definitely there.

    You have to control the rabble somehow 🙂

  4. identi says:


    It’s from a spoof called “Britain’s Got The Pop Factor and Possibly A New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly On Ice”

    You’ll find lots of clips on Youtube

    Here’s a bit about the sob stories –

  5. Dan Barker says:

    # 4 – yeah, I saw that on Channel 4 a while ago. Best Peter Kay thing ever. (and you all must go find and watch it now, because it is bloody brilliant).

  6. ECA says:

    1 LOST JOB.

  7. scadragon says:

    such a lovely and delicate thing, ain’t she?

  8. steve says:

    its a monthy thing,i’ve heard it before

  9. Someone Else says:

    I’m thinking vinyl. Or maybe leather?

    Nope, definitely vinyl.

  10. Mac Guy says:

    This happened two years ago in 2008.

    Still funny, though.

  11. TThor says:

    Lovely! No Rachel Maddow – that is for sure!

  12. Larry Budd says:

    She told me to shut up and fuck her, right?

  13. Len says:

    ringtone anyone?

  14. Aude says:


  15. Grandpa says:

    Dang, I wasn’t ready for that. I thought my Dad had walked into the room.

  16. Chris Mac says:


  17. JasonMania says:

    You know I am thinking adding this to an end of a ringtone , would make a funny ring tone,

  18. Chris Mac says:

    I COOOPT A feel..
    and i liked it

  19. Rob Leather says:

    Wow. I find it interesting that despite the 4th post telling you it’s from a spoof show and it’s not real, so many people are running with the idea that it is real.

    For you guys, I suggest Fox news. It’s all “real” over there.

  20. clancys_daddy says:

    #19 If its on the web it must be true. No one would ever post things that were not true on the web.

  21. JMJahn says:

    Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi are you taking notes ?

  22. BillyBluff says:

    Sounds a bit like me 2nd wife..

  23. DrJekyll says:

    Now if the audience is this vocal yet this easily tamed, how good can the show be?

  24. Rob Leather says:

    Charlie Brooker in “screenwipe” already covered the unreality of reality TV.

    If you don’t get Nuremberg for Dummies comment; watch the start of this video – “Triumph of the will”

    Not wanting to invoke Godwin’s Law… but he does have a point.

  25. Rob Leather says:

    Charlie Brooker in “screenwipe” already covered the unreality of reality TV.


    If you don’t get Nuremberg for Dummies comment; watch the start of this video – “Triumph of the will”


    Not wanting to invoke Godwin’s Law… but he does have a point.

  26. MrHyde says:

    OK funnier scene – after she orders the audience, at least half immediately rushes the stage and tears clothes off (then back off). Nothing really violent mind you, just to see if she’ll scream the same thing whilst naked. Someone will be looking for a new job I bet.

    BTW, when will we finally get off of this reality TV kick and get back to shows that tell stories?

  27. sargasso_c says:

    The woman can multitask!

  28. Paul says:

    Yes, she’s a hero to me!

  29. alessandro says:

    I say we bomb endemol out of existence and the world will be a much better place.

  30. Camacho says:

    I can say nothing about your orientation. Whatever it is, it seems that you would like to be dominated.


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