1. Dean Franz says:

    Oh, Seth…stirring the pot, are you? 😉

  2. hhopper says:

    Well, there’s a credible source.

  3. ion says:

    hey, some captions should do it.

  4. LDA says:

    If he had arrived on time (reportedly) he would have been on American Airlines Flight 11.

  5. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    I can’t wait for their video (ie-cartoon) of the WTC falling at “free fall speed.” Cartoons for cartoon people.

    Silly Hoomans.

  6. goldbug says:

    In other news:


    I supposed we’ll a more truthful account around 2040.

  7. jccalhoun says:

    If by “sneaks in” you mean directly says it then yes, they snuck it in. They also said that this episode of the cartoon was live. So it isn’t the most truthful cartoon ever made.

  8. GreatAmerican says:

    That video has a PANTSLESS BEAR. Anyone who clearly “gets it” knows that that is Alex Jones’ nickname he received in the half-way house he was dropped off at by the CIA after MK Ultra.

    And WHY was that ranger being hugged at the end of the clip? Clearly former Soviet spy McFarlane wants us to embrace big brother!!!!!

  9. Rob Leather says:

    I quite like the cheeky nature of slipping the line in there. I guess those without recording equipment will be left wondering if they really did hear it.

    Nice. 🙂


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