1. sargasso_c says:

    “Hey baby, want a ride on my red trolley?”

  2. Cursor_ says:

    And by the age of the user we can tell whom the target market is.

    Old fucks that are pining for their childhood.

    Oh, help me! I’m getting too old! Ah I wanna turn back the clock and remain young forever!

    Idealistic claptrap.

    Like being a kid with no money to buy what you wanted, having your parents tell you bullshit and have rules apply for you and not them and have kids in your school fuck with you all the time was SOOO much fun!

    Just like the fucking baby boomers with their delusions of malt shops, muscle cars, James dean motorcycle freedom and how the 50s were great times.

    Yeah ask any non-white or gay how GREAT the 50s were. Ask anyone not of a nuclear family how awesome the 50s were.

    Fuck nostalgia!


  3. WmDE says:

    As a child I never had a little red wagon. Mine was a burgundy Western Flyer from Western Auto.

    55+ years later my current wagon is red and made out of plastic. It has a load limit of 85 pounds and doesn’t coast at all. Useful for moving stuff around the yard though.

  4. hhopper says:

    Why don’t you tell us what you really think Cursor_?

  5. dumbledorf says:


    @#2 you have some serious deep rooted issues.. lol. They are both old, have lots of spare time and decided to do something together that looks fantastic.

  6. The Pirate says:

    #2 “Fuck nostalgia!” – Cursor_

    Reading you is like a trip thru Downerville. Sucks to be you!


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