Looks like some real competition for the iPad.

  1. pwuk says:

    ooh its gorgeous

  2. Padoria says:

    iPad nano

  3. ECA says:


    I still like the Edge.

    # Internal Memory: 4 GB (3 GB for user)
    # Reader File Formats: ePub, PDF
    # LCD Touchscreen (Tablet) Display Size: 1024 x 600 (10.1″)
    # E-paper (Reader) Display Size: 9.7″ E Ink® (1200 x 825), 8 shades of gray
    # E-paper (Reader) Input: Wacom Penabled®
    # Operating System: Linux® with Google® Android™

  4. Marc Perkel says:

    OMG! I wonder if I could get a cell hotspot with that and ditch the cell phone. I want one!

  5. dusanmal says:

    Real competition to the iPad is Android in general, not single device of any manufacturer. Variety of designs will allow certain Android tablets to fill specific niches and quick real evolution (market selection of the fittest vs. one thought out model per year iPad) will result in designs users really want vs. what Apple expects or pushes on them.
    This one in particular targets niche between iPod touch and iPad, but dozens other will crop up in the same space and the strongest will win.
    I see end users as winners as Apple too will not be able to cripple-design as when it started tablet as monopoly (lack of industry standard interface: USB; ban [already weakened] on app design methods,…).

  6. dusanmal says:

    @ECA Your post came while I was typing mine… I completely agree, EntourageEdge addresses what I want in the tablet best so far.
    Notice how Apple simply can’t compete with so diverse designs covering so diverse needs as Galaxy and EntourageEdge yet those have the same basic “DNA” of Androd.

  7. sargasso_c says:

    Looks nice. But will it blend?

  8. eighthnote says:

    I really like this device, but I’m a bit apprehensive with respect to how bad the carriers are going to hose things up.

  9. Bob says:

    Wow! Sold.

  10. TooManyPuppies says:

    Too bad the price is wrong for it though, I had high hopes for it.

    The T-Mobile pricing is going to be $399 on 2 yr contract after a $50 MIR. Price without a contract is $649.

    I gave up waiting for Sammy getting it together in the pricing field when I saw the euro price at more than $1,000 USD without contract. Bought the $499 iPad to go with my Nexus One. Free tethering with T-Mo for me.

  11. deowll says:

    I’m not going to pay 2,000 for two years of internet connections for this machine. My kindle does wifi.

  12. Stiffie says:

    I love thees gadget!

    (I hate thees museek!)

  13. Mr. Fu says:

    Notice the battery goes down half. Something to think about while filming an ad.

  14. Someone Else says:

    I’ve seen it listed as low as £600‎ without a contract in Europe. The $200-$400 prices suggested by Samsung for the US are all with contracts. You couldn’t sell a dog in the US without a 2 year contract from a carrier.

    Tim Bray’s impressions of the Galaxy Tab.

  15. ECA says:

    And for $550, the Edge has a few colors you can choose from..
    Builtin Mic
    Standard USB PORTS.

  16. ECA says:

    something that can protect the Surfaces/FACES..

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    who is Bill Jobs?

  18. e? says:

    #10: +1, massively overpriced.

    In Australia, the 16GB version will be AUD999 (USD984 at current market rates). For comparison, a 3G 64GB iPad is priced at AUD1050.

    ($hunk of crap > $Apple) ==> Epic fail.

    Apple will sell millions of tablets next year. I predict that this thing will fail and they will sit around wondering why nobody wants tablets and complaining that the market isn’t mature yet.

  19. Someone Else says:

    Accessorizing completely makes the ensemble.

  20. e? says:

    #19 – people have to buy the device for there to be a market for accessories.

    How much do those kind of sites typically make, anyway?

  21. ZZman says:

    Tried it for one hour, not ready for prime time. Maybe next year it will have more chance, and the price has to be lower for sure.

  22. Dallas says:

    I’d pay $149 for it but the iPAD still provides a richer set of applications.

    Won’t be until end of next year when Android Tablets , aPads ™ , will catch up and then overtake iPads – rerun of the smartphone path.

  23. Bytowner says:

    I thought I saw an opening swipe to activate and a pinch to shrink a picture, which I believe are both patented by Apple. I foresee lawsuits on it.

  24. abrown says:

    Wrist cracking Edge 3#
    Galaxy < 1#
    WAke up folks

  25. ECA says:

    Let me ask you about 3lb vs 1lb..
    If you cant support 3lb in your hands, I think you need to exercise.

  26. Someone Else says:

    deowll, I agree. My new Kindle is fantastic.

  27. Alki Area says:

    It doesn’t matter if it’s hundred times better. Apple products are sold because they’re “fashion” not technology. Apple puts in cut & paste 10 years after everyone else has it and it’s hailed as a great innovation. They have front facing video, after other phones (which work on WiFi AND 3G or 4G) and no one cares. I can buy an iPad but I can’t even browse a local restaurant’s web page because it’s menu is in flash. You can argue all day long that they SHOULDN’T have done that, but instead of waiting 2-3 years for them to redesign it, I’d like to know what’s for brunch today!

    Apple…fashion, easy for gradma to use and porn safe enough for an 8 year old. Why the hell do I want that, instead of a “real” product that can view ANY web page (even sucky ones), look at all content (even porn) and has ACTUAL industry standard connectors (like HDMI, USB) and ports like MicroSD. I know SOMEDAY Apple will introduce one or more of these features and be hailed as “visionary”. People are sheep.

  28. Alki Area says:

    Golly…this product sure solves that silly argument over Flash vs HTML5…have BOTH! Why can’t I view Flash sites (that may or may not suck) and HTML5 sites (that may or may not suck). Why do I need to let Steve Jobs tell me that Flash is not acceptable (and Blu-Ray too if you have an Apple laptop or iMac…please tell me why THAT’s also a crap technology that Apple is reasonably avoiding just like Flash…LOL).

    Don’t let nuts like Steve Jobs tell you what you can see. I want the full internet. I want to see EXACTLY what I can view on my MacBook, Ubuntu and Windows 7 machines. My “tablet” browser shouldn’t be MORE limited that what I can see in OS X or Firefox in Ubuntu. That’s just silly.

  29. Rob Leather says:

    I just don’t see anybody in the UK buying a MORE expensive iPad, with Samsungs name on it.

    The iPad is expensive enough as it is. So why would anybody pay more for less?

    If the device came in around $200-$300 (£100-£300) that would be something. But at the price they are suggesting, who in their right mind would get one.

    An iPad copy for MORE money, like that makes sense.

  30. W.T.Effyall says:

    There’s a nap for that.


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