DeStefano referred to last weekend’s police raid of a private Yale dance at the Elevate nightclub on College Street. Police, including two heavily armed SWAT officers, stormed the club at 12:50 a.m. on Oct. 2 and made five arrests while commanding students to stay off cell phones. The incident sparked a storm of protest from undergraduates who say they were mistreated by overly aggressive police officers.

It was one of three cases in which police have come under fire for treatment of civilians since launching the “Operation Nightlife” crackdown in the downtown club district in the wake of a shoot-out between citizens and police. The police have launched internal investigations into two of those incidents.

  1. sargasso_c says:

    Club owner skipped a kickback that month?

  2. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    Other than “Citizens United” I can’t think of a more important issue for the ACLU to get behind.

    Police should be filmed 24/7. This fascist turn of events must be stopped asap.

    Respect is a two way street.

  3. Dallas says:

    (1) Strengthen the Justice department for sentencing rogue cops heavily for violating constitutional freedoms in states.

    (2) Strengthen the ACLU for prosecuting those rogue cops because evidently law enforcement is already corrupt – especially in the yahoo states.

    (3) Vote into office legislators that protect our Constitutional freedoms. Keep witches, Christian Taliban and other hairballs away from government.

  4. Luc says:

    Can someone please explain the article to me? The police is cracking down on DANCE?! Why?!!!

  5. Improbus says:

    It is kind of funny that they cops don’t like being recorded on video and then they turn around and support a police surveillance state. Frak you, pigs … and the politician you rode in on.

  6. Southern Man says:

    Typical Yankee northern attitude. I have a badge and you don’t. So your an idiot and I’m not.

  7. Northern Man says:

    Typical obese southern attitude. I have a badge and you don’t. So you’re an idiot and I’m not.

  8. Improbus says:

    The Republic transforms itself into an Empire and then promptly collapses. The End.

  9. Amazing – what would of would not of happened in the Rodney King whole episode with the resulting beating after the police chased at higher speeds the low end Hyundai
    Just the facts maam just the facts

  10. Counterweight says:

    I didn’t find the recording to be of any particularly onerous actions by the cops.

    Maybe someone should invent a small recording device, maybe with the lens in the cops badge. The cop leaves the station, it gets activated. At the end of his shift, he turns in the SD card for archival. It wouldn’t catch everything but it would be better than this piecemeal cellphone crap we get now.

  11. goat says:

    #11 counterweight – good idea, but you’re not the first. Taser International had the same idea.

    They also have a taser mounted camera.


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