1. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    While everything is a mattr of degree of just about everything else, the Darwin Award would go to someone who hadn’t studied all the relevant elements of this stunt for days before execution.

    So–Stunt. Not even Amazing unless you are easily amazed.

  2. Yankinwaoz says:

    He never reaches terminal velocity. But still, that has to hurt when you land.

  3. jobs says:

    Amazing stunt by a future Darwin Award candidate.

  4. Luc says:

    A very good stunt, turned incredibly foolish with the slow motion and the annoying music.

  5. Awake says:

    Please remove this video.
    Several hundred people had to do that a little over 9 years ago, from much greater heights, and without the benefit of a chute.
    It sure brings back bad memories, and is not entertaining at all.
    A little sensitivity please.

  6. Nobodyspecial says:

    Isn’t it an anti-darwin award?
    Doing some thing scary and dangerous – but cool – get’s girls and INCREASES your chance of paddling in the gene pool.
    Young men ski, skateboard, ride motorbikes, skydive for very evolutionary reasons

  7. O'Really says:

    Awake…didn’t even consider it’s relation to the WTC falling.

    In other news, Guinness Book of World Records has just announced the “Man with the Biggest Balls” record goes to that guy!!!

  8. Animby says:

    Get a life Awake.

    Interesting stunt, I’m guessing filmed for a movie? No Darwin Award. He’s obviously trained and prepared and had expert advice.

  9. chuck says:

    The Darwin Award will go to the idiot who watches this video on youtube, then sets himself on fire and jumps of the roof of his apartment building and tries to land on a mattress.

  10. God says:

    Why the godly music? I was tempted to deflate the mattress.

  11. deowll says:

    Adrenaline junkie. The ones that don’t get killed get laid a lot.

  12. chris says:

    I think base jumps involve parachutes.

    The crazy bit is that the guy on fire is wearing a plastic mask, but a camera man onscreen towards the end is wearing a motorcycle helmet.

    I hope they razzed that guy. Afraid to get hurt NOT jumping out of a building, huh?

    #5 Lighten up.

    #10 Song is by Moby.

  13. Harley Parts says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    I have to agree with #1. this is not worthy of a Darwin Award. This is a professional stunt, not something that’s done mindlessly like that idiot the scooter; who also DIED. This guy did something much more dangerous, beautiful, but didn’t get hurt.

  15. Dennis says:

    So…they started filming “Halloween 2010 – Mike Myers ON FIRE!”?

  16. Awake says:

    Just the header photo brings back awful memories.

    Unless you watched the people fall, I wouldn’t expect you to understand.

  17. LowKey says:

    Poor Awake, no ones giving him enough attention.

  18. Rob Leather says:

    “Oh, hey. Sorry about this. Can you just go and do that again. Only we forgot to take the lens caps off…. our bad!”

  19. Rob Leather says:

    “Ok. Excellent. Now lets try it without the bag and just use the fountain next to it. OK?… Hello?”

  20. shotinfilm says:

    This is an “Amazing Stunt”.

    The guy is a professional stunt man named Bog Brown.



    It was filmed for the “World Stunt Awards” in 2002 or 2003 — Can’t remember the year, but it was shot in Woodland Hills, CA at Warner Center.


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