It’s a story that, by all accounts, shouldn’t have flown.

Anchors at the Fox News national morning news show “Fox and Friends” reported Tuesday that the city of Los Angeles had ordered 10,000 jetpacks for its police and fire departments. The price tag: a whopping $100,000 per unit. For those doing the math at home, the cash-strapped city of Los Angeles, which is regularly sending its police detectives home because it can’t pay all their overtime, allegedly shelled out a billion dollars on space-age transportation that it has never used in an emergency situation, much less tested.

“We certainly haven’t bought any jetpacks,” said LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. “We haven’t bought [squad] cars for two years.” As was the first to note, the “Fox and Friends” report appeared to contain material taken right out of a story from the Weekly World News tabloid, which bills itself as “The World’s Only Reliable New Source.”

Apparently taking that slogan — and ruse — to heart, “Fox and Friends” reported that the jetpacks can reach speeds of 63 miles an hour and reach an altitude of 8,000 feet. And then came the questions. Co-host Gretchen Carlson said that while she was “all for buying stuff up and helping the capitalism and all that” she wondered whether the costs would be prohibitive in a bad economy. Brian Kilmeade wondered about possible safety issues.

“You gotta make up some rules,” Kilmeade said. “Because you’re going to have jetpacks flying into choppers!”

Gretchen will do well on the Island of Blondes.

  1. Dallas says:

    So far, the Republitard response to this ridiculous “news” by Fox News is…..

    “neener neener, you do it too”

  2. jbenson2 says:

    #35 Dallas,

    Yup, it is so sweet to have the shoe on the other foot.

    Buck up, little buddy. This is just the start.

  3. jescott418 says:

    Just goes to show you how mindless they are as news jockeys. They just read the news and never wonder why. I think the problem is today in news is its better to get the news out flawed then to check the facts and get it out later then the other station.

  4. soundwash says:

    HEY! -enough with the left-right BS.

    Dogma is dogma. it makes no difference which side it comes from.

    and kids.. you are forgetting that ALL mainstream news/media is scripted “programming”

    -given that, you should all be debating as to why the “script writers” felt it prudent to have this *false news story* of a police department buying 10,000jet packs air at this time.


  5. Rick says:

    I voted for Obama too, and given the choices in 2008 would again despite the disappointments.

  6. MikeN says:

    Now Dan Rather knows where he can get a job.

  7. Likes2LOL says:

    Sheesh! Not a single soul in the “Fox and Friends” studio smart enough to multiply 10,000 by $100,000 and question this story? We really do need to beef up math and science education in our elementary and secondary schools…

  8. sulfuric ass says:

    The aircraft is kind of cool. It’s not a jet pack,
    but a gasoline engine powering twin ducted fans.
    More like a helicopter. The company is trying to
    have it classified as an ultralight.

    The other mini helicopter that was shown on the blog a while ago , looked more reasonable to
    mass produce. The one that looked like an engine
    with counter-rotating rotors over a tripod frame.
    Bet that one wouldn’t sell for $100k!

  9. Dallas says:

    #36 I watched this news clip and I’m embarrased for you.

    I thought to myself, wow, this news crew supposedly represents trusted sources of news for the sheeple. Then, I thought wow, the brainless buffoons on the receiving end actually eat this shit up!!!

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #38 When I read the post, my thought was the “script writer” had a bet with someone else about if he could get the talking heads to take the story seriously.

  11. TooManyPuppies says:

    Whatever is reported on Fox, I always call bullshit. This degenerate, incompetent reporting by them is proof why.

    If Fox reported that water was wet or the sky was blue, I’d call bullshit.

  12. lightbulb42 says:

    I’m starting to get annoyed at the “discussions” on here. No matter what the topic it rapidly degenerates into a political “discussion” with the left wing nuts screaming at the right wing nuts. Neither side listens to the other, they just YELL LOUDER. Knock it off.

  13. faxon says:

    Ah yes. Now I remember why I should stop reading these comments….

  14. faxon says:

    Hey, Bobbo, is it true that you use about thirty aliases, and this site is, indeed, not nearly polluted with progressive pukes as it might seem?

  15. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    faxon/factsoff==no. All my nom de flames start with bobbo. Seems to me there are about 4-5 common posters here on both sides if you lump the religious thumpers in together with the LIEberTARDS with the wingnuts. I too am curious about the rather large number of seemingly once a week or once a month or once only commentators. Must be a few who take different names all the time?

    To each their own.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    Not entirely correct, faxon. More like: “Hey, Bobbo, is it true you have 30 different personalities all posting on this blog under different names?”

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo can’t be blamed. He doesn’t know he’s doing it. Part of the disorder.

    To be pitied.

  18. Angry says:

    FoxNews is the straw man of the Ministry of Truth (aka Democrat Party).

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #42 Likesalot:

    Carlson was graduated with Honors from Stanford University, in 1990, with a specialized degree in the field of Sociology (organizational behavior). While enrolled at Stanford University, she studied abroad as part of her Stanford program at Oxford University.

    She ain’t stupid, I suppose. So why is she so dumb? Ah, whatever…that show is better titled Dumb, Dumber, and Dumberer.

    Ah yeah…you possibly found equivalents of the opinion variety. Meh. Fox has maybe 25 such opinion episodes every day, especially if you count their “analysts”.

    But Fox claims these morning people are part of their news lineup, not their opinion lineup. (ROFL!!!) Anyway, I’m having doubts that MSNBC has ever made a news mistake that pales this one.

    FWIW, these Fox morning morons have made mistakes like this several times.

  20. BuzzMega says:

    As others have noted, Grechen Carlson was high school valedictorian, accomplished violinist and graduate with honors from Stanford. Also (20 years ago) Miss America.

    That just goes to show you how little the actual CV on someone may indicate their true abilities.

    Or maybe it tells of what happens to minds that go to work at Fox.

    If the Fox writers had done the math, 10,000 x $100,000 = A Billion Dollars, they might have been alerted to the magnitude of their impending logical train wreck.

    But then, those minds have been working at Fox.

    Has anybody checked the air there?

  21. Rich says:

    Jeez, I heard this or saw this somewhere. I was tired and took it to be real.

  22. MikeN says:

    Is this the same city that just built a billion dollar school?

  23. Greg Allen says:

    BTW, has that Fox News jackass opened his gay bar next to the NY Islamic center?

    You remember — that clown conservative who assumed that all Muslims are as homophobic as he is?

  24. Two to the Head says:

    Two words.



  25. clifffton says:

    Gretchen did a gig in Cleveland before she went to Fox Opinion Channel. She didn’t seem stupid here, but she was just reading what they told her to….. and maybe that hasn’t changed!


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