Watch as a man rams his motorized scooter into an elevator after missing it, ultimately breaking the panels and, sadly, plummeting to his eventual death. (Video isn’t graphic, FYI.)

  1. jescott418 says:

    Maybe this person just got tired of their handicap. Even I could see the Elevator going down through the doors. I am sure the person in the wheel should have realized when the door closed the elevator was moving?
    You know I heard the saying somewhere. “Waiting is not a punishment”
    In this persons case Waiting would have prevented a death sentence.

  2. Yankinwaoz says:

    Holy s**t. Are exterior elevator doors really that weak?

    If that was the US, he could sue the landlord and the elevator company for not making sure the doors could not be bashed open by a drunken man in a cart, or moped even.

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    Crazy Asians and their snuff films!

  4. Mike in Newark says:

    Actually there never are any real winners when it comes to the “Darwin Awards”.

  5. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    Actually every time a Darwin Award is given out, the gene pool wins.

  6. e? says:

    #2 – Can’t sue from the grave 😛

    #4 – Society wins

  7. clancys_daddy says:

    #4 oh yes there is, providing he didn’t breed prior to his little tiff with gravity. You must obey gravity its the law.

  8. faxon says:

    The guy had a fair chance. Gravity is the weakest of all the natural forces. It’s 10 -36 the strength of the Strong Force.
    Unfortunately, it is additive over distance, and it’s range is unlimited.

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    But Christine O’Donnell said Darwin was wrong. Who should I believe? A 19th century English Naturalist/Scientist who spent many, many years doing research and investigation before writing his book or a former dabbler in witchcraft who thinks that because she took a summer course from a company that rented space from Oxford, she got a degree from Oxford.

  10. trirnoth says:

    Had to scare the shit out of the people in the elevator. Having that crash down from above? I’d seriously need a change of pants.

  11. Nobodyspecial says:

    Gravity is ‘just a theory’ that atheist scientists came up with. Doesn’t say nothing about gravity in the bible.

  12. pcsmith says:

    When I was in college, I lived on the eighth floor. The semester before a student put an upright piano in the the elevator, took it from the lobby to the ninth floor, then sent the elevator to the tenth floor. He then opened the elevator doors, not hard to do at the time, then pushed the piano down the open shaft.

    He was caught and prosecuted.

    We were able to open the elevator doors from the inside or outside whenever we wanted for about six months.

    After the Pirates won their last world series, I took a sharpie and wrote a celebratory statement on the inside of the outer door.

    With the current economics of MLB, that building will come down before the Pirates make their next world series.

  13. clancys_daddy says:

    #11 gee thanks for bursting the bubble of my fantasy by citing a great peace of truth like the bible. If gravity is false, next you will tell me the earth is on 6000 years old, and cavemen road dinosaurs. Way to fuck up my life, thanks a lot. All my truths are now false, what do I have to live for? Guess I will drive my wheelchair into an elevator shaft. oops never mind.

  14. clancys_daddy says:

    There really should be a designated sarcasm font. Cause somebody is gonna take that comment seriously.

  15. The0ne says:

    Three things…

    1. Chinese “cheap-ness” at work
    2. Boredom kills

  16. George says:

    Those aren’t Chinese characters. They’re Korean.

  17. Rhor says:

    One less Asian in the world….. A zillion left, unfortunately.

  18. Grandpa says:

    Some people just think they are better than everybody else. Is he any different than a speeder or an illegal lawbreaking alien? No, only this time he paid for it big time.

  19. Mig says:

    Stupid butt head.

  20. Angry says:

    Kim Jong Ill has one mean temper…

  21. The DON says:

    You gotta love the lack of reaction from the 3 people seated behind (look in the reflections).

    His Ramming the doors provokes them to turn and look. His disappearing down the lift shaft – Oh well, shows over.

  22. tdkyo says:


    Sorry, but the video clearly says (I mean, who doesn’t know Korean with all those Korean phones dominating the market share) that the incident happened in Daejon, which is located in mid-southern part of South Korea. Gosh, read the video before making a stupid comment people.


  23. N74JW says:


  24. Cursor_ says:


    I agree this was suicide not accident.

    He isn’t a darwin candidate he is choosing his own time to go and not letting society determine that he must hang on for every last breath.

    I don’t want someone telling me when I can die if I know I can’t take any more suffering.


  25. Bob says:

    #24, I don’t think this was suicide. It was someone getting angry at the door, and not caring about anything else but destroying it, including why the door was their in the first place.

  26. Chris Mac says:

    Soylent Green is people!

  27. Glass Half Full says:

    Those are the CHEAPEST elevator doors I’ve ever seen in my life….wow

  28. Awake says:

    Not suicide.

    As #26 said, just another hurried, entitled person that was utterly pissed off that he missed the elevator and hence had to take it out on something that he perceived had ‘offended him’.

    He probably won’t be missed if that was his reaction to missing an elevator. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way down.”

    P.S. I feel the same way about bicycle riders in San Francisco… “a truck ran you over when you blew through an intersection while going the wrong way? Gee, what a shame…. not…”

  29. JimD says:

    Justin Beiber deserves an “Honorable Mention” for walking into that revolving door !!!

  30. Steve says:

    Korean George Costanza


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