1. B, Dog says:

    She is a cutie. I’m no choreographer, but I would like to suggest that the life jacket demo be placed last in the dance, as it blocks the view.

  2. Marc Perkel says:

    Not bad considering it was probably cell phone video.

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #2 I believe the airline taped this and it is shown after they give the “real” saftey speech.

  4. usa1 says:

    Great when you have a bunch of young stewardesses working for your airline. Imagine a 55 year old AA or United veteran trying to do that? Not a pretty picture.

  5. Animby says:

    I have flown so many times, I can’t remember the last time I listened to the instruction on how to fasten my seat belt. Unless the attendant happens to be standing near and makes eye contact with me. The dancing would not change that for me. Maybe if she were stripping.

    Arrrgh! I just remembered what usa1 said above!

  6. sargasso_c says:

    There’s a pole in 1st Class.

  7. The DON says:

    Nice that they only tell about the safety procedures once you’re already at 35000ft


  8. LotsaLuck says:

    But are they wearing go-go boots?

  9. Rider says:

    Countdown till FAA fine 10…9….8….

  10. clancys_daddy says:

    Your ten miles up, do hundreds of miles an hour. If you crash you will come to a sudden stop against a relatively immovable object. Yep safety instruction matter a lot. Keep on dancing.

  11. The0ne says:

    WTF!? 😮

  12. plumbum says:

    Very cute and imaginative, Bravo!

  13. ColinG says:

    Planes GOOD!

  14. JMJahn says:

    “Honey, why do you always fly JAL ? these days”

  15. JMJahn says:

    “Not JAL, love, it’s CPA, and I don’t know why,
    I’m just hooked on that airline.”

    In The Morning.

  16. kirdragakash says:

    This could singlehandedly be the most ingenious idea in a while…

    Because, lets face it, safety is boring, and NO-ONE pays attention to those droning safety talks at the start. It’s the time most of us use to set up our ipod, find our sleeping masks, and give our own version of a safety talk to our kids (“If you don’t sit still and behave, you’re xbox will be going to Goodwill…” etc. etc).

    What a novel way to entertain AND inform! You hear that, Quantas?

  17. Rob Leather says:

    I think ANYTHING that’s going to cheer up people on flights is a good thing and should be encouraged…. and before you think I work for Hill and Knowlton, the only thing worse that plane travel is train travel. At least you get to sit down on a plane!


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