Derision of the president on his program is nothing new, but Rush Limbaugh’s tone today may have struck the ears of regular listeners as particularly disdainful, taking his contempt of the president to a new level. The nation’s preeminent conservative talk radio host referred to Mr. Obama as a “jackass,” an “economic illiterate” and an “idiot, where capitalism is concerned.”

The rough stuff came during a monologue on the president’s position on extending the Bush tax cuts to all but the top two percent of wage earners. Obama, Limbaugh says, is an “economic ignoramus” for not understanding how a “tax increase” on the wealthy won’t stimulate growth.

Quoting an AP article from yesterday, Limbaugh pointed out Obama’s remarks at a meeting of his Economic Recovery Advisory Board that the wealthy would “take our ball and go home” if their tax cuts aren’t extended. Limbaugh then addressed the following line to the president directly:

“Mr. Obama, our imam-child, they have already taken their trillion dollar ball home, and they’re sitting on it, you jackass.”

  1. joeevil says:

    Why do people, mostly on the left, get so crazy about the stuff Rush says?
    The right doesn’t waist the time to listen to Janeane Garofalo.
    Rush is just a right wing political commentator.
    What do you expect him to say about a left wing president.
    Think of all the horrible things that were said about Bush.
    Who gives a rats ass what he said about the messiah.

  2. Thomas says:

    One of the first things my economics professor taught us was that increasing taxes on the rich generally does not increase tax revenue. The reason is that the rich can hire armies of tax accountants that will find ways of avoid tax on their income….or they can simply invest in municipal bonds and pay no tax. If you remember, during the 2004 campaign, Mrs. Kerry admitted she paid an effective 12% tax rate because she invested in tax free investments. If you raise the tax rate you will hit a tipping point where it makes sense to put your money in tax free investments even though they earn a lower yield. When the rich do that, we get zero tax revenue from it.

    So, go ahead and raise the tax rate on the rich. Raise it all the way up to 99% and see where that gets you. Here’s an idea, drop the tax rate to zero on those with incomes below the upper 1% based in the previous year’s returns and make the tax rate on those in the upper 1% something like 90-99%. And if you think that will work, I have some beach front property in Arizona to sell you.

  3. Troublemaker says:

    Limbaugh is just a mouthpiece for the American Oligarchy, pushing more “trickle down” nonsense down the throats of listeners that are too ignorant to understand that they are the real victim of such erroneous and dishonest polices.

  4. Howard Beal says:

    some truth in that for the very rich but not for the 250K to 700K income range these subspecialty docs, franchise owners, your more successful small business owners ect. will be the ones paying more not the million plus folks It’s not the end of the world they will squeak buy with their tax rate back to where they use to be.

  5. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    Thomas–ever hear of an alternative minimum rate? Ever think of ending tax dodges?

    The retards do have it right: all taxes come from the people. Doesn’t matter how else you dice and slice it or what you call it.

    Figure out any “fair” system that balances the budget and thats fine with me.

    Saying don’t tax the rich cause the rich will always avoid it is retarded. Anti-American too not that that matters.

    The rich more than anyone else benefit from all that a stable society provides them. They morally, ethically, legally, and IN THEIR OWN SELF INTEREST, should pay for it.

    PS–trickle down jobs for the poor is ass tarded as well.

    Nothing but shit and piss from the SUPER RICH, but so many here eat it up as if it were ice cream.

    Voting repeatedly against their own self interests–Silly Hoomans.

  6. Alki Area says:


  7. Nutjob says:


    Oh. Well that’s OK, then. As long as the super-rich aren’t affected. As for the peasants, let them eat cake.

  8. faxon says:

    Ha ha ha. Funny stuff, reading all the reactions here. Fact is, the country is in deep shit, and Obama has done nothing to help.

  9. Dum-Dum says:

    Holly Crud! What a bunch of stupid fools there are. I read junk like this and then read the replies and OMG! What a bunch of IDIOTS Mr. Dvorak has following him.

    Let’s get one thing straight right now. Rush Limbaugh is a COMMENTATOR! He’s not a whole lot different from Mr. Dvorak. That means he “comments” on news items and other stories HE finds interesting or thinks his audience might find interesting. And in case you forgot, that falls within the world of ENTERTAINMENT – NOT NEWS!!! (AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO LISTEN!)

    So Rush Limbaugh may have his head up a dark smelly place. But at least Limbaugh’s head is up his OWN end-cavity. That’s nothing compared to you “enlightened” liberal Obama idiots. You’re worse! You’re like stink-hole lemmings!!! You offer no support for your arguments. You simply spew your stink and lies whenever and wherever you can. About all you Obama liberal idiots can say is that America is doomed because of all the evil rich Republicans – it seems to be your mantra even. You can’t (or won’t) even acknowledge HISTORY nor that America’s problems have EVER had anything to do with any Democrat. Because it just doesn’t matter to you. You’re closed minded. Therefore, if Rush Limbaugh said the the sky was blue you’d automatically disagree – cause you’re all damned fools!

    Quite frankly, I think you Obama liberal idiots are simply jealous of Mr. Limbaugh because over the past 20 or so years there simply hasn’t been one single “enlightened” jerk out there who could take on Mr. Limbaugh’s iron clad reasoning. That is except for maybe Al Franken who’s only reply has been to call Mr. Limbaugh a big fat idiot. (OOOOHHH! Stand back everyone! Mr. Franken might actually become a U.S. Congressman for that witty retort. And let’s not forget what we all think of when anyone mentions Congress either.)

  10. JMJahn says:

    Alfred Persson said,“self interest” and the role it plays in our economy”

    Good, you keep that in mind as America becomes a good idea that failed.
    From a decent country to oligarchy in 5 easy lessons.

  11. Wrigsted says:

    93 percent of all financial wealth is controlled by the top 10 percent of the country.

  12. Cursor_ says:


    The top 2% can afford it.” – what gives Govt. right to treat one particular group of people differently?

    The 16th Amendment to the Constitution. It made for a graduated form of income tax aka the ability to pay. I know that was a long time ago, but it is a legal right of the government. They don’t often use it much anymore. But during Ike, a republican, people were taxed much higher than now and we had an economic boom.

    Not to mention started to build the interstate system, improvements to local roads, building of schools, prisons, post offices, etc.

    Not bad on high taxes, balanced budgets and a republican that had a brain.

    Human being operate, perform, because its in their self interest.

    And it is in Limbaugh’s best interest to protect his 200k+ money as well.
    But what is funny is that Obama makes more than 200k a year and doesn’t seem to mind the taxes going up. And so does Biden. And the rest of the democrats that make more than that.

    And it is nowhere near the tax rate that Nixon, Ford or Eisenhower had on people. And during Ike’s years we went from a recession after WWII to an economic boom and rebuilding with a higher tax rate.

    Don’t you WANT to be fiscally responsible and pay down our bills and balance the budget? Or its OK if future generations pay your way just so you can keep the Bush tax cuts?

    Me thinks you are the loon here.

    From a decent country to oligarchy in 5 easy lessons.

    It was always an oligarchy. The founding fathers made it that way.


  13. GreatAmerican says:

    Limbaugh misspoke. Obama the teleprompter in chief is an ignoranus.

  14. GreatAmerican says:

    Btw, Rush is right. That is all.

  15. Hmeyers says:

    I’m not so sure Obama would have taken economics in college to pursue a law degree. And Obama has surrounded himself with government types aloof to the concept that public money comes from somewhere.

    Meanwhile, Rush has run a business.

    That being said, Rush is only far less wrong than Obama. You cannot tax cut your way out of the problems in this country; the problems are far deeper and cannot even be solved by cutting spending.

    There is a massive trade imbalance, international corporations — NOT “USA” corporations — fund the political system and they have successfully outsourced the jobs and leveraged government policy to line their pockets.

    By being an integral participant in the political system, large multinational corporations effectively have co-opted our government — paying very little in corporate taxes to the USA meanwhile reaping big profits and greasing the political system via campaign contributions.

    This will not easily or quickly be undone, no matter who wins elections. The country probably has to go completely broke … sadly.

  16. Hmeyers says:

    I’m not so sure Obama would have taken economics in college to pursue a law degree. And Obama has surrounded himself with government types aloof to the concept that public money comes from somewhere.

    Meanwhile, Rush has run a business.

    That being said, Rush is only far less wrong than Obama. You cannot tax cut your way out of the problems in this country; the problems are far deeper and cannot even be solved by cutting spending.

    There is a massive trade imbalance, international corporations — NOT “USA” corporations — fund the political system and they have successfully outsourced the jobs and leveraged government policy to line their pockets.

    By being an integral participant in the political system, large multinational corporations effectively have co-opted our government — paying very little in corporate taxes to the USA meanwhile reaping big profits and greasing the political system via campaign contributions.

    This will not easily or quickly be undone, no matter who wins elections. The country probably has to go completely broke … sadly.

    So prepare for the economy to get worse for a few years …

  17. gear says:

    The Republicans want everyone to believe that tax cuts for the wealthy stimulate economic growth. But they don’t seem to be able to answer one simple question. “Since those tax cuts are currently in place, and have been for a few years, why isn’t there any economic growth”? Maybe their theory is not sound.

  18. ggore says:

    Let’s see, what did the rich do with the tax cuts they got under Bush? The rich own the factories that employ Americans, so they closed those factories and moved the jobs overseas, and in the process received another tax cut other than the one we are talking about.

    They then took the extra money and “invested” it in credit default swaps and other shady schemes offered by a banking industry that had been totally deregulated by the Republicans.

    They bought into the idea that oil stocks were depleted and pretty much cornered the market on oil while demand was actually going down. This caused gas prices to to through the roof and people stopped buying gas and cars which brought the auto industry to its knees and killed the housing market.

    Then the deregulated banking industry went down and almost took the economy of the entire planet with it, causing the government to step in and bail out the auto and banking industries. In other words, those tax cuts almost took us all into a deeper depression than the stock market crash of ’29.

    And these people, the richest 1%, have the unmitigated gall to tell me they are going to sit on their money if they aren’t allowed to do this all again, without any regulation whatsoever? I don’t think so!

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    A couple of you have mentioned that the Obama administration doesn’t have “enough” for-profit business experience to run the country. Well, I know enough about finance to know that a for-profit business and a government entity are polar opposites in terms of financial methods and strategies. You work out the details yourself…our last prez was an MBA and he mucked things up pretty bad, wouldn’t you agree? So what good is this business experience you speak of? Clinton didn’t have any…Reagan didn’t…Bush1 didn’t…Nixon didn’t…etc.

    As for the expiration of Bush’s tax cuts, if he was such a financial genius then why did he put in a sunset clause? And why do they expire right after he’s gone?

    Last, Americans simply want the cuts to expire. Are we a democracy or not? (turning the usual GOP argument against them…) If you take away the Rush/Fox nonsense-noise machine and it’s ridiculous stupidity influence, the numbers in these polls are probably even higher and the deed is long done by now.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Rush’s rant: A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  21. BuzzMega says:

    Off his meds. Oxycondone shortage.

  22. Rabble Rouser says:

    Rush is the idiot here. So are his followers who believe that he spews any amount of truth.

  23. Benjamin says:

    #2 bobbo said, “’their’”

    “Their” is right in this sentence. “Their” implies possession. It is not “there” or “they’re”. Learn grammar. “Their” is correct.

    Now back to the point. Rush is right that Obama is an anti-capitalist economic ignoramus. The top two percent are not going to produce as much and therefore provide jobs if they get taxed more for their effort.

    A tax increase on the wealthy never stimulates growth. Answer me this question: what would Obama rather do: stimulate growth or punish the rich? That is the magic question I have for that son of a Muslim.

  24. Sea Lawyer says:

    The replies to this post show what 70 years of brain-dead Keynes worship has produced.

  25. freddybobs68k says:

    #58 Benjamin

    “The top two percent are not going to produce as much and therefore provide jobs if they get taxed more for their effort.”

    There’s your error.

    If I’m taxed a bit more do I work less?

  26. MrMiGu says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t this one of the guys yelling at the left that the should support their president regardless while they were protesting the previous presidents invasions of other countries?

  27. JMRouse says:

    If these tax cuts for the wealthy do stimulate the economy then how come the economy crashed during the Bush years after his tax cuts?

    Anyone? Anyone… Bueller…Bueller?

  28. JMRouse says:

    Also, I seem to remember the economy slumped under Bush 1, boomed under Clinton, then crashed under GWB. Maybe the Progressives do have the right idea?

  29. Still_Walking_Point says:

    Does he always talk out of sync with his lips?

  30. Sea Lawyer says:

    #62, post hoc ergo propter hoc. good thinking.


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