Derision of the president on his program is nothing new, but Rush Limbaugh’s tone today may have struck the ears of regular listeners as particularly disdainful, taking his contempt of the president to a new level. The nation’s preeminent conservative talk radio host referred to Mr. Obama as a “jackass,” an “economic illiterate” and an “idiot, where capitalism is concerned.”

The rough stuff came during a monologue on the president’s position on extending the Bush tax cuts to all but the top two percent of wage earners. Obama, Limbaugh says, is an “economic ignoramus” for not understanding how a “tax increase” on the wealthy won’t stimulate growth.

Quoting an AP article from yesterday, Limbaugh pointed out Obama’s remarks at a meeting of his Economic Recovery Advisory Board that the wealthy would “take our ball and go home” if their tax cuts aren’t extended. Limbaugh then addressed the following line to the president directly:

“Mr. Obama, our imam-child, they have already taken their trillion dollar ball home, and they’re sitting on it, you jackass.”

  1. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    The Republican Mindset: ““Mr. Obama, our imam-child, they have already taken their trillion dollar ball home, and they’re sitting on it, you jackass.”

    Any questions?

  2. scadragon says:

    Obama IS a jackass. What’s the question?

  3. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:


    [No, you were correct the first time. – ed.]

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #2, the question is where did Rush get his college education—such that he feels qualified to ridicule a man, smart enough in his own right, who has regular access to the best financial minds in the world.

  5. Howard Beal says:

    yup Rush “Trickle-down economics” “Reaganomics” or “supply-side economics” your hero Reagan put those in place how’d that workout in the long run. Rush is a “jackass,” an “economic illiterate” and an “idiot,

    “I disagree with you Rush, but I’m pretty sure you’re not Hitler

  6. Skippy says:

    Ah good ol’ Rush, conveniently forgetting that it was Republican economics that caused the new depression to begin with.

  7. Tom says:

    The fact that Limpbarf is in the top .1% and would be subject to the increase did not color his judgment I am sure… Oh wait, with all of his tax dodges, he doesn’t pay any tax anyway!

  8. UncDon says:

    Try to remember the excessive amount of income that Rush is getting and you’ll then realize he’s one of those who’ll be taxed.

    Let me see, now … Rush will be in such a state of economic turmoil that he’ll have to leave radio and take up some other kind of job to make ends meet?

  9. Publius says:

    If one has assassinated American citizens without giving them a trial by jury of peers, and if one bombs foreign countries like Pakistan without having a declaration of war from Congress, then one is worse than a jackass.

    Furthermore, if one has not done a damn thing to defend the Constitution from such abuses, yet one has sworn an oath to do so as condition of office, then there are also 450 or so worse-than-jackasses representing you right now.

    Moreover, if one has not recognized these problems or failed to even complain to his US Representative, one is a jackass.

    Hey, don’t be a jackass. Not everybody here is a jackass. You know who you are.

    If you want to do something that has nothing to do with party crap, that has everything to do about protecting the system of government you currently enjoy, start by finding out the name of your US Representative. Google is your friend.

    Not a joke, friend.

  10. freddybobs68k says:

    Taxing the top 2% highest earners more, will not hugely affect their spending, because they aren’t spending anyway.

    Give 1000 dollars to the bottom 10%, and they will spend it almost immediately on food, shelter, fuel, their kids etc. Give 1000 dollars to the top 2% will make absolutely no difference.

    Besides this isn’t new territory. This is just restoring the tax level for the richest people to the same level it was at under Clinton, and people (including the super rich) generally did pretty well. I’d also point out that the rich have increased their income through 2009/2010, whilst the the majority of people are now in a worse position. The top 2% can afford it.

  11. Rick says:

    I’m pretty sure that I heard somewhere that Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot.

  12. dusanmal says:

    What is different here is that just one person is adding such adjectives to the current President now… turn clock few years back and guess what – every single broadcast network news did that and worse toward previous President. Leftist “fairness” in practice.

    @#10 “The top 2% can afford it.” – what gives Govt. right to treat one particular group of people differently? It is not question of whether they can afford it or not. It is THEIR money same as your money is yours. If any group is taxed more than any other group it is violation of a fundamental right that we are all equal. No income earner should be exempt of paying taxes while having ability to vote. No income earner can be taxed proportionally more while having same voting power as someone taxed proportionally less. Or this kind of class warfare will emerge.

  13. Urotsukidoji says:

    Mega-Dildos, Rush. You douchebag!

  14. JMRouse says:

    I thought we were not supposed to criticize our president during times of war?

  15. Dallas says:

    Fat ass drug addict entertainer calls US president and noble prize winner a what? Where’s my harpoon.

  16. Awake says:

    “Consider the source”

    Given the way that Rush praised and supported both the man and his policies in the previous administration, and they both turned out to be some of the worst in history, any criticism or praise made by Rush about anybody can be just answered by “Consider the source”. The man has no credibility, except in the mind of the ignorant, deluded or brain dead.

  17. Howard Beal says:

    Oh Alfred thats not tea the tea party is serving its Kool-Aid

    the possibility of income tax going from 35% back to 39.6% for those making over $250K is not what has companies holding on to their cash. It IS exactly what Obama said he would do in the 08 campaign no one is surprised here. Simple uncertainty about the future is the culprit and would be the same no matter whose president

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    “What is different here is that just one person is adding such adjectives to the current President now… turn clock few years back and guess what – every single broadcast network news did that and worse toward previous President.”

    Yep. In fact, the “progressive” “tolerant” leftards even made a movie that expressed their true desires and gave themselves awards for it. Google “Death of a President”.

  19. Awake says:

    Just as appropriate now as it was in 2008;

    Add to it:
    We are voting Republican because we still listen to Rush Limbaugh, although he has been 100% wrong 100% of the time. Yes, we are that hard headed and stupid.

  20. Mr. Ed says:

    We’re supposed to listen to a billionaire drug addict? Taking the opposite view would be the only sane response.

  21. GF says:

    Tax rates are the least of our worries. It’s time we cut government spending drastically or it won’t matter what rate you or I pay, it will never be enough.

  22. Rightwing Nutjob says:

    Meh. I heard worse when Bush was president.

  23. deowll says:

    #24 You got it. The government spenders crowd are going to keep on spending no matter what.

  24. Camacho says:

    You can’t use “pot calling the kettle…” on this one. So, let’s go with, “Obama talks with the help of teleprompter and Limba talks with the help of Tourette’s syndrome.” Amen.

  25. mike_from_nyc says:

    The increasing concentration of wealth in the last few decades of tax cuts discredits the trickle down theory. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Trickle didn’t trickle and the rich are gorged and swollen with wealth while the rest of the country is withering away.

  26. Floyd says:

    #11: Rush gets caught daily in half truths and full blown lies all the time, mostly because he cares for ratings more than accuracy.

  27. Grandpa says:

    Almost worth voting Democrat just to keep the rush jackass pissed off.

    Funny how rich people just hate Obama…

  28. Rich says:

    I admire Rush!

  29. ArianeB says:

    Rush and his “Tinkle On” economics have proven disastrous. The system does not work, plain and simple. If the GOP gets power again, we will see another depression.

  30. MikeN says:

    Why is it that the states with no income tax are the ones gaining in population relative to the rest? This includes the sole Democratic leaning state, Washington.


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