A Lithuanian company plans to set up a holiday island in the Maldives run entirely by blondes – the latest project in a growing blonde movement in the Baltics. But how legitimate is this latest sign of Baltic blonde ambition? The Lithuanian company Olialia, pronounced “ooh-la-la”, is planning a holiday resort in the Maldive islands.

The firm hopes to pull in the tourists by employing only blonde staff, and offering direct flights to the island crewed entirely by blondes, including the pilots. Olialia is run and staffed by blonde women, and already operates in 75 different business sectors, making products from computer software and food products to pop music. Olialia’s blonde managing director, Giedre Pukiene, says she wants to break the stereotype that blonde women are less intelligent.

“Our girls are very smart and they have degrees,” she says. All of them want to do something with their lives. They have lots of business ideas.”

The island project was officially unveiled this weekend at a party with a blonde dress code, in a new nightclub in Vilnius opened by Olialia. But the resort, which is meant to be opened in 2015, has been heavily criticised. When it was announced on the Maldivian news website “Minivan” in September, many readers condemned it as discriminatory by potentially excluding non-white Maldivians.

“This is racist and should not be allowed in the Maldives,” wrote one reader identified as Ablo.

Local laws could make things difficult as resorts in the Maldives are required to hire at least 50% local staff.

In Lithuania itself, which is a member of the EU, there is the question about whether stipulating blonde hair as a criterion for a job applicant contravenes EU employment laws. Would older women with grey hair or men be eligible for a job?

Now, meet the children.

  1. Floyd says:

    I like blonds; I married one. However I married her because she was a nice person and I liked her a lot, which turned into marriage. Hair color just isn’t that important.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Fox News is setting up a recruiting office there.

  3. Lou says:

    And the problem is?

  4. Dallas says:

    Everything sounded fine until the blond pilot part.

  5. MeanJoe says:

    I think the Germans tried this awhile back. It didn’t work out too well.

  6. Colorado says:

    I always liked the Dolly Parton line:
    “I don’t mind those dumb blond jokes because I don’t think I’m dumb. And I KNOW I’m not blond.”

  7. Glenn E. says:

    From the same sort of logic that has rock stars requesting the brown M&Ms be removed from the candy they’re supplied at Hotels. I can’t believe that they would be that many patrons to this resort, that would insist on only seeing blonds there. And does that include the guests? Obviously not. They’d do better having a multi sectioned theme park, like Disneyland. Where one part is all blonds, another all red heads, another all brunettes, another all asians, and another all blacks. But do they have that many islands to accommodate the staff segregation? Perhaps they could rotate thru the hard and skin colors, one month at a time. Guest booking times according to their staff preference.

    Frankly, I think it sets a terrible presidents. Patrons shouldn’t be able to dictate the resort staff’s race and appearance, to satisfy some puerile obsession. What’s next? Slavery? Are we slowly regressing back to the Dark Ages?

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Actually not so much “Fantasy Island” as Delos from “Westworld”. Only they can’t make lifelike robots yet. But how long before the “blonds” turn on, and kill off all the guests?

  9. Cursor_ says:

    OK maybe no one is seeing the irony here?

    “A Lithuanian company plans to set up a holiday island in the Maldives run entirely by blondes

    Olialia’s blonde managing director, Giedre Pukiene, says she wants to break the stereotype that blonde women are less intelligent.”

    Now add from a 2007 Reuters article: Maldives warns global warming threatening islands.

    Now read the first two parts again.

    OK laugh. Laugh out loud.


  10. madtruckman says:

    since when is being blond a race??

  11. Angry says:

    I’m getting a kick out of some of you douchebags trying to employ Godwin’s Law as if reaching for some “deeper meaning”.

    Derp derp derp!


  12. The DON says:

    Can’t wait for the discrimination crowd to jump on board. “I’m black, and they turned my job application down because of my hair colour”

  13. Rob Leather says:

    # 9 Cursor_ You’ll be happy to know the drowning of the Maldives has been overstated. In that modeling isn’t matching the physical readings on the ground (like that’s new!).

    But I love the point you’re making.

    Also, is there going to be scanner to test “blonde-ness”.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Well, if they advertise it to the Japanese it might be a success.

    If so, they should also hire Snooki-sized blond teenage girls too.

  15. heythere says:

    To #7 Glenn
    “From the same sort of logic that has rock stars requesting the brown M&Ms be removed from the candy they’re supplied at Hotels. ”

    That was Van Halen and the logic was pure genius. The M&M clause was added deep in the concert contract. They knew if they got to the dressing room and there was a bowl of M&M’s with the brown ones removed then they knew the show was very likely to have no problems. Why? Because the concert venue obviously read the whole contract and the venue was likely to be setup correctly for a good concert. It wasnt in their contract just because they were big time rock stars and could ask for crazy shit.

    Educate yourself before you make judgement statements about something you read in the back of the Enquirer.

  16. chuck says:

    Will there be inspections to make sure the carpet matches the drapes?

  17. Animby says:

    #16 Chuck, that was gonna be my question. The obvious follow-up is that if they hire someone with contrasting carpet and that person later decides to let their natural color reappear will they be fired? THEN the discrimination suits will come!

  18. Animby says:

    Chuck: I just looked at the linked story: the photo shows three bleached blondes.

  19. JimD says:

    I volunteer to check the female applicants for “Natural Blondeness” !!!

  20. Counterweight says:

    Whadya call a lithuanian blond on a submarine?

    Screen door security officer.

  21. spsffan says:

    May we assume that the music will be Wagner?

    Oh, and #10. Back in my school days, the three “races” of human beings are: Caucasian, Negro and Mongoloid.

    I don’t think you will find many blonds among the latter two. Of course, there’s always the old Clairol commercial….”Only her hair dresser knows for sure.”

    Why did the blond have so much trouble with her new birth control pills?

    They would fall out whenever she stood up!

  22. WmDE says:

    During a password audit, it was discovered one of the blonde employees had the following password:


    When asked why such a long password she replied:

    “I was told it had to be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one capital!”

    On the other hand it is a good password.

  23. Stella Lopez says:

    @OvenMaster – I see you posted your comment quite some time ago. I bet you’ve already had a visit there by now, haven’t you?


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