It may not come in time for Oktoberfest, but the world’s first beer to be certified for consumption in space will soon undergo tests in weightlessness to see if it is brewed with the right stuff.
Astronauts4Hire, a nonprofit space research corporation, will conduct the tests on an Australian beer that has been brewed specifically for easy drinking in both microgravity environments, as well as here on Earth. The beer was produced as a joint venture between Saber Astronautics Australia, a new space engineering firm, and the Australian 4 Pines Brewing Company, located in Manly, a suburb of northern Sydney.
The development of space beer is intended to coincide with the burgeoning space tourism industry, and as the market expands, industry leaders are anticipating a demand for such products.
An Astronauts4Hire flight member will act as the primary flight operator. The researcher will perform various experiments — such as sample the beer during weightless parabolas — and record biometric data on body temperature, heart rate and blood alcohol content. Data will also be collected on the taste of the beverage and its drinkability during weightlessness.
Around billion years in the future the earths temperature is foretasted to be 100f warmer. This will be a natural process caused by the expansion of the sun and evaporation of ocean water. Al Gores carbon flatulence would be long gone. Our species as we know it would have to evolve into a form of reptilian – ideally shape shifting variety. Of course, with due time, creativity and enough blood of Jesus we will create the technology to escape the heat death to a more moderate world where we can ANT another colony.
What if space aliens arrived to earth. They were super intelligent,hyper-dimensional and holographic beings; yet, they were only a 1 foot tall. Our ego’s would be so fucked.
I thought the problem with bubbly drinks was that you can’t burp in null gravity.
If you don’t burp the gas bubbles out, they make their way into the intestines where they cause discomfort and, eventually, make a less pleasant appearance.
Animby==”My god Jim, I’m a doctor, not a physicist!” /// No partial gas pressure at zero gravity in an enclosed space capsule? On earth, gravity is present but does it control over Boyle’s Law?
What is the actual controlling variable for burping? Anyone know?
Burping-a sign of respect in cultures without tv.
I love beer. More than women. At least beer is cheap.
#5 Bobbo – it has nothing to do with Boyle’s Law. It has to do with the bubble not being able to determine which way is up and out! Ever burp while you were lying prone? Took a lot of effort and wasn’t very satisfying, was it. Then you sat up and eructed nicely.
#4 – Alfie – diapers do not stop farts. Given the right fuel (beans and cruciferous veg) the day before, she might easily have driven 900 miles in a misty haze. And I’m not talking about her mental state.
Beer in space is a bad idea. Had Dave been drinking beer when fighting HAL he either would have curled up in a corner and fallen asleep, or accidentally blown up the whole station taking him out.
Animby–that makes sense. I found two reputable google hits on point with this being the better one:
http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/people/journals/space/kloeris/05-01-01.html ((see last paragraph))
“The burps will be wet.”
Seems you can’t cry properly either.
Some things work better in gravity but are not entirely eliminated.
Well its a damn good thing there is no whisky in space!
Look what happened to the Irish space program.
#9 – Good find. I hadn’t thought about the problem of that bubble pushing the other contents around.
Beeeeer in Space! Now all we need are some pork rinds…. Oh, wait, I forgot…. Piiiggggs in Space!
They also should not forget to develop space rated Condoms, and K-Y jelly. Oh and don’t forget the Space Donuts for the space cops.
More likely they’ll really need to develop Dramamine patches. And industrial strength puke bags. Having a beer hangover in Zero Gravity, has got to be someone’s idea of hell. Will this be buzz-free beer?
Space Beer ? Do we need Astronauts and Comsmonauts DRIVING THE SPACE STATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE ???