- October 11 is the day for the big launch of Phone 7.
- Skype and Twitter name two new CEO’s.
- Google TV is coming with a lot of partners.
- FCC investigating mystery charges.
- Toshiba doing glasses-free 3D.
- David Gelertner gets huge settlement from Apple after Apple used his patents. I have a short rant on the topic.
- Samsung doing deal with Docomo. Are they still around?
- Wasted food is lost energy! Ack.
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I don’t see Microsoft every saving face on the mobile platform. Even if Windows 7 Mobile is a good OS. The reputation and bad press already created around the platform will most certainly kill it. Microsoft really needed to counter this with ads and again they don’t seem to get it.
When your already late out of the gate, its going to be hard to catch up.
Yo, Microsoft – AMF! GTFO! No amount of turd polish will save this.
I think7 mobil will be a player in the phone market. May have a slow start but will do very well long term. Well… unless Microsoft does something really stupid.
I don’t agree about the Apple law suit $600.000,000 for the idea of displaying pages by date.
I, too, think they are gonna crash. It sounds like the new OS is actually pretty good but anyone who ever tried a previous version is gonna avoid it like the plague. They need something really special to lure people away from iOS and Android. So it handles Outlook really well. Hohum. Where’s the killer app, MS?
Looks like the ‘Softies are a DAY LATE, AND A DOLLAR SHORT – AGAIN !!! Looks like the Cell Phone Software Boat has sailed without them !!! So wave SAYONARA TO THE ‘SOFTIES AS THEY GET SMALLER AND SMALLER IN THE REAR-VIEW MIRROR !!! Their Desktop Monopoly doesn’t translate into a cellphone monopoly too (Thanks to Jobs) !!!
as of a few years ago they did have a smartphone monopoly. They then sat back and watched the competition innovate on top of a market that they created.
I think they could do some interesting things with xbox integration, but have a feeling it will take them a while (if they are successful) to get back in the game.
I have never understood Microsoft haters.
#8 – I guess you’re too young to understand the man years wasted on this software.
Pedro: http://i35.tinypic.com/10e0swz.jpg
I think it has a chance, but where’s the advertising?
They need to give it away at the start.
But like “The Courier” a great idea with no follow through.
John, please change genre of tech5 from tech and computers to podcast. Managing it would be much easier than for podcast aggregator (as well as mp3 players)! :]