This Episode’s Executive Producer: Sir Paul Couture
Associate Executive Producers: Scott Singer, Sander Ouwekerk, Jared Forrester
Art By: Sir Paul T.

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  1. TooManyPuppies says:

    Should have been titled Adam Gets Schooled.

  2. nicktherat says:

    nice art sir P! cant wait to hear how the show ended 😛

  3. Sombody, Somewhere says:

    So he got promoted to Queen?

  4. Heinrich Moltke says:

    This show works beautifully when Curry isn’t PMS-ing. Unfortunately, he’s been PMS-ing all summer long. Time to spend some of that donation money on Midol.

  5. Counterweight says:

    In other news, clouds found to be formed of water vapor.

  6. butter butt says:

    Been listening since the beginning and I’ve ‘donated’ quite a few $100’s.

    Now I’m thinking it’s time to move on, the show just isn’t keeping my attention anymore.

    I realize he apologized but Adam’s flip out at John and his family a few months back just soured me on the show.

    And John, after all of this time should know EVERYONE in the audience realizes the politicians use network television to push their agenda! He just wants to watch Law & Order and uses No Agenda as an excuse.

    Also, I realize the show is called “No Agenda” but there should be some structure and organization to the management of the show. It seem like Adam and John are just a couple of kids in the garage. And I have no more money to give to kids or amateurs!

    Hell, if you donate $100’s your lucky if they remember to mention your name and you will only hear from the when they want more ‘donations’.

    Go back to the first year or so and listen to the show. It was fresh and entertaining. Now it just sounds like all the other old guys whining about how bad everything is and offering no solutions.

    And don’t send them suggestions about how make money or improve the show, you will be ignored.

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I thought all Limeys were gay.

  8. animby says:

    # 7 butter butt said, “the show is called “No Agenda” ”

    BB. it’s obvious the show gave up it’s no agenda meme long ago. Curry definitely has an agenda and he pushes it relentlessly. And the way he treats JCD is awful. I can only think of one reason JCD stays: $

    “Go back to the first year or so and listen to the show. It was fresh and entertaining.” Agreed. I kept hoping those days would return but Curry just seemed to be getting further and further into left field. I stopped listening three or four months ago. I only check in here now and then to see if anyone convinces me it’s time to start again.

    Not yet.

  9. nick the rat says:


    you mad? or just trolling

  10. Heinrich Moltke says:

    #10 — I love how on the internet anybody who is pissed off is automatically “trolling”. I was on some idiot’s blog a while back and posted a comment daring to disagree with the blogger who was trashing Isaac Asimov for not being “literary” enough. –The other commenters wanted to know if I was trolling.

    It’s as if you can’t comment on a page unless you are commenting to agree. Otherwise you’re trolling.

    In the comments for the last “Cranky Geeks”, there were people who said “No Agenda” was too far-out, too left-field like one of the comments above. I don’t see that as the problem. Most people can’t bear to accept that things are as rigged and as dishonest as they are; they know out of instinct that to believe certain things will put them out on a limb. And they do not want that. “No Agenda” calls a spade a spade, and doesn’t try to downplay the overbearing presence of corporations, the treachery of governments.

    The show stumbles as entertainment when Curry acts like a hysterical little priss. My girlfriend stopped listening when he trash-talked Dvorak’s kids. — Luckily, I missed that episode.

    Dvorak’s a solid as a rock. And it’s no coincidence that in the demographics poll, half the people listening came to the show as fans of JCD. Curry has to keep his petulance in check, though, because it’s cringeworthy.

  11. butter butt says:


    neither, just annoyed because when the show started it had such great potential…

    Thank you….

  12. TooManyPuppies says:


    How is using the comment section to express a perfectly valid opinion on the topic at hand “trolling”?

    No, trolling would be someone popping in here and post that you’re a queer or some dbag, with nothing else pertaining to the actual topic. Or, another perfect example of trolling would be some dbag popping in here and posting some useless line like “#7 you mad? or just trolling”. It has nothing to do with the show or this specific episode.

  13. nick the rat says:

    y’all mad!!!

    🙂 i’m the one who’s trollin’

  14. TooManyPuppies says:

    Nah man, we’re all dropping Chantix like their Tic-Tac’s. 😉

  15. TooManyPuppies says:

    Forgot to mention this earlier for John. The Emergency Alert System weekly test is bullshit. I’m just a few miles north of Leo in Petaluma and Comcast issues these “Weekly” tests EVERY DAY!

    They also use it for incredibly stupid things like a power outage. Like I’m going to see an Emergency Alert when the power’s out on my TV.

  16. ECA says:

    Scanning trucks along the freeway??

    Hit the truck stops..
    Do it at the borders. Mex/USA.

    Inside the USA, do you really think they will use TRUCKING?? WHY? Very inconvenient..


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