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TopGear did a bit a couple of years ago, I believe with the same driver and everything.
It looks to me like he might have done that a time or two before :).
But the guy on the Segway is still a damn fool.
this is an old video, he’s already done a “bonus video”
gymkanhana 2, 2.1, #3 part 1, and #3 part 2
# 3 is in a ford fiesta however :/
The driver is Ken Block and he does this type of routine for practice for his rally driving. He was also on Top Gear and Discovery Channel’s Stunt Junkies, where he made a 171 ft jump in a Subaru rally car. He finally obtained sponsorship and is competing in the WRC with a Ford Focus rally car.
I wonder if one of these guys runs from the cops its something like this
Looks like fun, I wonder if he has ever done these stunts in a movie?
I guess when you’ve made millions from DC shoes then you can have crazy, expensive hobbies.
i thin the door chime at the end was the best part..
What a show off!!
This video is as related to driving a car as brain surgery is to picking your nose.
Amazing what practice can do?
That Looks awful close to the Mythbusters testing ground. LOL
To #7, What would you rather have, expensive hobbies or be like Lindsay Lohan and blame her drug addition on being bored?
#9 we are all jealous of things other can co, of which we can not do.
Sheeiit! That looks like fun!
#12 Actually I was just thinking I would have thought this was a blast when I was six. Now at sixty it just looks like pointless motion.
I don’t object to them doing it. I just don’t want to have to listen to it,smell it, or hear it. I don’t like the sound of lawn mowers either but I respect the fact that people have to cut the grass.
My big thrill for yesterday was cutting the grass and today I tilled a strip and set out rutabagas and a plot for turnips. With a little luck I can get fresh veggies two or three days a week until warm weather hits.
Each to their own. No insults required. If you want to burn rubber fine. I want to watch my plants grow and listen to the wind as it moves across the land.
“Hey buddy how can I get this car out… of… second gear!”
Like trying to thread a needle while being hit with pillows.
Do-ill==nice sentiment that I agree with totally. Course “context” is still relevant. Would it make sense to you to go on every thread here and post you would rather watch your turnips grow?
Do-ill finally makes a contribution to this blog: An homage to the distinction between the truth, and context.
Ha, ha.
Here is an even better one!!
Pointless and boring.
That was awesome.
“Whoop De Dooo for my Subaru.” From an ad a long time ago…
I did all that just going into work today, learnt it all from the man himself in Dirt2 on the PC,lol.
Ken Block is my hero, right after JD.
Man doesn’t that guy know Segways are dangerous..he coulda been killed.
Hey You Kids, Get Off My Lawn!!!
It looks joyful to me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Try it at night, On a mountain road. In a Toyota pickup. In Bosnia. Under fire.
#10 Bobbo: I can pick my nose.
For sheer driving fun, I’m gonna have to go with a full 18-wheel drift lasting for what seemed like an eternity. I-80 westbound over Elk Mountain in southeastern Wyoming. Winter, middle of the night, snow and ice-covered surface, empty 53-ft trailer, and a 30-40 knot crosswind. Steer tires on the only visible pavement (in the hammer lane, presumably), drive tires somewhere in the granny lane, and tandems flirting with the edge of the paved surface, beyond which was utter ruin, in the form of the edge of level terra firma. Lots and lots of winter driving experience, judicious use of steering and throttle afforded enough control to avoid failure. Had the wind been any stronger…
Come to think of it, it was only fun in retrospect. At the time, the Pucker Factor was all the way to MAX and was actually bending the needle a little.
What a wast! I can’t wait till we are out of gas so this REDNECK crap can be over!
WTF…why are the haters posting on this? This guy is a skilled driver. Who cares how much practice it took? There was no one around (except the guy on the Segway, but I’m guessing that he was OK with that), it was his car and his or his sponsors money and it was a race track where there is noise from cars racing anyway. Is it as fruitful as planting a garden? Maybe not, but who cares that this guy is pursuing his passion.
To the idiot that hates lawnmowers and grows turnips, stop cooking your turnips and spreading manure on your garden. It’s stinking up the neighborhood!!!!
I’d hate to be the guy on the Segway. One flinch and you send it careening into the path of the car. It takes disapline to send it in a straight line with all that going on.
FOR SALE: 2006 Suburu Imprezza WRX STI. One owner adult driven. Tires slightly worn. 80085 miles on the odometer.
Here is the link for the episode when he took James May From Top Gear for a spin.