In case you missed it before it was pulled from the organization’s website.

I did some research to make sure this wasn’t a hoax, and it is not. (Or it is the most elaborate hoax in history). It is a sincere advertisement to get people to follow the Global Warming Agenda “or else.” The companies involved with this group include Microsoft, Adidas, Pret a Manger and Aviva among others.

This ad is simply sick and perverse. The producers and the organization itself should all be ashamed of themselves. Did they think this is funny? Originally intended for theaters, the 10:10 folks pulled the video on October 1, saying that it was not well received and that “you live and learn.”

It’s now resurfaced on YouTube. It will be cropping up here and there as they try to take it down over and over. It says a lot about the organization and the people supporting it.

Found by Mary Grapeleaf.

  1. TooManyPuppies says:

    JCD, it’s been well documented and is public open information that those in charge of the leading “man made climate change” groups’ SOP is to call for the death of anyone that denies their agenda. Most recently they’re asking the children to “get militant” on deniers.

  2. L1A says:

    Can’t believe they blew up Gillian Anderson =(

  3. HateBadDesign says:

    Oh John, don’t but such an old grouch.. oh wait, that’s what you are – but at least grouch over something which matters, this is just weird British humor (and before you or anyone says its not funny – you need to grown up and learn that HUMOR IS SUBJECTIVE – one mans funny is another mans zzzzzzzzz).

    You’ll only encourage idiots like TooManyPuppies who thinks this is real, probably hears voices and thinks the best approach to the proven problem is to ignore it.

    Though I’m generally in favor of ignoring the problem, its probably gods way of starting over without all the idiots.

  4. Brian says:

    Admit it John, don’t you wish sometimes you had that button on Cranky Geeks???

  5. rwest says:

    This is a quote from the 10:10 founder.

    Doing nothing about climate change is still a fairly common affliction, even in this day and age. What to do with those people, who are together threatening everybody’s existence on this planet? Clearly we don’t really think they should be blown up, that’s just a joke for the mini-movie, but maybe a little amputating would be a good place to start? […] We ‘killed’ five people to make No Pressure – a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change.
    Franny Armstrong, founder of 10:10[42]

    Amputation? Really? Tell me one person that has died from “climate change”. Where do they make this stuff up at?

  6. David Tong says:

    I’m British. That was funny.

  7. bmf says:

    Ok so those who are against the climate change agenda are going to be up in arms about this. Those for it won’t see it as a big deal.
    I don’t know who to believe either way but I know this was funny.

  8. rwest says:

    It does not matter if it is funny or not. The concern should be that the climate change zeolots think that it is perfectly acceptable to kill, or even bring harm, to a non follower.

    That is wrong plain and simple.

  9. scadragon says:

    freaking sick

  10. Shannon Kay says:

    I actually think the most disturbing thing about this video is at the end where they say “500,000 people saved in 6 months”. What? How were these people “saved”? How could anyone possibly believe this?

    I’m not opposed to general practical things like using efficient light bulbs or whatever. My grandparents’ house has had a solar water heater for about 30 years. We should do those things because it’s cheaper and stuff. But I do not believe in this “man made climate change” garbage or that it “kills people”. If anything, if they’re still on the “warming” idea, it’s statistically better for people when it’s warmer. People are sick less often, especially old people who die of things like pneumonia.

    rwest, I can’t believe he said 300,000 people die each year of climate change. How deluded could you get?

  11. Tom Woolf says:

    Geesh – it’s easy to see why they pulled it. I thought it was funny, but it does give a bit of a foreboding tone to those who don’t agree with them.

    Of course, anybody who does not recognize humanity’s impact on the environment and global warming is a fool, but if we blew up fools all just for being fools then there’d be nobody left now, would there?

    (that small “boom” you just heard was me going ‘kablooie’)

  12. Alex says:

    This video shows that the real goal of 10:10 is to murder 10% of the Earth’s population so that the rest doesn’t have to make sacrifices. This is how they’ll select the victims.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Listen carefully to what she says at time mark 0:30.

    She specifically states to take your next vacation by train instead of plane. Why??

    Now we know who is pushing the trains meme.

  14. Alex says:

    Trains good, planes bad. Woo woo!!!

  15. Angry says:

    10-10…reminds me of decimate or decimation…removal of one tenth of the population or those “few” who disagree with anthropogenic global warming.

    Btw, was that school kid’s name really Jemima?

  16. TooManyPuppies says:

    NEWS FLASH: In an effort to keep his head in his ass, #3 refuses to read documented official policy, sit-in for a week-long “climate summit” given at a CA school to see and hear what they teach the kids and calls anyone who does, an idiot.

  17. J-mart says:

    Wow. Even as a joke it goes too far.

  18. Dude1818 says:

    Man-made climate change has been proven. Though not all climate change is man-made, obviously, man has caused massively more warming than is natural or safe. Hundreds of thousands of people die each year from hurricanes, droughts, famines, flooding, and wildfires, that result from man-made climate change. Thousands of species go extinct each year from habitat loss and natural disasters caused by man-made climate change. Humanity is committing suicide if it doesn’t reverse the damage we’ve caused.

    I agree that this ad is sick and disgusting. However, it is an accurate metaphor for what will happen if we don’t change our behavior. People who resist trying to save the planet, or worse deny that it needs saving, are killing not only themselves, but also everyone and everything on Earth. At this rate, the Earth will burn.

  19. Skeptic says:

    Why aren’t the world’s largest and most vulnerable coastal cities starting a massive rebuild further inland? Hmmmm? So many countries apparently believe the AGW hype, and yet not one is starting the process of moving away from the ocean coastline. With 50-100 years left to spread the cost over…. you’d think it would be imperative to start now. With 95%-100% AGW certainty you’d think that the process would begin immediately. With the clock ticking, you’d think that they would least get a plan in motion! So why aren’t they?

    It’s alright if you don’t know. Really. No pressure.

  20. David says:

    I actually thought it was pretty funny, and I’m a self-admitted global climate change denier. It strikes me as refreshingly self-deprecating for the climate change nazis. I thought it was all in good humor.

  21. ECA says:


    Question 1..
    What is in the AIR?? It ISNT O2 and CO2, there are alot more.

    Question 2..
    Do you REALLY think CARS are the biggest polluter? I didnt say CO2 polluter..

    Question 3.
    HOW has the USA reduced pollution in the USA Since the 1930-40’s..
    we SHIPPED 2/3 OF all heavy production jobs OUTSIDE the USA. As the Corp sits in the USA, and buys up its competitors..Then ships the jobs OUT of the USA and gets CREDITS for putting jobs in MEXICO, as well as NOT needing to pay wages/taxes/benefits on USA wages.

    Question 4.
    As to Question 2. For all the pollution created in other countries, FOR EXPORT TO USA made products.. How much of it ends up as SECONDARY pollution.

  22. ECA says:

    And for your short memories..
    What happened to All the pollutants from the 70’s we found..
    How about looking up “Super sites”, Places that we are FIXING/PAYING for from the last 100 years.

  23. brm says:

    Who the fuck names their kid “Jemima?”

  24. chuck says:

    Actually I thought the part with Gillian Anderson (starting at 3:32) was a perfect ironic statement: all those well-known celebrities who think that by donating their time (or sometimes just their name) to “raise awareness” for a cause is enough to actually help.

  25. testtubebaby says:


  26. Micromike says:

    The only things I am sure about here is that:
    1. This should not be taken seriously by anyone.
    2. #3 said it well, and
    3. #1 really is a fucking idiot.

  27. Neltron says:

    Jeepers. Way off the mark! How embarrassing, stupid and regrettable. WTF.

  28. faxon says:

    #19 Bite me.
    This ad was a wake up call for those of us who think the liberal agenda is “the best for all concerned”. Sure. Except for the ones they are happy to see turned into goosh.
    I wonder how funny the libs would find this ad if it were Mexicans illegally in our country, stealing our limited resources, and harming my child’s education, for instance.
    Now THAT would be funny!
    So it depends which side of the argument you are on. The problem, nobody has made a commercial showing people being blown up for being illegal aliens. I, however, do all I can to add to the carbon levels, starting by farting in the general direction of libs.

  29. TThor says:

    Sick!!! The humanitarians with a save the world, life and the Lords creations agenda. Help us!
    Never heard about this organization and are surprised to see they are all over the globe. Who can deconstruct how that has come about? Adam, John – do some digging please.

  30. Likes2LOL says:

    The video reminds me that all we have to do when the global warming heats up too much is to light off a few nuclear warheads for a little ‘nuclear winter’ corrective action. (We just have to trust our national laboratories to get the balance right — no pressure.)


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