I wonder if the artist would install duplicates in front of a few choice locations in Washington and New York…

A marble sculpture of a cut-off hand with the middle finger stuck up has gone on display in front of the Milan Stock Exchange, provoking a lively debate in Italy’s financial capital.

The 11-metre high installation, called “L.O.V.E.” and unveiled for the first time in Milan, is part of a retrospective dedicated to the Italian contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan, whose provocative works include a sculpture of Pope John Paul being hit by a meteorite.

“(Cattelan’s works) call our times into question, offering themselves as a mirror, however cracked, of our present,” said Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, Milan’s commissioner for culture, in a statement.

  1. e? says:

    Is it pointing at or from the stock exchange? That changes the message

  2. LDA says:

    #1 e?

    From. I guess it is saying ‘this is what they think of you’.

  3. RTaylor says:

    Have anyone wondered why us Americans just keep taking it? Where are the mass rallies and general strikes? This Congress should be frightened for their lives. Corporate power needs to be crushed. The next son of a bitch CEO that uses the words fiduciary responsibilities should be shot. The system of laws protecting corporations should be abolished. Perhaps the green nuts are right, it’s time for a second revolution. It should start a month after I die, don’t want to deal with it don’t you know.

  4. Aaron says:


    You may want to add an “l” in your title.

  5. gmknobl says:

    Scupture? What’s a scupture?

  6. mamaman says:

    A “Scupture”, that says it all.

    [Fixed. 4am is not a good time for spelling. –UD]

  7. MattB5 says:

    Does the middle finger even mean the same thing in Italy?
    And I’m thinking that kinda just looks like a guys holding up his hand in front of the camera and then photoshopping it grey.

  8. Rick Cain says:

    That should represent Wall Street’s attitude towards blue collar americans.

  9. deowll says:

    Obama’s boys and Bush’s boys were boy owned by Wall Street. Congress, both parties, has sold out to them.


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