A coalition of Mexican mayors has asked the United States to stop deporting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes in the U.S. to Mexican border cities, saying the deportations are contributing to Mexican border violence.

The request was made at a recent San Diego conference in which the mayors of four Mexican border cities and one U.S. mayor, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, gathered to discuss cross-border issues.

Ciudad Juarez Mayor Jose Reyes blamed U.S. deportation policy for contributing to his city’s violence, saying that of the 80,000 people deported to Juarez in the past three years, 28,000 had U.S. criminal records — including 7,000 convicted rapists and 2,000 convicted murderers. Those criminal deportees, he said, have contributed to the violence in Juarez, which has reported more than 2,200 murders this year. Reyes and the other Mexican mayors said that when the U.S. deports criminals back to Mexico, it should fly them to their hometowns, not just bus them to the border.

But critics in America say the Mexican lawmakers are simply trying to pass the buck to the U.S. and its taxpayers. They say the Mexicans should take responsibility for their criminals, who are putting both Mexican and American lives in danger. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement transports a majority of Mexican criminal aliens back to Mexico on buses. Since they’re often held in U.S. detention centers near the border prior to deportation, busing them to Mexican border cities is much less expensive than flying them to the interior of the country.

We do the work of rounding them up, present them as a neat little package on Mexico’s doorstep….and they still complain.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #32 Faxon Factsoff – Where’s the downside?
    * Legal Citizens – check
    * Issue SSN so they can start contributing – check
    * Register them to vote – check
    * Let them pursue happiness – check

  2. bobbo, what is the actual goal here says:

    Hey Monster: good one. Two heads are always better than one.

    So, my good friend Faxon/Factsoff==you and everyone else here miss the point even when it is expressly stated: There is no reason for the USA to be dropping felons off at the border, and if they are being let loose at the border, it is more to our harm than to Mexico’s harm so once again, the FAIL here is in looking at Mexico at all when our own house is in so much disorder.

    You maroons think “blaming” someone else for our problems fixes everything.

    So RepubliTARDED. Any yet you dumb yolks are still allowed to vote. THATS the amazing part of this story.

    Treasonous Republican Party–betraying America and the lower 98th percentile ever since Reagan.

  3. Citizenwithnorights says:

    Government has become the largest criminal organization in the world. Mexico is an example of what happens to a country when the citizens are afraid to fight for their rights. The U.S. is an example of what happens to a country when the citizens rufuse to hold their leadership accountable and have willingly given up their rights. If you think illegal immigration is good for America, you are either a profiteering employer, a politician whose looking at all those millions of voters that are the children of illegals, one of the many idiots like George W. Bush who thinks that illegals only take jobs nobody wants, or, of course, you are infact, an illegal immigrant.
    You are most likely not one of the,” tens of millions”, like myself, who has been displaced by an illegal immigrant and are either working for much less money per hour or are “UNEMPLOYED”.
    If this system continues unchecked, The United States of America will soon be MEXICO!
    When you call your congressman to complain, remember, For English, press 1.
    Muchas Gracias.

  4. Yes, you are right Citizenwithnorights – Bush is idiot.

  5. Yes, you are right Citizenwithnorights – Bush is idiot.


  6. They should deport since they are illegal.

  7. This is not illegal……..

    Who will win in the Pacquiao vs Margarito fight?

    Manny Pacquiao by KO (67%, 2 Votes)
    Antonio Margarito by KO (33%, 1 Votes)
    Manny Pacquiao by Decision (0%, 0 Votes)
    Antonio Margarito by Decision (0%, 0 Votes)
    Draw (0%, 0 Votes)

    Antonio Margarito or Flyd Mayweather?? WHos better?


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