What’s distinctive about the Tea Party is its anarchist streak — its antagonism toward any authority, its belligerent self-expression, and its lack of any coherent program or alternative to the policies it condemns,” warns Jacob Weisberg in Newsweek. But why not three cheers for the Tea Party Express?
Unfortunately they’re tone deaf. Congress cannot see past the election. All that changes in November.

So thanks Tea Party, Vegas odds must favor a Second American Revolution. Actually, the revolution is already roaring, hot, it’s about time. The GOP and the Dems had more than a decade. But America’s worse off. We need a real revolution to restore sanity … or we can kiss democracy and capitalism good-bye, permanently.

Yes, big warning, the Second American Revolution will extract painful austerity, not the “happy days are here again” future touted by tea-baggers. For years it’ll be impossible for most of America’s 95 million investors to develop a successful investment or logical retirement strategy. […] So if you think you’re “mad as hell” now, “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”

Here’s the timeline:
Stage 1: The Dems just put the nail in their coffin by confirming they are wimps, refusing to force the GOP to filibuster the Bush tax cuts for America’s richest.
Stage 2: The GOP takes over the House, expanding its war to destroy Obama with its new policy of “complete gridlock,” even “shutting down government.”
Stage 3: Obama goes lame-duck.
Stage 4: The GOP wins back the White House and Senate in 2012. Health care returns to insurers. Free market financial deregulation returns.
Stage 5: Under the new president, Wall Street’s insatiable greed triggers the catastrophic third meltdown of the 21st century Shiller predicted, with defaults on dollar-denominated debt.
Stage 6: The Second American Revolution explodes into a brutal full-scale class war rebelling against the out-of-touch, out-of-control greedy conspiracy-of-the-rich now running America.
Stage 7: Domestic class warfare is compounded by Pentagon’s prediction that by 2020 “an ancient pattern of desperate, all-out wars over food, water, and energy supplies would emerge” worldwide and “warfare is defining human life.”

What’s behind our 2010-2020 countdown? It became obvious after reading the brilliant but bleak “Decadence of Election 2010” report by Prof. Peter Morici, former chief economist at the International Trade Commission. He sees no hope from America’s political parties, just a dark scenario ahead.

  1. Mextli says:

    #12 “all they have are a bunch of soundbites of catchy, but empty, slogans.”

    Sorta like “Change we can believe in” The current president is nothing but a soundbite. Well, maybe a teleprompter too.

  2. Mextli says:

    #18 “China’s trading post WalMart”

    Wal-Mart can do something Obama can’t, provide jobs!

  3. Someone Else says:

    # 58

    Dear America,

    Protect us from what? You conquered Iraq twice? Well sort of.

    You still haven’t dealt with the Taliban (remember those assholes who killed your people in your biggest city?). You’ve taken the biggest military machine in history and frittered it away on empty sand and promises of cheap Walmart trinkets. It’s now broken. And you can’t afford to pay for it anymore. You can’t even protect yourselves from yourselves.

    WW2 and your greatest generation were indeed great. And noble. And brave.

    You are not the greatest generation. Suck it up. Get over it.

    Yours truly,
    The Rest of the World

  4. some guy in texas says:

    I read dvorak.org daily and generally like it but this is one of the stupidest, most insane things I have seen in a while. Seriously…how did this make it to the page?

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    “What’s distinctive about the Tea Party is its anarchist streak — its antagonism toward any authority, its belligerent self-expression, and its lack of any coherent program or alternative to the policies it condemns,”

    What I like the most about that paragraph is that it tries to justify with elegant words how much middle-aged white people in the U.S.A. hates to have a black man as a president.

  6. Dallas says:

    #69 Figures Repugs like you are OK with corporations buying government.

    You have no problem with Exxon writing a check for a billion dollars to overwhelm a million Americans contributing $20 to their choice.

    Shame on you.I want to be on your death panel when you turn 75.

  7. mentor972 says:

    This is almost written like it’s supposed to be a scare piece. Most people in this country don’t want a future like that, therefore they won’t allow it to happen.

  8. jman says:

    dallas you moron, people voted and that was the winner. You want somebody else go and vote. majority rules

  9. bobbo, its always worse than what we imagine says:

    And so we see democracy’s death roll in America:

    “The best government money can buy.”

    And morons like Sup Ct, jman, and Nextlie all think voting and money are the same thing. Its “thinking” like that that allows for a tea party. Lashing out at your own throat.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  10. Mextli says:

    #75 DullAss and #79 BlowBoy

    You just can’t force yourself to see it can you.
    Stoopid Loons.

    Justices, 5-4, Reject Corporate Spending Limit

    “Though the decision does not directly address them, its logic also applies to the labor unions that are often at political odds with big business.”

  11. tcc3 says:

    Why do you think being against unlimited corporate political spending means we’d support it if unions can do it too?

    Any “special interest group” can drown out the peoples will if they can spend enough. It doesn’t even cost that much, apparently.

    Publicly funded campaigns would be a good start.

  12. bobbo, what is the actual goal here says:

    Pedro–are you actually so simple minded to post as if having a majority representation in Congress gives a party “control” or do you just think we are all that stupid and you are just that lazy?

    Nextlie==ditto with idea that Union spending anywhere near approaches Corporate spending.

    Two peas in a pod, Dumb and Dumberer. Where’s Alfie for the Trifecta?

  13. clancys_daddy says:

    Gosh, revisionist history from both sides. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.

  14. Gildersleeve says:

    Oh brother. Nothing will go right because the Democrats aren’t being Democrats. What crap.

    No one is in the mood for a revolution. We just want better wages and more employment options. This isn’t hard to bring about; we just have to convince the country that the global economy is not the alter of wealth.

  15. gad says:

    Well, you all certainly talk like tough guys, that’s been amusing to read here. That and now we know who aspires to write the next ‘Turner Diaries’ tripe or who still reads it. History shows that the Democrats had a Surplus and then the Republicans raped the heck out of creating this Depression we’re in now. Both sides participated in raping the American worker with talk and action toward the world free trade of ‘Globalization’ so now we have China eating our lunch. Both sides lie to you no matter whose side you’re on – Small Government? Don’t recall any Republicans in power ever doing anything but growing the government. End of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell? Two Democrats in office and no end in sight. They all lie and all get away with by pointing at the other guy.


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