What’s distinctive about the Tea Party is its anarchist streak — its antagonism toward any authority, its belligerent self-expression, and its lack of any coherent program or alternative to the policies it condemns,” warns Jacob Weisberg in Newsweek. But why not three cheers for the Tea Party Express?
Unfortunately they’re tone deaf. Congress cannot see past the election. All that changes in November.

So thanks Tea Party, Vegas odds must favor a Second American Revolution. Actually, the revolution is already roaring, hot, it’s about time. The GOP and the Dems had more than a decade. But America’s worse off. We need a real revolution to restore sanity … or we can kiss democracy and capitalism good-bye, permanently.

Yes, big warning, the Second American Revolution will extract painful austerity, not the “happy days are here again” future touted by tea-baggers. For years it’ll be impossible for most of America’s 95 million investors to develop a successful investment or logical retirement strategy. […] So if you think you’re “mad as hell” now, “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”

Here’s the timeline:
Stage 1: The Dems just put the nail in their coffin by confirming they are wimps, refusing to force the GOP to filibuster the Bush tax cuts for America’s richest.
Stage 2: The GOP takes over the House, expanding its war to destroy Obama with its new policy of “complete gridlock,” even “shutting down government.”
Stage 3: Obama goes lame-duck.
Stage 4: The GOP wins back the White House and Senate in 2012. Health care returns to insurers. Free market financial deregulation returns.
Stage 5: Under the new president, Wall Street’s insatiable greed triggers the catastrophic third meltdown of the 21st century Shiller predicted, with defaults on dollar-denominated debt.
Stage 6: The Second American Revolution explodes into a brutal full-scale class war rebelling against the out-of-touch, out-of-control greedy conspiracy-of-the-rich now running America.
Stage 7: Domestic class warfare is compounded by Pentagon’s prediction that by 2020 “an ancient pattern of desperate, all-out wars over food, water, and energy supplies would emerge” worldwide and “warfare is defining human life.”

What’s behind our 2010-2020 countdown? It became obvious after reading the brilliant but bleak “Decadence of Election 2010” report by Prof. Peter Morici, former chief economist at the International Trade Commission. He sees no hope from America’s political parties, just a dark scenario ahead.

  1. Church Lady says:

    in my best Church Lady voice

    “not gonna happen”

    Tea Party will get a few candidates voted in and they will soon be as corrupt or inept as the rest of them. Yes the system is broken but it has always been broken thats the beauty of the system it’s broken by design and it works better than any other so far.

    Right now the best bet for positive change is campaign finance reform and for the viewers so shun news media that proselytizes

  2. Father says:

    I will suggest that each of us believes we have the RIGHT to exist the way we wish, irrespective of anyone else (except maybe a spouse or two, and as many children we may have pushed out). We believe our wishes are preeminent.

    Alfred is an extreme example of this selfishness.

    There is no talk about cooporation for the common good, except by SL.

    I’m reading the whining of a bunch of socially maladjusted posters, and thinking that I’m glad the real world, the world that I work and play in, isn’t what some of you unemployed fckers think it is.

  3. Grandpa says:

    #6 will never happen. By that time the population will be made up of a majority of people who are used to living in poverty. Americans will sit quietly as the world passes it by. Slipping from 25th in wealth to 51st. Countries like China will be offering us aid when our levies fail, roads and bridges collapse. We will still make the best weapon systems and offer our stupid up for service to their cause. And will shout “In GOD we trust”!

  4. deowll says:

    Free speech is a truly wonderful thing. Each of the people posting has allowed others to make a better judgment of their character and grasp on reality.

  5. blow me says:

    Reagonomics has done exactly what it was supposed to do. Capitalists define success as ALL the money at the top and the trickle down part is nothing but their toilet overflowing. Thanks a lot people who actually ran the country while Ronnie slept.

  6. It only hurts when I sit says:

    #38 Whiskey Rebellion.

  7. clancys_daddy says:

    38 “If you love freedom…you will opt for the bare minimum of regulation, as our founding fathers did.”

    43 “Whiskey Rebellion.”


    Yep bare minimum regulation

  8. ECA says:

    that is the IDEAL of WEALTH..not profit.
    Business is the finding/creation of a product you can sell..
    AS WELL AS..
    At a price the consumer can/will afford..
    Even as you pay employees ENOUGH to be able to afford your OWN products.

    Putting Extra money on the bottom, gets spent. Even after bills are paid, and extra money is available.. It will go for something to IMPROVE living conditions.

    Putting extra money in a rich persons pocket? What does this do? He already has enough money. but even if he uses it to BUY 1 thing, The Lower income person will buy MORE with the same amount of money, you gave the rich person.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    #38, Alfred

    “#23 You’ve never started a business and so see regulation as a good.

    Its not.

    Its a necessary evil, but it always makes wealth creation harder.”

    Let’s look at a very simple example, shall we?

    Ingredient Labeling. Even setting aside the supposed safety reasons given for labeling, there is a very important, market related justification for requiring labeling. Information is a very expensive thing to come by. How do you know what is in all of the various choices available to you when you go to buy a product? You could spend a lot of time and effort researching on your own before making your choice. Or you could just go making completely uninformed decisions, based on no information, which has the very real chance of promoting the products which would otherwise not be chosen had you known more about them; in other words, it results in a failure of the market to correctly allocate resources in the most efficient way.

    You can have people wasting resources to make informed decisions, or you can have misallocated resources due to uninformed decisions. In both cases, wealth is lost.

    Of course you have non-regulatory solutions like trade organizations and consumer groups who build reputations for providing accurate information cheaply to consumers. Or, the simple and cheap alternative is to require through regulation that the information be made available at the time of purchase on the label.

  10. MikeN says:

    >2012. Health care returns to insurers.

    You mean it is not in the insurers hands under the current law? This would mean Obama is a liar. He said no one would lose their health care coverage under the bill he signed.

  11. Someone Else says:

    Dear Americans,

    Grow up. Get over yourselves. Get a life.

    You’re just not that important anymore, OK?

    The Rest of the World

    P.S. Clean up your room before you do anything else.

  12. j says:

    Ha. The libs and pentagon sees the end of the world as the gov’t beast is starved of cash.
    Their biz as usually (freeloaders & military industrial complex) will be shutdown, so from their point of view, it is over!

  13. Breetai says:

    Wow… Half right because the system is coming to an end and the oligarchs will be enslaving the public but the reason they’re going to get away with it is the partisan nature of the explination and everyone buying into it.

    We have a 1 party system called the lobby. Democrat vs Republican or Right vs Left is an illusion. The Lobby controls the whole thing.

  14. MrMiGu says:

    Alfred, if you say its the democrats that plan on exterminating your population then why is it that we see so many tea party members, like teaandcrumpets at #28, speaking of rounding people up?

  15. Someone says:


    Seems it always falls to me to show the answer.

    There is a time-tested solution to all that greed and bloat.

    Let me put it on the table so the usual suspects can crap their pants and run for Mommy.

    Competition under a free market.

    If you grew up in America, you should have known that.

    Not wanting the razor-thin profit margins that competition brings, the GOP, yes, the GOP and the Democrats put in regulation with the specific goal of protecting themselves from competition.

    They rely on your ignorance (a product of a state-run education system) to get away with it.

    It would be a real shame if most of you starved to death without knowing why.

    Or who to be angry with.

  16. RubberDuck says:

    #21 you are saying something very clever and interesting you should run for president the next time if you don’t mind.

  17. Cursor_ says:


    I have a business and believe that regulation in the form of just and fair rules are paramount to a strong economy in a Republic. I too believe in taxation that is used responsibly and is graduated (the ability to pay).

    Like any situation one has to allow growth, while pruning out overgrowth, undergrowth and just plain bad growth. That means management. And that means have good managers.

    The founding fathers did not support bare minimum regulation. They believed that business should sell fair goods at fair prices. And provide good service at good prices. And that IF business did not do that, if they cheated the consumer, they should be punished. By trial or if need be by intervention of the local, state or federal government if it got to that scale. It is about good management.

    We’ve had bad managers because they have been bought and installed by people with your attitude that you shouldn’t check on the garden. Just let it do whatever it will. That is bullshit.

    It is profitable to have rules, order and laws that benefit the people in all classes. And it profits all that we look after each other.

    US Citizen here.

    I keep trying to tell my fellow inmates that but they feel ENTITLED cos their saved your asses from Anarchists, Fascists & Communists. Which really they didn’t because you helped in that, but that is the myth they believe in. And if you believe a myth long enough you will adopt it as truth.

    So they are not going to change anytime soon. Just as it took many years for self-important brits to get over not being an empire and snide spanish twits getting over their empire; so too it will take at least 100 more years of the current crud for the US to get over it and go back to being the humble folk they were before 1890.



  18. Angry says:

    What a load of fear-mongering CRAP! Are you kidding me Uncle Dave? The only class warfare I see is that committed by the illiberal left. Wealth-envy is sold my our masters…the only way a slave can improve his/her position in life is through the Gubmint!

    Wake up slaves!

  19. Dallas says:

    If a revolution results in a change in how we elect government officials, I’m all for it.

    Recent case in point:
    – Delaware chooses a witchcraft worshiping nutt to 1 of 100 seats in Congress by 1500 votes. Wow.

  20. jman says:


    Dear rest of the world,

    Get a job and take a self defense class, we’re tired of carrying and protecting you.


  21. jman says:


    better than the marxist running or the other fool who held that seat for 30 yrs…biden

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    My preparedness plan for upcoming meltdown?

    I’m buying lots of guns and beer.

  23. Dallas says:

    #59 It wouldn’t be so bad if a reasonable majority of Americans actually wanted a witch to represent them in Congress.

    Howver, that’s not the case.

    As usual, my point about representation is way over your pin head.

  24. Rightwing Nutjob says:

    #61 – If they don’t want a witch to represent them, what’s Nancy Pelousy doing in Congress?

  25. Rabble Rouser says:

    Most of the problems that we have today, come from Reagan, when he said that the government can do no good, THEN WENT ON TO PROVE IT!
    People treated this puppet of corporate interests as a god, and continued to elect people who also believed that government can do no good, then go on to prove it, when elected.

    When people start to elect people into government, who say that government can do good, and is here to serve WE THE PEOPLE, not them, the corporations, MAYBE things will change. As long as we have a plutocracy, and corporations rule, we will continue to have a falling middle class, as the greedy get richer.

  26. Rightwing Nutjob says:

    #63 – I’m sure I remember Barry saying things along that line. Too bad that, Bush having outlasted his usefulness, Barry was fished out of the same (pinstriped, crisply pressed) pockets of the same corporate interests as his predecessors, and plopped right into the presidency. Fail. (well, Great Success! if you’re one of the puppeteers).

  27. Benjamin says:

    Those talking about how regulation keeps the corporations down, I have news for you. Corporations love regulations. Why? Because only large corporations can afford the cost of compliance. That keeps small businesses from competing with the larger corporations. Thus you only end up with bland products from established corporations. Regulation keeps new businesses from entering the industry to shake the apple cart.

    This whole scenario depicted in the article is some progressive’s fantasy. #7 bob’s post was right. Spending is the problem. The GOP and the Democrats have a spending problem, but the Democrats take spending to a new level. STOP SPENDING MORE MONEY THAN WE TAKE IN. Yes, I was shouting that.

  28. GF says:

    One thing’s for sure, I don’t like how things are being run right now. So, I’m going to do my part to correct it at every level I can.

  29. Obama: The Stool Softener Years says:

    57 exactly. Cases in point: Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, john Kerry, john McCain., Barbara Boxer, Al Franken …

  30. Mextli says:

    #8 Dallas ” I have little faith in the right leaning judicial branch once they ruled corporations can pour UNLIMITED money into a candidate.”

    Whenever you libs spin this little tale why don’t you ever include unions? They were favored by the same legislation. Apparently the object is not to tell the truth but a half truth that is actually a lie that favors the loons. Typical!


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