Archie Comics will announce on Tuesday variant covers on the Obama-Palin theme, with one cover showing Obama poised to clash with Palin in midair, while another — labeled “The Fight for America!” — depicting Obama and Palin sporting boxing gloves, prepped to spar with one other. Obama is dubbed “The Chicago Kid” while Palin gets named “The Thrilla from Wasilla.” “We sat around and talked and said, ‘Holy toledo!’ This is something that we should take a look at and bring the president back on the cover for.” (He said he just reached out to both the Palin and Obama camps and predicted that “I’m sure that we’re going to hear from them” about their comics).
“At the end of the day, President Obama and Sarah Palin completely come from opposite sides, but they both want the same thing: The best interests of the United States. And we figured Riverdale High School was a place they can unite,” he said.
Of course, there’s a subtle statement being made here by Archie Comics: Sarah Palin is the apparent GOP leader. Why else choose her to counter Obama?
“From my view point, she does represent the Republican Party right now,” said Goldwater. “She’s out front and center and there is no other dynamic candidate that we can see here at Archie that basically represents the Republican Party. … No one else occurred to us, actually.”
Both characters worthy of a comic book, but little else.
“At the end of the day, President Obama and Sarah Palin completely come from opposite sides, but they both want the same thing: The best interests of the United States.”
I agree with this statement. Anyone who disagrees that they both want what is best for the United States is overly partisan. What we disagree on is whose policies actually would accomplish the best interest of the country.
They both knock each other out and Newt Gingrich wins!
why is the world so stupid?
Sorry Repubs–Palin’s just truly flaky, I can’t even consider voting for her. The idea of her having control of the “football” is truly scary.
I have voted for Republicans in the past (Dubya in 2004, the least obnoxious of two candidates because Kerry was weirder than Bush, and Nixon decades ago).
So we have a woman with no real experience, with delusions of foreign policy expertise, no knowledge of economics, sees herself as the head of a revolutionary movement, yet who can’t handle a tough job and is quick to escape, who under tough questioning is revealed to be a blabbering idiot, vs the former governor of Alaska.
Why Floyd, are you worried about Palin having the football?
She will know if those pesky russians are up to no good before anyone else because —
She can see them out her window!
It’s a fair fight. On the one hand you have a professor of Constitutional Studies who has spent most of his career making carefully weighed decisions. On the other you have a woman who reads everything.
They still make Archie comics?
Who the hell reads them? People over 50?
#6 If you look at what Obama has achieved for America she starts to look a lot better.
If she can’t get Congress to pass jack it would be an improvement over what Obama and friends have signed off on.
Palin is in an odd situation. 45% if America strongly likes her and 45% strongly dislike her though if you look at the reason people say they dislike her those often meet the pin head bigot standard and amount to the kind of crap any good progressive/liberal is _supposed_ to be against.
Much better to just say I don’t agree with her views and then be able to name a few issues you don’t agree with her about that are real and not made up.
For example progressives can say they want the Federal government/Washington to redistribute the wealth/ prevent greedy capitalist from getting rich/completely take control of all industry and private enterprise through regulations in the name of social justice/provide a highly detailed legal code that pretty much says what people can or can’t do down to what they can eat and think/abolishes free speech if they don’t agree with it/would like to abolish the constitution/etc.
Modern progressives do believe in the right to own private property but you need to get permission/pay for the proper permits to make any modifications or make use of it. In the real world that always means somebody gets paid off if only to pay all the people with government jobs charged with seeing that you don’t do jack without getting permission first.
this woman got only 114,697 votes to win her gubernatorial post(thats less than the population of Topeka) which she then quit to cash in on her fame and hide out from having to actually govern were she wouldbe held accountable for her policies. its easy to hang out on the sidelines and critique the doers. they are far from equals this is a dumb
and Kirshner should have found away to work with The Monkees Archie lame
I didn’t vote for McCain because his running mate was Palin.
Every day McCain doesn’t die of become senile convinces me I made the wrong choice.
“His failure is the fault of the loons who voted for him…”
will you stop bring up Bush and Reagan it will take decades for the country/world to clime out of the hole they dug for us.
GW as Jughead?
Dick Cheney == Mr. Weatherbee
So voting for the leader of the US has become a comicbook issue, eh? That’s not saying much about the elective process. And BTW, since when did any of the Archie Comic characters wear capes and fly around? They’re just senior high schoolers who never graduate.
This is the comics attempt to re-popularize the election theater with the young generation, who may have become disenchanted early. A rather shameless promotion, without actually addressing any issues the candidates can be tied to. If any.
“Sarah Palin is the apparent GOP leader.” If that’s really true, in 2012. The GOP has got real problems. Or they still don’t want to win the top position yet. So they’re lame-ducking their candidate, to let the Democrats have it. Until the economy revives enough for them to retake the reigns, and suck some more blood out of the middle class.