- Techcrunch goes to AOL. That should be interesting.
- Rim Playbook released.
- Texting while driving not as harmful as they say.
- Apple TV analysis going on.
- Twitter finding ways to make money.
- Is Google building a Serendipity engine? Sounds like a scam.
- UFO’s apparently saving the world. Cripes.
- New Sony-Ericsson phone makes promises.
- Open Office forks.
- Microsoft gives up on blogging. And guess what?
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I read somewhere that the reasoning behind allowing texting while driving is: That people are doing it anyways, only now they have to hide their phone and stoop lower to read it. Thus it is more unsafe to have texting laws than not.
Weird, but kind of makes sense.
#1 Grandpa
OK, so we should also legalize marijuana because people are doing it any way only now they have to hide the plants in the bathroom.
How about murder? People are doing it anyway only now they have to hide their traces.
What total bs logic. Texting while driving is extremely dangerous. You might be the next one to be hit by a texting driver. What would then be your opinion (if you survived)?
Not surprising MS isn’t interested in providing a blogging platform when there are so many others out there.
MS have for some time, had a fantastic component of the Windows Live Essentials suite called Live Writer which lets you blog directly to all the main blog sites. Its a whole lot easier to work with than using a web-based interface to compose and post your blogs.
Step back and look at the Playbook – which isn’t shipping and won’t be for months – and evaluate it as if it wasn’t coming from RIM.
It differs little from the multiple devices that will be available in WalMart from Casio, Haier, etc…as tablets/iPad knockoffs become common. All about as interesting and “useful” as any other bottom-feeding electronic commodity.
#2 Shift gears dude. I am not saying texting in any way is better or good. I was just relaying to John something I had read, the reasoning behind decriminalizing texting while driving.
I am not a Republican, nor do I pretend to be a Republican.
I remember at least one time where a car in front of me was swerving so much I thought the driver was DWI.
It turned out she was texting while she was driving.
When you’re not in control of your vehicle, don’t be surprised if you get pulled over by a cop, and get ticketed.
#2 troll fail
It’s just another cell phone law everybody ignores. There is a law against using non hands-free cell phones in California and our local police officers are major scoff laws. I see most of them talking on the phones as they storm around town looking to see if anybody is building a donut shop (we don’t have one in Ukiah).
Of course it’s dangerous, and people are not going to stop doing it.
OK John get it RIGHT. The study says that the states that have enacted texting laws have not lowered their accident rates. It says NOTHING about texting NOT being dangerous it merely means the laws do not work. Indeed in some stated the accident rates went UP after the laws leading to the belief that people are trying to hide their phones while STILL trying to text to avoid getting caught. Hope this clears this up for you.
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