‘He was our Capt. Sully!’ Passengers heap praise on pilot Jack Conroyd after Delta Flight 4951 scare – NYDailyNews.com: Passengers on the jet that made a miraculous safe landing at JFK compared their icy calm pilot Sunday to Chesley (Sully) Sullenberger, the Hero of the Hudson.
The cool and collected flier at the controls was Navy vet Jack Conroyd, 55, who is being hailed for saving 64 lives by effortlessly landing his crippled jetliner Saturday with its right wheel jammed in the up position.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Who the hell was yelling? Was that “Heads down”?

    [Ed. – Those are the flight attendants yelling to the passengers ‘Heads Down – Stay Down’]

  2. nobodyspecial says:

    Will people stop calling incidents “miraculous” when they don’t automatically kill everyone?

    I was miraculaously saved on my commute this morning when my car’s brakes functioned exactly as they should have done and brought 2tons of metal screeching gently to halt on the freeway off ramp.

  3. Personality says:

    #2 LOL.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #2…the pilot said the same thing you said about your brakes…”I hope this works.”

  5. JohnD says:

    A pilot friend of mine says “we get paid for the last 10 seconds of the flight”. This is a great example of why you want a highly qualified crew on board. While not “miraculous”, it is certainly the outcome you want in that situation. I am sure the passengers might consider it “miraculous” though.

  6. jman says:

    what’s with the hatred of the word miraculous? just ignore it and move on

  7. Dallas says:

    That was pretty Miraculous.

  8. soundwash says:

    well.. this autta put the kabash on any Airport 2010 movie.

    will be interesting to see how the media spins this into “terror/horror in the skies”

    -nobody was screaming, terrified or anything of the sort..they acted like level headed people with the **intent of a positive outcome**

    the only “terror ammo” they will have is the flight attendant’s landing mantra of “stay down, heads down”

    i find it also interesting to note, this has gotten hardly any “sensational” press time on news radio here in nyc..

    -this video completely fubars any “legitimate” attempt to call it horrific.. the people refused to play party to the horror or terror we have been programmed to expect from people who have been in a situation such as this.

    most interesting development..


  9. ubet426 says:

    I’m not a pilot… but it seems to me landing a plane without one side of the landing gear, or all gear for that matter isn’t something that’s extraordinary… I know it happens on a fairly frequent basis in aviation, at least much more commonly than any other landing malfunction. So to me I think it’s an insult to compare this pilot, who albeit may be very good & of course kept his cool during this landing, to Sully who put his freaking Air Bus down in the RIVER!!! Water VS. Tarmac, Hello???

  10. Otter says:

    #2 makes no sense. Your car’s brakes functioned as they should. This plane’s landing gear did NOT function as they should. Your point is valid, but you need a better example.

  11. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Please apply my standard anti-hero riff here although nobody special put the right light touch on my animosity toward turning to ill informed religious explanation rather than the completely human achievement of training and practice.

    No manual pump down backup huh? simple, cheap but not “modern.”

    One nice advantage of not having wing mounted engines—–no cartwheels.

  12. skunkman62 says:

    that wasnt miraculous at all. that was badass!

  13. The0ne says:

    Shouldn’t this person be arrested or something? You know, like that kid that picked up a lighter or something. Why can’t I turn on my phone on the ground like that!

  14. chuck says:

    #13 – exactly! Didn’t the cell-phone camera owner realize that operating the device while landing is probably what caused the accident in the first place!!

    Won’t somebody, please, think of the children!

  15. Bob says:

    I am a pilot and such a landing is fairly routine, actually. We practice for it in the simulator regularly.

  16. seanb says:

    Been there, done that…………………….

    Got back in the plane afterwards and continued the journey, faulty sensor gave one red instead of 3 green during landing approach. Must admit, both me ( as self loading cargo) and the FE agreed looking out the door at the gear that it looked down and locked every time we cycled it. Fire service was next to us during the whole landing, foam cannon at the ready ‘Just in Case’. Now know just why they are capable of doing 180 on the straight, but better be under 30 in any turn.

  17. NobodySpecial says:

    The landing was highly skillful. Keeping the plane level as you slow down until it can be allowed to fall over at low enough speed that it doesn’t cartwheel takes a fine touch on the controls and the pilot is to be congratulated.

    But miraculous would be if the unsupported wing happened to stay up suspended on a ray of sunshine, or alternatively happened to hit a line of nuns that were crossing the run.

    The ‘miraculous’ – in the sense of extraordinary – part is the landing gear failing in the first place. This isn’t so much a matter of giving thanks to god for the safe landing as blaming him (or her) for the gear failing.

  18. bobbo, the little train that could says:

    Having read the other thread more directly on point, I’m convinced the gear exercised its own free will and decided itself not to come down and that God learned from this even as he knew thats what would happen already AND the gear will be thrown into the lake of everlasting pain for disappointing god. “It’s in the Book.”

    Yea, Verily!

  19. sulfuric ass says:

    Thank God for the one person on the flight who was a hero. The man with backbone enough to ignore 256 orders of “heads down” to make the video. It wouldn’t have been a big story otherwise.

    The pilot may or may not been a hero. Since a pilot is always the first person at the crash site, he may have just been saving his own hide and the others were just along for the ride!

    I read somewhere the are only 2 types of pilots. Those who have landed gear-up and those who will.

  20. faxon says:

    I am glad I got to hear about Sully one more time. I just can’t get enough of him!

  21. W.T.Effyall says:

    That repetitious talk in the background reminds me of my ex-girlfriend, except for the applause at the end.

  22. Rick Cain says:

    Just wondering, but why don’t they just put proper 3 point safety harnesses on planes?

    I feel like I’m driving in a 1956 Chevrolet Bel-Air with the optional factory installed lap belts every time I fly.


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