Don’t turn your volume up too much!

  1. bobbo, small arms expert and mass detractor says:

    “That blowed up real good!”

    Current news is that the economic sanctions in the World Banking/Loans/Credit/Insurance arena are having a great effect on Iran.

    But who wants to be smart when you can be violent?

  2. Stuntedman says:

    Myth Busted

  3. Rob Leather says:

    This reminds me of those films from World War I. The Allies tunneled under the German lines and planted a huge stash of TNT… then set it off. 26,000 lbs of explosive.

    Then, in 1955 one went off when it was struck by lightening!

  4. Howard Beal says:

    Yep we are still #1 at blowing stuff up USA, USA, USA!
    you tell em bobbo

    sanctions just don’t make good TV news clips

  5. Animal Mother says:

    Not necessarily a bunker-buster; more likely delay fuze. Bunker-busters function much deeper than this one.

  6. Likes2LOL says:

    If only our Osama-finders worked as well as our bunker-busters…

  7. If you think this delayed fuse bomb is impressive (bunker buster), check out the BLU-82, the MOAB and the russian super bomb on youtube.

    As for this video, it is clearly a delayed fuse. Whether or not its classified as a bunker buster is to be argued. They usually go 80-100+ feet deep before they detonate. This one looks to have gone maybe 30-40. Who knows for sure, if so post here what this ordinance is classified to do.

    We dropped all our fuel air bombs in afganistan and some in Iraq and then ran out. Created a big business for redesign and manufacturing of these wasteful bombs. They didn’t get Bin Laden, they just got a lot of dirt blown around and cost 100s of millions in tax dollars. Complete waste of time, the mental warfare aspects of these weapons was never realized either. It likely only made US citizens feel good seeing stuff blow up, thus selling the public on waste and war against the boogieman.

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This is the newest method to dig an open-pit mine.

  9. A Capital Event says:

    Holy moly
    & that was in 2004
    Wonder if they are bigger and “better” in 2010?

  10. deowll says:

    Why? The real trick is to put a relatively modest amount of HE exactly where it will do you the most good.

    After the bomb blast inside the Iraq command center the building was still standing. It wasn’t of much use mind you but it was still standing.

    I think everyone got the message. If you are targeted you need to kiss your behind good-bye in advance because you will be dead after the fact.

  11. sargasso_c says:

    Then there was that H bomb they lost when a Navy skyhawk rolled off a carrier deck in the Pacific. Was that ever found?

  12. John E. Quantum says:

    On occasion, we need to remind our adversaries that while they can run, they can’t hide- unless they go to the mountains of Pakistan.

  13. Captain Har says:

    “If only our Osama-finders worked as well as our bunker-busters…” Tora Bora would have been the place.

  14. Bear_G says:

    I feel bad for that camera man :>)

  15. Chris Mac says:

    no worries.. he’s dead

  16. Todd Peterson says:

    It is many years ago I stopped being impressed by the US’ ability to destroy stuff.

    Try to make something for once.

  17. Rick Cain says:

    After the war ended, the vietnamese really loved all the leftover american bomb casings scattered about, because they could fabricate the best tools out of them due to the high quality metals used.

  18. Publius says:

    15 seconds = bunker buster bomb’s elapsed time for the last of the stuff to fall back down to the ground.

    How high did the stuff go?

    ~7 sec up, ~7 sec down. How far does something fall in 7 sec, starting at speed = 0 m/sec?

    distance = x0 x t + 1/2 x a x t^^2

    x0 = 0

    x = 1/2 x 10 x 49 = ~ 250 meters

    And that’s how high in the air the stuff went up from that bomb.


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