The interview took place on the 23rd of September. Part two is below.

  1. zerorelevance says:

    What few valid points Bill may have made were nullified by his antagonistic, obnoxious attitude toward John. How much better could that interview have gone, even with their disagreements if Bill hadn’t been a jerk. We could have gotten a better understanding of John’s disappointment in Obama, or even gotten to other topics instead of 10 minutes of childish name calliing.

  2. bobbo, fools agree on the most idiotic of positions says:

    #25–do-ill, spinning for all he’s worth—oh look, the top has fallen over==you say: “Bill O’s real political views aren’t that far from Stewart’s” //// Uh huh. Genius! (To be read from the same insight that Bill and Jon actually share much the same politics.)

  3. Snoop Dog says:

    These guys are both very, very good at what they do. The major difference is that O’Reilly is about as likable as Al Gore.

  4. Realist says:

    It is so interesting to see the right wingers and tea partiers singing O’Reilly’s praises and how he won the discussion. O’Reilly has a great habit of asking a guest a question and when he doesn’t like the answer finishing the answer for the guest. Stewart (as Al Frankin used to do) didn’t let him.

  5. jay says:

    John is smart man. Bill can try to do things live, but he would never do it.


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