The interview took place on the 23rd of September. Part two is below.
Video – Unedited John Stewart Interview on the O’Reilly Factor
By Gasparrini Friday September 24, 2010
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Folks? Who are you?
Well, that was interesting… not to mention fun watching poor Bill O’Reilly trying to tread water.
I think I share Stewart’s looks of exasperation pretty much summed up my own feelings.
No idea. I’m an extremist who cannot believe any thinking person disagrees with her.
Wow. I always knew O’Reilly was an ignorant douchebag, but he really shows it on these clips. He should go back to hosting goofy-ass shows like Inside Edition, or whichever one it was. He can take his two-bit radio DJ, Glenn Beck, with him.
i think they mean “the folked”…. there are plenty of those in all walks of life in america.
funny thing how peoples personal views change the way they see things
I saw Stewart as evasive and condescending. He never answered a single question and it is obvious it loathes the very ground O’Rielly walks on.
but at the same time O’Rielly loathes him also. I found the interview to be a complete waste of time, nothing was said nothing was learned , 20 min of my life ill never get back
I love these Stewart OReilly interviews. They are always fun and I get the impression they don’t really dislike each other.
Having said that, Stewart always eats the guys lunch. OReilly has to keep his “conservative demigod” front going the whole time while Stewart is, as he is always, the man of reason.
When O’Reilly says “folks” and “people who don’t watch your show” he means “old white people” because those are the people that don’t watch the Daily Show and who do watch Fox News. And of course instead of admitting that “folks” watch the Daily Show, O’Reilly doesn’t miss a chance to call them dope smokers. Fox Watchers=Folks and Daily Show Watchers=Dope Smokers… You are either with me or against me…
#8 there’s an entire code language they use….used by all of them from the pundits to the “analysts” to the newsreader-bimbos themselves, who are supposed to be reading news.
O’Reilly “separates” himself from the “folks” by referring to them as “folks” and “these people”.
He’s a rich white guy. So is Stewart. Obama is a rich black guy.
It’s funny when O’Reilly refers to Stewart’s “Manhattan” attitude. What does that mean? There are 6 million people living in the borough of Manhattan — they don’t all make $1million a year!
This would have been great to watch if it hadn’t been buffering or stuttering.
This is why streaming is still not ready for prime time.
#8 “When O’Reilly says “folks” and “people who don’t watch your show” he means “old white people” because those are the people that don’t watch the Daily Show and who do watch Fox News.”
The ultimate derogatory term “old white people”.
You can just see them skittering around cluttering up the life of the young and cool.
So if this is the unedited interview, what did they put on air. Was the editing fair?
Is Comedy Central going to be as fair with their editing of Bill?
Mextli said,
The ultimate derogatory term “old white people”.
You can just see them skittering around cluttering up the life of the young and cool.
It may or may not be derogatory but it is the truth:
Among ad-supported cable nets, the news nets (along with older-skewing Hallmark Channel, Golf Channel and GSN’s daytime sked) sport the most gray, with Fox News Channel’s daytime and primetime skeds the absolute oldest, clocking in with a median age above 65.
The New York Times’ Brian Stelter tweeted that, according to Nielsen Media Research, Fox News has averaged just 29,000 black viewers in primetime so far this television season (9/09-7/10). That represents just 1.38% of its 2.102 million total viewer audience.
Wow. This O’Reilley guy is a major tool and buffoon. Stewart just kicks his ass in so many ways.
I need to be on his death panel.
lol -great act these two have going. You can see both are having a hard time to keep from cracking up over each other’s jabs. What’s funnier is that some people still think mainstream news is meant to be “real news”
that aside..
..Remember kids, in order for satire or humour to be good or “work” -it must be based in truth. All that is required for mainstream news (and politics) to “work” -is that you still believe the illusion on which it is based (and you live in), is real.
They both have fun with each other and respect each other oddly. O’Reilly is now the ‘left wing’ of Fox News, which says how bat shit crazy Fox has become (re: Beck). Just like Nixon couldn’t even get IN the Republican party now (he created the EPA, thought gay marriage was ok because marriage shouldn’t be controlled by the government)…O’Reilly while conservative is a bit of a blowhard (for ratings) is at least somewhat rational and sane. Glen Beck on the other hand is seriously unstable and if one day there is a shooting at Fox where someone goes postal and it turns out to be Beck, I wouldn’t even blink. I almost expect it every day.
#15 “It may or may not be derogatory but it is the truth:”
It’s not a axiom. I’m a “old white people” and never watch FOX I can barely choke down CNN.
Speaking of which, I just watched Stephen Colbert’s appearence before a House Judiciary subcommittee. What a joke! (no pun intended). It was a sad example of how our government has degenerated.
#19–Nextlie==axiom? Has nothing to do with it. YOU and only YOU attached “derogatory” to what was otherwise a truthful and insightful comment.
Whats up with that? What is it about the truth that you find derogatory?
What you happen to watch or not watch is irrelevant to the truth, the comment made, the truth of the comment made. Thats axiomatic.
Jon Stewart vis-a-vis O’Reilly. Good long conversation even with O’s constant interruptions. Its “his” show and all about him. There is some spin in that.
#20 Bobble
If you don’t know that term is mostly used in a derogatory fashion then you are more stupid then most of your comments.
The solution is stool softener.
Nextlie–says who? Where does this self hatred come from? Go to the bowling alley, ski slopes, polo club, country club, concourse elegance, Fortune 500 Board Room, RNC, Teaparty and what you see is a bunch of old white guys.
Go to Nacar, bowling alley, shopping mall, movie theater, day care facilities and all you see is a bunch of kiddies.
Hardly derogatory unless you add some other descriptors.
Fish swim in their own pee—derogatory?
O’Reilly is an overbearing infotainer–derogatory?
So did anyone watch the onair broadcast? What was edited out?
They take turns inviting each other on to plug their books. They were having a blast while building up their ratings. They both like to spar with somebody they can’t walk all over. Stewart’s biggest problem was he kept wanting to crack up laughing. They both landed some good jabs.
Bill O’s real political views aren’t that far from Stewart’s. Any thought that these two don’t like each other is silly.
I think Bill appeared to do a little better because as the host he was able to set the agenda and he stayed focused while Stewart was a little scattered and having to improvise. Stewart also hasn’t had as much practice giving interviews either but he still did a brilliant job.
All in all an excellent performance by two of the worlds best entertainers.
You’ve just wasted time in here posting your useless comments, just as I did. You best leave *nod*
An a-hole is an a-hole no matter how hard he/she tries to hide it. IF you can’t see it…well…don’t waste your time here at DU lol
I’m a fan of Bill and John, but tend to agree with O’Reilly’s politics more often than Stewarts…
HOWEVER — I find it to be really bad for that Bill blasted John’s book. That’s the reason people go on a show is to push their product. As a host, he should have been at least a little gracious about it.
Not cool as far as I’m concerned.
John Stewart is the man. He is a no BS honest educated man.
A true master.
It’s a sad fact that we live in such a world of entertainment where people proudly announce that they get their news and political information from the likes of these two
Its mindless and one might say a battle of the mental midgets
Well America and the world gets what they deserve
O’Really just enjoys the bully role too much. Some think pricks are amusing. I find them distasteful at best.
Its always funny to see O’Reilly in a panic when he can’t control the interview to his liking
I still think Colbert did it better though, I’ve never seen O’Reilly so silent during an interview, because he simply didn’t know what to do, he was PWNED so badly.