
  1. jman says:


  2. LDA says:

    Not bad. Would be better if they had more lines to work with.

  3. Mr. Fu says:

    …then I was like, dude, no skateboarding and dope smoking under Sharia law? Then I was like I gonna burn me a Koran.

  4. JMRouse says:

    Whoever did this ripped off The Gregory Brothers.


    They are the group that does the Auto Tune the News clips and did the Double Rainbow and Bed Intruder songs. I could tell quickly it was not their work. Not nearly as creative sounding.

  5. Improbus says:

    Nice try but … FAIL.

  6. TThor says:

    Cool mix! Great!

  7. spsffan says:

    I had to shut it off about halfway through. How many times can you listen to the same cut up riff?

  8. Dallas says:

    Hey that was a very hot fundie dance beat. Liked it alot.

  9. Rich says:

    Thought I read Armadillo Fundies. Disappointment abounds.

  10. Dallas says:

    This skateboarder is my hero of the month.

  11. deowll says:

    #10 It figures your hero would be a thief.

    There are way to many nut cases getting way to hyper over ink stained precessed wood pulp.

    Burning trash in the park is most likely not legal for good reason. If you don’t want it recycle.

  12. Josh says:

    The song feels forced. And who cares about this Quran burning thing anyway? The only people up in arms are ones I see on TV. I work with a few Muslims and not one mentioned this at all.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’m reminded of an old commercial for Folgers Coffee Crystals, with a couple of minor changes…

    The narrator whispers, “We’ve secretly replaced this Christian Fundamentalist’s copy of the Quran with a similar-looking Bible just to see his reaction when he discovers that he’s setting fire to his own Holy Scriptures instead of the Quran.”

    Dude, you have no Quran!


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